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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.0 & Multiple Languages


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2 hours ago, lordconnir said:

 Tier 5 : Kill 1000 Zombies. This is the Elite level of citizenship. This is started as a Tier 5 Trader quest. Reward: +White River Elite Citizenship Card-         

this quest is not showing up at all on any of the traders 



And just to confirm, you have achieved Tier 5 Trader quests and have worked through a few to cycle the quests available on the Trader?


Admittedly, I have not yet achieved Tier 5 on my test server, which is partly why I released this as release candidate. With that said, I did double check the coding again and it looks correct. When the Trader offers you he Tier 5 quests though, there are a pool of them and they are offered to you randomly. So there is a chance you may have to do a couple quests and let the pool refresh before it will show up.

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On 2022/1/12 at PM11點11分, Covertdog said:

你好。所以我在獲取  Amelia's Gyrocopter 的地圖時遇到了問題。當我去找交易者時,它會選擇它作為獎勵,但由於它是唯一的獎勵,而且我有選擇兩個獎勵的特權,它不會讓我只得到一個。 


open  quests.xml



            <reward type="Item" id="questitem_toc_amelia1map_name" ischosen="true" value="1" />




            <reward type="Item" id="questitem_toc_amelia1map_name"  value="1" />

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And just to confirm, you have achieved Tier 5 Trader quests and have worked through a few to cycle the quests available on the Trader?


Yes, I have completed 9 T5 trader quests and also received the final quest reward where the trader says there are no higher level quests available and I still have only ever received the Green Citizen Card and the Blue Veteran Citizen Card.  I still have never received a kill 1000 Zombie quest nor have I received a Purple Elite Citizen Quest.  I'll keep running missions, but I am running out of missions on the Trader (even when resetting the quests to get more).  Has anyone ever received the kill 1000 zombie quest or a purple elite citizen card? Not spawning it in of course.

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12 minutes ago, raymondbarberjr said:

And just to confirm, you have achieved Tier 5 Trader quests and have worked through a few to cycle the quests available on the Trader?


Yes, I have completed 9 T5 trader quests and also received the final quest reward where the trader says there are no higher level quests available and I still have only ever received the Green Citizen Card and the Blue Veteran Citizen Card.  I still have never received a kill 1000 Zombie quest nor have I received a Purple Elite Citizen Quest.  I'll keep running missions, but I am running out of missions on the Trader (even when resetting the quests to get more).  Has anyone ever received the kill 1000 zombie quest or a purple elite citizen card? Not spawning it in of course.

 If it matters, I am using the Single Modlet (One modlet that contains all quests.)

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9 hours ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

Not sure on this one. Looks like a problem with the MiniQuestBulletinBoard.. I'm happy to check out compatibility with it if you could link me to where you downloaded it.


I've got bugfix put in for Amelia's map reward offering (was simple fix). Found bug with Deschain's quest too where the player *sometimes* would not receive the actual gun.. which is a real bummer after spending the time to collect all the books.


Only time player progress gets reset is if there is a change to progression.xml, which I don't *believe* there is between last bugfixes.. but as stated on the first page, I would always strongly suggest that you take backup of your savegame data... just in case!


Aeyvi and I have been hard at work writing up quest text and designing the Dwarven Forge quest, which is going to be the most epic quest in the pack. Lots and lots of goodies are being packed into this one. I just know ya'll are going to love this one! Side-effect is its probably going to take some time to get this one fully written and tested.


Will look at publishing another bugfix release soon.

White River – Isn't it a Tools of Citizenship error?
I'm sorry.
It seems that the difficulty of finding out which mod is increasing.

Can I download the newly modified file from here?

Apart from that, there are also image errors.
Error in "Elite Quest to obtain the Spirit of Vengeance Hell Beast".
Is this error a known one? 


