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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Its just hard to tell in a forum at least drop a smiley or something so we know. Otherwise it can come off as insulting.


I love insult based humor, we grew up burning each other at every opportunity and we're all in our 50's and some nearing 60 and it hasn't stopped or even slowed down.


The new saying I made up is Rick hadn't played in a long time and was making some bad decisions and got rekt a bunch of times. Now I said "don't get ricked (ryhmes with rekt)" and was LOL'ing about it. Oh what happened? He got ricked lol. :)

You have no idea how hard it is to swear at You through a translator :D

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Well, in Skryim with dual swords, you could do a really neat decapition in slow motion (scissor effect), so I wouldn't call that clunky. :)


NO, I don't want that kind of death cam thing for 7dtd. That's just an invitation for other zeds to eat you while you're oohing and aahhing over the pretty animation. :p


Bigger F'n Guns! That's what I want. (and yes, I mean a cannon!) heh.


No that part was cool but would be difficult to do in a MP game. What was clunk about it was that lets say you have a dual wielding character and you hotkeyed your sword to 1 and a dagger to 2. If you press 1 your sword appears in your right hand, if you press 2 it was replaced by the dagger. So you have to manually grab the dagger to your left hand by rmb. Now great both are equipped and you can do some cool stuff. If you use a healing spell (hotkeyed to 5 etc) the left hand swaps dagger for heal spell and you heal, but when you press 2 to grab your dagger back, it replaces your sword with the dagger. So you couldn't really do it without a bunch of clunky menu use every time. What they should have done was remember what hand you had it bound to, but then they might need to make some unbind thing. I'm guessing someone hacked it in late in development and it was so cool they kept it, but couldn't overcome that one problem with it in time.


OOO for Oblivion mod (I worked with Jorge on one of my mods actually, cool dude works at Obsidian last I heard) made it so the torch would drop on the ground when you drew a dagger so at least you could see to fight. Something like that might make for a decent mod. Right now you can just right click it though and place it, so its kind of the same, it is a managable sitation IMO.

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Zombies might be. But i find it much more pleasing to return to nice house with garden and thicc outer walls than to a stupid tower. Unless the tower is part of the house. I saw your castle, MM, you should know what i mean :p







Yes, to me I get that feeling I had IRL going from rags to riches all over again by turning an impossible situation into a life of luxury by buidling an epic fort with non functional nor needed luxuries. Like building pools and fancy fireplaces and tables / chairs, carpets, granite countertops on nice cupboards, fancy beds, etc just is a big finger to the zombie apocalypse that feels rewarding later game. I'm not just surviving, I'm thriving.


I'm pushing to get collectable objects in instead of all this nonsense crafting for 19+. Hold R for a radial menu, then get a take timer on coffee pots, microwaves, fridges etc. If you want a fancy bar with red barstools, you find them in the wasteland and collect them one by one. The timer is so you can't just delete a level designer barricade in 3 seconds or grab a couch for instant cover.


In fallout 4 I built a highway mega base that had modded elevators to get to it, and it had all the neon lights of a bar, swimming pool, restrooms showers, dance floor etc. It was like 100 hours down the toilet but it was cool AF. I used the OCD decorator mod where you collect the actual pieces and can place them as statics so they don't fall over etc. I think it felt rewarding collecting stuff versus just crafting everything. I wanted nice shiny plates so I had to find them most plates in the game were filthy. I feel like 7 days players could have a feather in their cap for building a cooler base this way and expose more models for use if they were collected decorations rather than just craft them.

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I've made these decisions myself, still do. I know the difficulties.


Fair enough if you haven't got the resources available for it. It's a popular mechanic though. Maybe the extra work will be worth it later down the line, maybe not. :-)


Yeah what might seem pretty good at the time can become an eyesore or glaring issue later when all the pieces are in place. We're trying to do finished features these days so we don't waste time on an 80% optimal but easier solution that will still feel kind of crappy later. Its not impossible, its just that we don't want to be in alpha for 20 years and some ideas are better suited towards the next game, but sometimes they start to become a must have now kind of thing.

