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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I disagree. The process of looting is much more complex than just pressing E on a box and taking what's inside. You have to gain access to the container, and all of the attributes have associated perks that help you achive that goal more efficiently, safely and quickly.



If you would like to try again, I would be happy to oblige you. :fencing:


Where did complexity come from? Neither the post of yours that I responded to nor my post mentioned complexity. You said harvesting in STR prevented miners from diversifying. I said you can say the same thing wherever you put harvesting. I’m not arguing complexity, I’m arguing that your statement doesn’t hold water and it still doesn’t.

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In before the LBD crowd think The Second Coming has started and Madmole just announced the Rapture....


Well, in Skryim with dual swords, you could do a really neat decapition in slow motion (scissor effect), so I wouldn't call that clunky. :)


NO, I don't want that kind of death cam thing for 7dtd. That's just an invitation for other zeds to eat you while you're oohing and aahhing over the pretty animation. :p


Bigger F'n Guns! That's what I want. (and yes, I mean a cannon!) heh.


Slomo death animations were a post-launch addition. For a while, it was a very odd experience to dual wield.

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In before the LBD crowd think The Second Coming has started and Madmole just announced the Rapture....


@ Madmole and People wanting off-hand torches


What about a lantern Item you were on your back? It can be crafted right from the start with a few caveats:


- It would take up your chest armor slot

- It would generate heat/heat (both kinds)

- Low light level, just enough to see about 4 feet in front of you

- Slow you down/stamina drain


Something like this - latest?cb=20131218150344


At this point, why NOT just wait for a light to put in a helmet?


Madmole gave a definitive 'no' on the torch subject.

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One of my favorite things about early A6 was salvaging blocks from one building to finish off another building in the wasteland city. Is your idea only for decorative blocks and we 'paint' the building type block or will there be some prefab blocks we just wont have access to without admin modes?


I can't say until we get a finished design but the idea was select deco that players can't craft would be collectable. Then we could even riff off of this and get random quests, from a trader where he says we have some settlements that are in dire need of some entertainment and need this list of supplies for a new settlement pub or whatever, and its a list randomly generated like:

10 barstools

2 pool tables

20 beer

Industrial coffee maker


Then you have to find/craft this list of stuff and turn it in.

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@ Madmole and People wanting off-hand torches


What about a lantern Item you were on your back? It can be crafted right from the start with a few caveats:


- It would take up your chest armor slot

- It would generate heat/heat (both kinds)

- Low light level, just enough to see about 4 feet in front of you

- Slow you down/stamina drain


Something like this - latest?cb=20131218150344


The intent is great, but as I mentioned we have helmet lights and gun flashlights, we don't need yet another interim upgrade added to the upgrade path to personal lighting.

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One of my favorite things about early A6 was salvaging blocks from one building to finish off another building in the wasteland city. Is your idea only for decorative blocks and we 'paint' the building type block or will there be some prefab blocks we just wont have access to without admin modes?


I agree with you completely! I used to repair the partially destroyed buildings using blocks from other buildings, cut weeds, plant trees, add furniture & lights, just making the dead look alive. Loads of fun, many many hours of work but I think it was worth it.

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No that part was cool but would be difficult to do in a MP game. What was clunk about it was that lets say you have a dual wielding character and you hotkeyed your sword to 1 and a dagger to 2. If you press 1 your sword appears in your right hand, if you press 2 it was replaced by the dagger. So you have to manually grab the dagger to your left hand by rmb. Now great both are equipped and you can do some cool stuff. If you use a healing spell (hotkeyed to 5 etc) the left hand swaps dagger for heal spell and you heal, but when you press 2 to grab your dagger back, it replaces your sword with the dagger. So you couldn't really do it without a bunch of clunky menu use every time. What they should have done was remember what hand you had it bound to, but then they might need to make some unbind thing. I'm guessing someone hacked it in late in development and it was so cool they kept it, but couldn't overcome that one problem with it in time.


OOO for Oblivion mod (I worked with Jorge on one of my mods actually, cool dude works at Obsidian last I heard) made it so the torch would drop on the ground when you drew a dagger so at least you could see to fight. Something like that might make for a decent mod. Right now you can just right click it though and place it, so its kind of the same, it is a managable sitation IMO.


umm... They sorta fixed it. (could have been a mod..) press 1 when they are favorited, and the pair of them show up.