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@chikuwa I am not familiar with what would generate an error listing MiniQuestBulletinBoard. If I had to guess, you may have another modlet installed that offers quests via a bulletin board? Again, if you can link me to that modlet, I'm happy to take a look at compatibility between this pack and that modlet. I did find that somehow some code got reverted for Spirit of Vengeance and caused it not to work. This is fixed in the newest version A20_1.0i_rc2, which you can download from page 1 of this thread. The newest version is always listed on the first page of this thread. The 7daystodiemods.com is an excellent site, but doesn't always have the absolute newest version linked.


BUGFIX release candidate 2: (can be downloaded from the first post on page 1 of this thread)

  • Fix for Amelia's quest not offering enough reward options. Set Amelia's map as guaranteed reward. Tested with max. Daring Adventurer.
  • Fix for Deschain's Revolver quest not actually dropping the gun sometimes. This was conflict with Spirit of Vengeance quest.
  • Revert fix for Spirit of Vengeance quest that was previously fixed and somehow had its code reverted back to a state where it was broken again
  • Fix for 1000z Tier 5 quest not actually showing up in the list of the Trader's Tier 5 quests
  • Removed Elite crate, as I apparently missed removing it previously
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12 minutes ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

@chikuwa私はミニクエスト掲示板の一覧エラーを生成するものに精通していません。私が推測する必要がある場合は、掲示板を介してクエストを提供する別のモドレットがインストールされている可能性がありますか?繰り返しますが、あなたがそのモッレに私をリンクすることができるなら、私はこのパックとそのモドレットの間の互換性を見て幸せです。私は何とかいくつかのコードが復讐の精神のために戻って、それが動作しないことを引き起こしたことを発見しました。これは最新バージョンA20_1.0i_rc2 で修正され、このスレッドの 1 ページ目からダウンロードできます。最新バージョンは、常にこのスレッドの最初のページに表示されます。7daystodiemods.com は優れたサイトですが、常に最新のバージョンがリンクされているわけではありません。


BUGFIX リリース候補 2: (このスレッドの 1 ページ目の最初の投稿からダウンロードできます)

  • アメリアのクエストは十分な報酬オプションを提供していない修正。アメリアの地図を保証された報酬として設定します。最大でテスト. 大胆な冒険。
  • デスチェインのリボルバークエストを修正し、実際には時々銃を落とさない。これは復讐の精神クエストと矛盾していました。
  • 以前に修正され、何とかコードが再び壊れた状態に戻された復讐の探求の精神の修正を元に戻す
  • 1000z Tier 5クエストの修正は、実際にはトレーダーのティア5クエストのリストに表示されません
  • 私は明らかに以前にそれを削除し忘れたように、エリートクレートを削除しました

No other mod has a quest.
I checked everything, but the quest xml doesn't exist.
It's mysterious. 

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I absolutely love this mod, thank you so much! :) 

I have a question about the Bear Grylls claws quest. We keep getting killed by the bears. Is there a way to restart the quest? The only route we've found is to remove the quest, go back to the trader with fingers crossed that they have the kill 10 zed quest available again, possibly have to run more quests until that one comes available again, do the 10 zed quest, and then finally get to restart the claws quest. It's a little convoluted, lol. Any help? Or is that just our punishment for failing? ;) 

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3 hours ago, Aggeloi said:

I absolutely love this mod, thank you so much! :) 

I have a question about the Bear Grylls claws quest. We keep getting killed by the bears. Is there a way to restart the quest? The only route we've found is to remove the quest, go back to the trader with fingers crossed that they have the kill 10 zed quest available again, possibly have to run more quests until that one comes available again, do the 10 zed quest, and then finally get to restart the claws quest. It's a little convoluted, lol. Any help? Or is that just our punishment for failing? ;) 


So glad you enjoy it and stopped by to say so. :)


I'm not aware of any vanilla quest that allows you a re-do on the quest if you die. :) It requires going back through obtaining a new card and trying again. I would suggest building a defensible structure on your next attempt. Most of the initial quests in the back give out some concrete blocks as a reward. You might consider doing one or two of the other quests first, then take on the Bear Grylls one. As reminder, when you successfully complete a Tier 1 ToC quest, you are given your citizenship card back.


This specific one was requested and was designed with the help of @SteamM0nkey due to his gf being knuckle-crazy and wanting a challenge. He might be able to offer some other tips.

