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Yall gona try to launch A18 during Borderlands 3?


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Generally I agree, but artificially creating exclusives with a big payoff isn't healthy competition IMO. At least they are only timed exclusives so far, so as somebody who usually waits a year after release before buying a game anyway I can't get too upset about it.


They are trying to carve out a piece of the pie. You can't blame them for using what they can to grow their market share. Anytime competition grows it is better for the customers. Yes, it is annoying to have exclusive but its not like they are different platforms. It's literally just two different icons to click on your desktop.


I don't agree with this at all, supporting epic for good competition for steam is like supporting starting new wars constantly for peace.

With how epic is dealing with things, developers win, but us, players, always lose.


This is business not geopolitical conflicts. Epic is dealing with things to establish themselves in the marketplace. They are the new kid on the block and have to make exclusive deals to get new customers to start a library with their service. They will have sales and deals of the week and bundles as well that will benefit customers. It won't always be all exclusives other than their own games most likely. Is Portal 2 on Epic? Haven't checked....


Imagine if supermarkets suddenly went for "exclusive" basic products, like you can buy vegetables in X market, but bread is Y exclusive.

I can't support that "competition" and I never will.


Would Epic really gave a crap, they wouldn't go for exclusives, but for cheaper games since their cut is lower, however, despite that being used as an argument by both, developers and epic, we all know by now it was just a marketing bull♥♥♥♥ as games on epic cost as much as they were meant to cost on steam - as I have said, in that conflict player always loses.


We, the players are completely irrelevant when a big bag of cash is handed to devs, so I will voice my disagreement the only way that's being heard, by ignoring existence of epic, regardless of releases and staying on steam.


Those supermarket examples are pretty extra. Borderlands 3 doesn't equate to "vegetables" or "bread". It might equate to one type of vegetable or one brand of bread. Epic cares about establishing themselves at this point and that takes some tempting exclusive titles. They will also have other deals that are very customer friendly as well. Epic games are going to be the cheapest-- even free at times just like Valve games are the cheapest-- even free at times. 3rd Party games will have sales, deals, bundles, etc

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If you're waiting 2 - 3 years, I'm guessing it'll be an Epic free game of the week by then. ;)


I exaggerated...I usually am happy to pay for a good game once it hits $30 or less. I get tempted by No Man's Sky every time it goes 50% off but my gut tells me as soon as I pull the trigger they'll do a 70% sale...lol

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The problem is I dont want to have my games across 4 launchers, I want just 1 library. Same reason I passed on google+ when I already had facebook.


Nevertheless, Im getting bl3 on EPIC games, it's frikin borderlands. But it makes me dislike an awesome company a bit bc of the exclusives bll♥♥♥♥. Leave that crap for consoles


I felt the same way about digital movie services. We had movies across 2-3 different services thanks to using a code when buying a DVD, or purchasing off of Prime, etc. then Movies Everywhere came out and it consolidated our library into one. I bet it won't be long until a utility is available that will be able to merge your game library from whatever source. Probably already exists....

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They are trying to carve out a piece of the pie. You can't blame them for using what they can to grow their market share. Anytime competition grows it is better for the customers. Yes, it is annoying to have exclusive but its not like they are different platforms. It's literally just two different icons to click on your desktop.




This is business not geopolitical conflicts. Epic is dealing with things to establish themselves in the marketplace. They are the new kid on the block and have to make exclusive deals to get new customers to start a library with their service. They will have sales and deals of the week and bundles as well that will benefit customers. It won't always be all exclusives other than their own games most likely. Is Portal 2 on Epic? Haven't checked....




Those supermarket examples are pretty extra. Borderlands 3 doesn't equate to "vegetables" or "bread". It might equate to one type of vegetable or one brand of bread. Epic cares about establishing themselves at this point and that takes some tempting exclusive titles. They will also have other deals that are very customer friendly as well. Epic games are going to be the cheapest-- even free at times just like Valve games are the cheapest-- even free at times. 3rd Party games will have sales, deals, bundles, etc


right now though they only care about exclusive, they originally offered the dev of that game Darq an exclusivity deal through em, he turned them down since he already promised a steam version but asked them if they could have him on their store regardless and they said they weren't interested. It just feels scumy, also they still don't have a shopping cart.

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Well considering one of the devs said the game is worse than 2 (that's hard to do right there) I am gonna assume the game will be boring garbage once again. play it once and never touch it again.


That is the advantage of waiting on the Steam drop, all the reviews will be in.

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Supporting Epic will only make Steam that much better. Improvement and customer winning only comes through healthy competition.


Of course, never buy games new myself as I love a solid bargain and usually have plenty to play until the next game I want goes on the cheap. But I wouldn’t wait for BL3 if I wanted it just for It to come to Steam. In fact, I’ll buy it from Epic in 2-3 years when I’m ready to play it for the bargain I want.... ;)


Nothing against another launcher/shop. Well besides of the lazy part. It was nice as a customer when everything was on steam. But epic? No way. No effin way. That crap doesn´t come on my PC.


There is other launchers and shops. Competition is there. No need for a shop that looks suspicously like maleware and is owned by a shady chinese firm.


I am waiting for GOTY on sale as always. Can´t remember when i last bought a game at full price.