Swap to bow, and both are gone, bow in hand. press 1 again, and both swords show up.


Damn, I'm gonna have to play that again soon and check. (I really do like that scissor decap shot though) :)


Yes, the default menus sucked bigtime. Must have been a UI mod that fixed it (and the stupid menus)


Killcams in MP would be... well, no. Just no. (except yer own death, then so what? yer dead. watch it again) :D


Sometimes I think that company's UI is a great "how NOT to do it" guide. heh.

(Civ is another one lately) umf.


Back to the game that counts here, dual wielding would require a lot of code changes to make work.

Would it be worth it? IMHO, not at this time. Get gold first, then put it in the pie in the sky wishlist for a dlc kinda thing. maybe.

(take bribes. massive bribes.)


Just get 18 into our (my) hands. :)



if zeds ragdoll in 18, I wonder if a drop pit would work again? hrmm. only one way to find out!

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The intent is great, but as I mentioned we have helmet lights and gun flashlights, we don't need yet another interim upgrade added to the upgrade path to personal lighting.


Lantern onna stik would be hilarious. They forget about shadows though. (could be an amusing halloween gag at somepoint though)



(although, could also do a mask with a rudolph nose that lights up in red. may annoy the zeds tho...)


lantern on a stik. chuckle. Zerg on a stick now... :D (got one stashed still)

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Will flamethrower traps ever be a thing? I remember many moons ago a concept art thing being shown but it never working out for some reason. just curious if it will ever be made real or if it's just dead is dead


I believe they were having performance issues with it. So maybe when we get some more performance gains.

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You just ignored the bulk of my post and focused on "mods" for vehicles, which is confusing because it's the physical size of the 4x4 that causes it to not fit through the GARAGE door.


Meh. The garage door was in the game long before the 4x4 so...

Minor issue really. If they dont add a 5 wide door for the 4x4 a modder will eventually (if they havent already)


Also how does that change how they like to destroy ramp pieces like those on a bridge when driving over them, or how they stall out on the standard ramp?


Colliders have to cover parts of the vehicle that players expect to be able to hit zombies with, including the front bumper.

These same colliders are also part of the physics system and determine weight distribution of the vehicle.

You can do lots of cool things with vehicles and colliders ;)


When said collider interact with blocks/terrain, they get destroyed. Its no different than you hitting terrain/object with a pickaxe/shotgun etc. Damage is damage.


The ideal solution is flat bridges, but will still not solve the ramp issue (for the 4x4) unless its a very shallow ramp.

Elevators seem like a better solution for underground bases and vehicles transition imo.


So for the 4x4 you can have it behave as you would expect with the front bumper cleaning up whatever it hits (as low as it is),

or they can raise the colliders some but then you will not get what most players expect from the object. (will just clip through zombies/terrain below said collider)


Which do you want?

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Yes, to me I get that feeling I had IRL going from rags to riches all over again by turning an impossible situation into a life of luxury by buidling an epic fort with non functional nor needed luxuries. Like building pools and fancy fireplaces and tables / chairs, carpets, granite countertops on nice cupboards, fancy beds, etc just is a big finger to the zombie apocalypse that feels rewarding later game. I'm not just surviving, I'm thriving.


I'm pushing to get collectable objects in instead of all this nonsense crafting for 19+. Hold R for a radial menu, then get a take timer on coffee pots, microwaves, fridges etc. If you want a fancy bar with red barstools, you find them in the wasteland and collect them one by one. The timer is so you can't just delete a level designer barricade in 3 seconds or grab a couch for instant cover.


In fallout 4 I built a highway mega base that had modded elevators to get to it, and it had all the neon lights of a bar, swimming pool, restrooms showers, dance floor etc. It was like 100 hours down the toilet but it was cool AF. I used the OCD decorator mod where you collect the actual pieces and can place them as statics so they don't fall over etc. I think it felt rewarding collecting stuff versus just crafting everything. I wanted nice shiny plates so I had to find them most plates in the game were filthy. I feel like 7 days players could have a feather in their cap for building a cooler base this way and expose more models for use if they were collected decorations rather than just craft them.


This sounds amazing. In A16 I built several underground bunkers that had several bedrooms, kitchen, multiple bathrooms, Living room with a storage vault. I have missed a bunch of the furniture we could build just for astetics. I have been sticking with stilt towers with multiple levels and a rooftop garden so far in A17. I enjoy the building aspects of the game the most and love to decorate my base as a luxury home not just a base to hide in.

