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I can't create my LAN server


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Hello, everyone!


I had a LAN server with my brother and we used to play together without any problem. I was the host, so I ran the game the first so that he could join it.


Recently, I got a new computer much better than the old one and tried to create the server again, but this time it was completely impossible. As I am the host, I am the only one who can join the game; my brother can't even see the server in the list and I can't invite him either. If he tries to host, he can't invite me.

We didn't do anything different: I downloaded the game and ran it to start the server. We don't know what's going on or what to do. If I run the game from my old computer, I can play and invite him without any problem, but I can't do anything with my new computer.


I have reinstalled the game twice, I have reinstalled Steam too, I have checked the firewall settings and nothing worked. So, please, if you could help me with this issue and give some guidance, I would be extremely grateful.


Thank you very much for your time and your attention, honestly!

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My new computer is far better than the old one. I don't wanna use the old one because the gameplay was worse.


The problem is not that we can't join the server until one of us is already on, our problem is that I can't invite anyone and nobody can join my game. The server does not even show on the LAN or friends server list, but when I run it from my old computer, it does and we can play without problem.

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I don't think you understand the point of the suggestion. I use a leftover PC to host my game as well.


When you play AND host, your system is working extra hard. If you use the host only setup on your old system, it is basically just using the CPU and memory to manage your game. By hosting on your old system, it will take care of the background stuff. Your new computer can do what it does best...Giving you decent frame rates and making the game look good. Both you and your brother will be able to play attached to it instead. In regards to the reason you can't see it, it is most likely that you forgot to setup port forwarding or that it is incorrectly setup in both your system and the router.


Either way, the suggestion of hosting on your old system is also my suggestion. You'll have a much better performance all the way around for your clients. We have hosted up to 12 users on a leftover PC and everyone has great performance.

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Hosting a dedicated server and running a client from the same computer causes a lot of issues with performance as others have said. It's so not worth it.


And the reason players can't join through steam is because dedicated servers aren't loaded in Steam, allowing you to play another game while running it. And you have to make sure the ports are open for the server in your router. If it's not showing up in-game server list, it might relate to telnet settings or something. I'm no expert at this so I could be wrong... I usually just fiddle with settings till it works.


Running a dedicated server doesn't require a powerful computer... so your old machine might actually be just fine with it depending on the hardware it has. If you post the specs, maybe we could help tune it or suggest a minor hardware upgrade that could benefit the server. Like for example, running the server on any old SSD is better than running it on an hdd. Swapping out a gaming GPU for a rinky dink crappy GPU is better for heat in the case and doesn't hinder performance at all. There's also other things you can do to improve game performance like limit zombie quantity and horde night difficulty.

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Alright, guys, thank you very much for help, for real, but let's focus on just one thing: I don't want to use my old computer, I just want to play with the new one. So, the question is: what do I have to do so that my brother can join my server? We have already checked the ports and everything is fine. What else can we do?


Thanks a lot, guys.

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