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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.


One of the strongest sides of 7d2d was that it was 'minecraft that looked natural, not cubical'. And now we have those boxes.. Yes, they look good, and easier to tend to/harvest. They look appropriate for indoor growing, for greenhouses. But outdoors they look out of place (I imagine). I don't feel the need for cubical grow boxes. Can we have both?


Then again, if we have both, if the new ones are really easier to handle, will I still use the old way?

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You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.


Wow. Farming has gone from: tilling the soil, making and using fertilizer, planting the seeds and coming back to harvest later. To: Craft a box, drop it somewhere and wait. The sadness is real.

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I have to agree with my fellow Texan - animals should not be gated because I am a noob. Damage scale sure, but ignoring me because I am level 1 that should not happen. vultures are a great example. often on the MM servers we will see a noob go "Ack! there are vultures chasing me" and sure they die, its fun and we all laugh and learn.


I never saw a creeper ignore me in Minecraft because I was new and they always sneak :)


Its a couple of issues we're already fixing. Less investigate sound distance (was sharing zeds) and hopefully can get their alert sound playing better, right now they don't give an alert sound or its rare/broken. We're not removing them just removing the cheap death chances. I increased their chance to flee, they aren't zombies they have a chance flee when they are hurt.

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In A17, we could perk up to full inventory. I guess we can so in A18 too.

But we also had pocket mods for armor. Any chance that if we have perked

up our inventory to max , using pocket mods would extend the inventory

even further? In A18 or beyond.


No sorry. Its already way more than it ever was.

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You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.


Why was that changed? My guess is to free up a terrain texture.


It's a pity though, I like the more natural look of the original. How does that affect the farming lots in towns? Will the crops still grow without a planter,?

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No, Aurelius is right; MM is *finally* playing the game and is making game design decisions as a result of his playtime, the time is now, and then, so that when/if he comes up short on brass, it's in his head. Will it go into a18? No, that's been feature frozen for a month now. But who knows? 18.1? 19? 20?


If he deems it necessary.


Hell, he has waffled on food spoilage a few times now. =)


We're not adding new features but we are still tweaking and balancing stuff, and will continue after release. We're adding smelting of dukes so late game that money always useful. The way it plays now I'd cringe smelting precious dukes but again, I never bought barter perks or only 1 rank to close the deal on a vehicle when I was short.

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I'm glad you got to experience this. Many of us have had issues with this. For a lone dog, it's not as horrible, but in packs, forget it.

Later on, you can deal with it... but still feels like a cheap shot when you realize you're getting damage and turn around to see a silent pack of zombie dogs in your face.


Agreed, its bs. It happened to everyone on the team so we're like hey what can we do to make this not such a cheap death and we're trying a few things.

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Exactly what im observing on our Server too. Seeing the Logs, there are so many entries of Player XY joined, got killed 5 minutes after and leave for good.


We even made a command that gets them to their Backpack (every 30 min) and an enhanced Starting Kit.

But it seems getting killed at that young Time on the game brings a lot of players to ragequit.


See, I'm exactly the opposite. If I buy a new survival game and it hasn't been able to kill me in the first 15 or 20 minutes even though I have no idea how to play yet, I assume it's way too easy to be fun and quit. Im not talking death after death in a loop. Yeah that's no fun. But wolves aren't that numerous so I don't see that happening often in this game.

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I think on day 1 you should be very scared and cautious. I've had the experience when you start a new playthrough and your are still settled into your old build , with all it's glorious strengths, and are used to throwing caution to the wind. Then after some dumb mistakes I remember that my avatar is still a weak thing and I need to assess my environment with scrutiny. What once (in the previous build) was something that I did not need to worry about now is a real threat. I love the first few days of this game. Please don't remove the "oh crap!" moments. Please. Pretty please...with sugar on top.?


We wouldn't dream of it. We're just removing stealth ninja bear hordes from bleeding you out with zero warning. People will still die a lot of horrible deaths, but we want to lessen those cheap undeserved deaths that just make you angry because you did everything right, you looked, assessed the danger, went for it then boom your bleeding out of nowhere from invisible dog hordes.

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With all due respect, have you lost your frickin' mind? I don't want to play a zombie apocalypse game with fewer zombies. I want MORE zombies. Big mean zombies that was to eat my face. I want to live in a constant state of fear. I want to die on day 1. I want leveling my character to mean something. I want starving beasts trying to hunt me down for a taste of my blood.


Farming boxes? Are you serious? No one asked for this. No one wants this. Tilling ground and planting crops is a mechanic that actually works in this game. I've been playing for a number of years, but if you're going to change it into a Rambo shoot 'em up game with nothing to shoot and dumb down farming so it looks like you're playing Subsistence, I'm out.


You're taking something good and making it worse, not better.

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You should definitely give them some kind of real animal-like behavior - and different behavior for each animal too (since you decided to implement so many of them). For example, make dogs/dog packs walk beside you while barking at you and attack you if you start running - make cougars stalk you from a distance for a while before always attacking you if they see you, or coyotes running away and then coming back etc. Make the player react differently to each encounter.


That would be cool, we just need to get a few more parameters.

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Wait, i thought MM already said biome gamestage scaling like this wasn't fair to new players who may be travelling in the area at the same time or right after a GS 100?


Has he changed his mind on biome scaling?


I proposed random encounters which does the same thing but these guys despawn when you leave, the next guy who enters the area gets his own unique random encounter. No trail of radiated feral bears that way.

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You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.


woah..last time I tried the boxes, the hoe was still in. I haven't tried it by crafting and placing.


Sorry guys for the obsolete info!


Fun Pimps without hoes.....hmmmmm

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Exactly what im observing on our Server too. Seeing the Logs, there are so many entries of Player XY joined, got killed 5 minutes after and leave for good.


We even made a command that gets them to their Backpack (every 30 min) and an enhanced Starting Kit.

But it seems getting killed at that young Time on the game brings a lot of players to ragequit.


Yes you need to understand they are learning the game and trying to survive at the same time, not easy. You have to give them some time to learn, get some success, then challenge them. Let them outgrow that challenge, and then give new ones. Right now we've got that working pretty well except on day 1, there are some edge case BS things happening yet, so we're looking at it, trying to get more new players hooked by improving the early experience so they get hooked and want to see the late game.

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woah..last time I tried the boxes, the hoe was still in. I haven't tried it by crafting and placing.


Sorry guys for the obsolete info!


Fun Pimps without hoes.....hmmmmm


While you're looking for the hoe can bring some torches and pitchforks back with you? I think we'll need them. :-)

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Wow man. Ok. You said it all i guess. 5 zombies it is. Cant be scared of something you can faceroll. I wont get into the technical details of not having bandages, not taking advantage of the spawn free time or how it isnt hard to beat a zombie with a club.


Ill do my best to reserve judgment until I get to experience it. But honestly with less zombies in the world who even needs a junk turret. Feels like feature creep to fight an enemy you are cutting the balls off of. anyway.


When have biome zombies ever been a threat (outside of the wasteland)?

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