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Occlusion is working? Is there decent gains with it?


The general consensus is, yes. There are situations where its probably breaking even, could even be slower (unlikely) but others where its clearly working (Im in my fort getting, mining, inside a well sealed up POI and getting 60 fps)


This combined with the incremental garbage collector has 18 feeling significantly smoother. The level design guys are optimizing POIs which will be the next big return.

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Where did complexity come from? Neither the post of yours that I responded to nor my post mentioned complexity. You said harvesting in STR prevented miners from diversifying. I said you can say the same thing wherever you put harvesting. I’m not arguing complexity, I’m arguing that your statement doesn’t hold water and it still doesn’t.


So you're saying that moving Miner69er and Mother Lode to another perk category won't help any balance problems?

I agree :smile-new:


It sounded like you were trying to conflate the role of lucky looter and salvage operations in looting to the role of miner69er and mother lode in building.

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The general consensus is, yes. There are situations where its probably breaking even, could even be slower (unlikely) but others where its clearly working (Im in my fort getting, mining, inside a well sealed up POI and getting 60 fps)


This combined with the incremental garbage collector has 18 feeling significantly smoother. The level design guys are optimizing POIs which will be the next big return.


Wow! Great news! I'm happy to know that.


Maybe you could showcase your new occlusion system for voxel worlds in a video, it would be super interesting.

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So you're saying that moving Miner69er and Mother Lode to another perk category won't help any balance problems?

I agree :smile-new:


It sounded like you were trying to conflate the role of lucky looter and salvage operations in looting to the role of miner69er and mother lode in building.


You really should read my post carefully. Since the perk system was completely re-done, I don’t even know if miner or motherlode are still perks. I’m not arguing for anything since I found out it’s completely redesigned. I made my issues known with A17 perks in another thread and they had nothing to do with strength and mm has said that was being dealt with. You said harvesting in STR prevents miners from diversifying. The point I made is that it could be said for each perk category if harvesting was in another perk category. I used looters as an example but it applies to all the perk categories. If harvesting doesn’t go in STR, where would you put it and then what perk from that category would you move to STR? The number of perks in each category are equal so if you move harvesting out, you have to put something in its place. TFP decided, from all the available perks, harvesting is the best choice for STR from the available options and keeping perk numbers

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Right, I'm not real keen on the idea. There are lots of intersting mod ideas, like extra seats, storage, paint, more torque uphill, Armor, gas performance, etc.




Can we add this:







I mean, the rocket pack (cant remember exactly what it was called) is a BLAST to play around with.

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I start with a tower, then a keep, then etc etc because if your tower is overrun you have nowhere to go. A tower is easier to defend but if you fail you have no fallback option.


Crazy talk. you have the absolute best place to fall back on - UP. Iron bar ceilings are in zed nightmares :D


- - - Updated - - -


No, unmined surfaces are just a top mesh of triangles with nothing underneath. Occlusion is working now, and when you are deep enough in a mine you aren't rendering anything in the world above you now.

That would mean that mining deep no longer has to worry about diggers. How deep is deep enough?


- - - Updated - - -


Why does "home" have to equal "horde base"? You can have it all by building a nice aesthetically pleasing home that you live in 6 days of the week...


That cheapens the base for me. It is a cheap tactic IMHO to put all of your crap in a magically invulnerable location just because you are 50 feet away in a sea of spikes. I want them combined no matter how much more difficult that makes my defense.


That is just me of course - not saying anyone else should operate under such a silly restriction :D

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You said harvesting in STR prevents miners from diversifying.

I said it discouraged builders from diversifying. The distinction is really significant.


The point I made is that it could be said for each perk category if harvesting was in another perk category. I used looters as an example but it applies to all the perk categories. If harvesting doesn’t go in STR, where would you put it and then what perk from that category would you move to STR? The number of perks in each category are equal so if you move harvesting out, you have to put something in its place. TFP decided, from all the available perks, harvesting is the best choice for STR from the available options and keeping perk numbers


I agree that strength is the best place for the harvesting perks. My personal solution is not to move the STR harvesting perks, or remove them, but to give each attribute a perk(s) that also helps with the process of building somehow to balance out the harvesting perks. Something like better SI, less heat generation, stronger walls, new defenses with some special gimmick, faster construction.

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