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It does not ask for "unconditional implementation" - he proposes the idea, and wondered whether it is possible to implement it.

You gave an adequate reason why it is difficult to perform - and the question was clarified.


That's all.

Thank You.


Typically if I give a short no or brief answer people keep grinding on and on, so I expound the problem in detail so they know why.

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Why does "home" have to equal "horde base"? You can have it all by building a nice aesthetically pleasing home that you live in 6 days of the week...


Or its connected via tunnel or bridge so you can fall back to tower b or main base, etc, which is what I do.

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My man!


You and me both, glad to see you snatched the Phantasm reference. Huge Mopar enthusiast myself, not exactly a Hemi Cuda, but I've been showing a custom 16 Challenger I built for the last 2 years.


Thanks for clarifying my question, I do really enjoy the scavenging and the excitement you get from walking into a POI and hoping to get some High Quality loot, it really makes me sad once I've loaded up on everything and have no recourse really but to restart the game.


How's about another question here then, will we get any work in progress Video's or pictures of the Kamikaze Zombie that you have planned for A18? Going along with my previous question I really think some more enemy variety is great, as of now Rad Zombies and Ferals only get so hard when you've established your empire, one of the reasons I was really sad to see the Behemoth dropped initially, was looking forward to the added difficulty complexity he would bring.

Yes I plan on doing videos to show everything. There is a lot to talk about so I'm sure I'll get you guys one this week barring any recording difficulties, I haven't made a vid in a long time and it seems like stuff randomly breaks (geforce updates).

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That's what the people of Alexandria, and Hill Top, and the Dump People, and the Saviors, and the Wolves, and the....pretty much anyone who ever interacted with Rick Grimes also say..."Don't get Ricked"


True lol.

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Yes I plan on doing videos to show everything. There is a lot to talk about so I'm sure I'll get you guys one this week barring any recording difficulties, I haven't made a vid in a long time and it seems like stuff randomly breaks (geforce updates).


Personally, I would love to see more content in your Youtube channel (let's play, game design, diets and exercises, etc) but I know you're probably too busy to do it...but a man can dream. :p


- - - Updated - - -


Yeah their animations look so amazing.




- - - Updated - - -


Proves my point even more, thanks


No problem, btw, i don't know if you got my post right. I'm on your side.

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If you want a fancy bar with red barstools, you find them in the wasteland and collect them one by one.



One of my favorite things about early A6 was salvaging blocks from one building to finish off another building in the wasteland city. Is your idea only for decorative blocks and we 'paint' the building type block or will there be some prefab blocks we just wont have access to without admin modes?

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@ Madmole and People wanting off-hand torches


What about a lantern Item you were on your back? It can be crafted right from the start with a few caveats:


- It would take up your chest armor slot

- It would generate heat/heat (both kinds)

- Low light level, just enough to see about 4 feet in front of you

- Slow you down/stamina drain


Something like this - latest?cb=20131218150344

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Food and light management mini games do not excite me. 1, Balance, 2, They produce some heat map so there is incentive to get rid of them. There is a mining book you find that lets you craft lanterns.


I see. While I somewhat like the concept of spoilage and torch degradation timers, I understand the amount of time that will be needed for such stuff to become good stuff and in reality they don't add BIG gameplay. It would also affect performance to have hundreds of timers everywhere and torchs already have the heatmap thingy.


I suggested it partly because of the amount of decorative items virtually focused on that (absent) spoilage task with no real value. I mean: do we really need ovens, fridges, coolers?, but then again, when NPCs are a thing, we DO need those things for the sake of cohesion/coherence/colagen/cohort/etc.


Thanks for the honest answer!

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A17 was released in december.

Remind me, how many months ago that was?


Calm down. 18 didn't really start full team until a few months ago most were fixing 17 bugs and doing optimizations. 18 has 10x the content 17 did in way less time. It won't be a year. If important things come up that need patching, we're going to patch. It would be irresponsible to not patch, no matter what the state of A18 was.


If A18 comes out after December 2019 then we'll talk.

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