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I hate to say it, but I really did not like borderlands, I actually got bored with it and stopped playing. I was kind of upset over the general art direction going from what I wanted it to be, similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and not cartoon-like. I did have 19 hours on record of playing it so I did give it a try anyway. I also did not like Rage and I got tired with that after 2 hours. S.T.A.L.K.E.R games on the other hand I wanted to keep playing after completing the main quest.


7 Days is way more enjoyable to me and is something I already bought in 2017 so no need to plunk down $50.00 to $60.00 for any more AAA games if I just play 7 Days now. You can think of updates as an entire new game and they are free so that is a selling point in itself.


I have 851 hours and probably more after using a shortcut to the steamapps/common/7 Days to Die/ shrortcut on my desktop ever since the steam launcher gave me errors and did not open the game a couple of times.


Is A17 still going to be playable after A18 come out? I have heard you can still play A16 now and I really want to wait on starting a new game in A18 until it is a stable release.

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191 Hours into Borderlands 2. That includes beating the base game and playing through all of the DLCs. I would play through it again but I don't really like most of the characters - the only one I could stand to play was the Mechromancer. I want to play through again as little Tina :).


OTOH I have 2069 hours in 7D2D. I'm waiting to see how playable A18 is, otherwise I'm sticking with A15.2.

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I exaggerated...I usually am happy to pay for a good game once it hits $30 or less. I get tempted by No Man's Sky every time it goes 50% off but my gut tells me as soon as I pull the trigger they'll do a 70% sale...lol


I assumed it was an exaggeration, I just couldn't resist the Epic joke. I have almost pulled the trigger a few times on No Man's Sky too; but then I do the math in my head. (I like to get high sales percentages, because then I can tease my wife that I'm buying stuff only when there are really good sales.) :D

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You can't really flop an opt-in only experimental branch release. We are happy with whatever number of people choose to help test the experimental to get it ready for the actual general release that doesn't require an opt-in step which will happen in October most likely. If everyone play B3 and we only get reports from a few dozen players then that will be enough to keep the QA team busy reproducing and creating tickets.


Thanks though....for tryin.... :)



I just wonder why even take up B3 here??? Seems silly to me this game is totaly different from that game although i get what they meen, but as for 7dtd A18 exprimental release I will gladly skip B3 for this game!!! Without any doubt!!! :fat::greedy_dollars::smile-new:

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Did I miss a memo about opposite day?

Not terribly sure what you mean, I just wanted borderlands to be as gritty as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and I got anime instead. Not literally anime but the difference would be to me like a western RPG like Wizardry and a JRPG like shining force, I prefer to fight Demons and Orks, rather than cute mushrooms in other words.


This is what I mean: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/behind-borderlands-11th-hour-style-change/1100-6253257/


I guess its a matter of taste, that trailer had me exited and the game came out and I was not really liking the whole idea of it being cartoonish and after the initial rush of all of the XP points animation and interesting guns to use was over I was tired of fighting the same guys and seeing the same everything, if I remember correctly that was why I stopped playing.


I actually played and finished Bulletstorm and I enjoyed that game a lot more, which is odd because they are similar its just the difference in locations and the atmosphere was more exiting in Bulletstorm.

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I am one of those people who tried to get into stalker like 8 times and it never clicked and I just found it really dull... Until tonight because I read your post and gave it one last shot and now I'm super into it so thank you.

I am happy you got into it, no sense in a game in your Steam library sitting there collecting digital dust. Are you playing Shadow of Chernobyl or Call of Pripyat? Clear Sky was not that good but Call of Pripyat may be a little better than the original, I don't really remember Shadow of Chernobyl too much its been so long but I remember I loved playing. You need a decent PC to play Call of Pripyat and there are a lot of cool mods for them too.






I can remember the lightning at night and being afraid to walk in certain areas of the zone and trying to be very careful not to walk into a group of mutants. Also entering building and being very careful where I step was also tense and scary at night playing with headphones on. The gun battles with the bandits was also very exiting and lasted a long time due to the AI having good tactics and you have to be very tactical yourself in your approach when entering a large battle, using cover and picking the right gun for the battle. When you get the sniper rifle in the game you will really appreciate the power of it and you will be using it a lot and of course the wear on weapons is a bummer in the game but it is realistic. The game is not that great graphically but it captures the realistic feel of what it would be like if you were dumb enough to actually wander around the real Chernobyl.


I wanted Borderlands to be similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but instead it was like a comic book and I am not really into comics. Its surprising how many people love comics so I guest that statement might have offended comic book lovers. Dave Windorf from Monster Magnet likes comics which was strange to find out and so does Kevin Smith among others.

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I feel like you guys are getting in real danger of flopping this release.

If you choose to release during the same time Borderlands 3 comes out, you are gona lose ALOT of views/plays for that month...


Not tryin to be a douche or anything but I feel this should be pointed out before yall suffer more that troll hype instead of good hype. :p


you are the troll here, because why are you assuming you think u know their release date when they never said anything? you are fake news, you are by definition MAKING UP YOUR OWN SPIN on something u have NO CLUE about, i dispite people like your attitude mssg farward. why are u assuming their release gender dude? why? who hurt you? get down from that high horse kiddo.

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