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34 minutes ago, Anarchysun85 said:

Hello. We just updated the mod on our server and a few hiccups happened. Like the Auger isn't working. Also a players character was reverted back to level 1. 


Confirmed bug on both Rick Danger Augers. I'm a bit confused on this as I haven't made a change to this in over 7 days. But I'm on it now and looking at what might cause it. Once I get it fixed, I'll have to publish another bugfix release. After I mentioned this to my wife right before I retested it she tells me she did encounter it but thought it was her and didn't think to mention it to me. So sorry about that and all the bugs everyone! It's been a particularly rough transition from A19->A20. Things should smooth out once we are past these release candidates.


If only one player was reverted back to level 1, that is more likely related to the game itself than the modlet. There is only one quest in the pack that has a progression.xml, Kuva's Armor.. and I haven't modified anything in this file in 11 months. If it was the modlet itself, all players would have reset to level 1. The one exception to this is if you switched between combined and expanded versions of this modlet (the two different download links), that WOULD cause all players' progress to reset. So make sure you pick one and stick with it!

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, ShoudenKalferas said:


So glad you enjoy it and stopped by to say so. :)


I'm not aware of any vanilla quest that allows you a re-do on the quest if you die. :) It requires going back through obtaining a new card and trying again. I would suggest building a defensible structure on your next attempt. Most of the initial quests in the back give out some concrete blocks as a reward. You might consider doing one or two of the other quests first, then take on the Bear Grylls one. As reminder, when you successfully complete a Tier 1 ToC quest, you are given your citizenship card back.


This specific one was requested and was designed with the help of @SteamM0nkey due to his gf being knuckle-crazy and wanting a challenge. He might be able to offer some other tips.

Makes perfect sense :) Thanks for responding so quickly, and thanks again for the terrific mod! I really enjoy playing it. 

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I just tested (again) both the combined and non-combined versions of the mod, with new augers pulled out of creative mode, and on a live server where an auger already existed previously... and in all cases it worked. But considering both of you are reporting the same thing. The only other thing I can think, that I'm working through testing now is perhaps you obtained the Auger with version A20_1.0i installed (which had the Auger broke) and the bad code is somehow still attached to that specific item? I'm doing regression testing now to pull an auger out of creative with A20_1.0i and then upgrade to A20_1.0j and see if I can reproduce the problem.

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Non-Combined/Independent Modlets: A20_1.0i (pull augers out of creative, augers broke) -> A20_1.0j (augers work)
Combined: A20_1.0i (pull augers out of creative, augers broke) -> A20_1.0j (augers work)


Are ya'll sure you used the download links on the first page of this thread to download A20_1.0j_rc3 ??

If you look at the ModInfo.xml of either the main modlet (if combined) or of Rick Danger's quest, you should see:

<Version value="A20_1.0j" />


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10 minutes ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

I just tested (again) both the combined and non-combined versions of the mod, with new augers pulled out of creative mode, and on a live server where an auger already existed previously... and in all cases it worked. But considering both of you are reporting the same thing. The only other thing I can think, that I'm working through testing now is perhaps you obtained the Auger with version A20_1.0i installed (which had the Auger broke) and the bad code is somehow still attached to that specific item? I'm doing regression testing now to pull an auger out of creative with A20_1.0i and then upgrade to A20_1.0j and see if I can reproduce the problem.

I think the problem is that the links on the Mod Page are not updated.  Everytime I try downloading the newest version I get a version that shows last modified 1/16/22.  https://7daystodiemods.com/white-river-tools-of-citizenship/


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1 minute ago, raymondbarberjr said:

I think the problem is that the links on the Mod Page are not updated.  Everytime I try downloading the newest version I get a version that shows last modified 1/16/22.  https://7daystodiemods.com/white-river-tools-of-citizenship/



This site (7daystodiemods.com) is an excellent site, but it is manually updated by a human, as best as I can tell. It's run by a 3rd party. If you want the newest version, you should always look to the first page in this forum thread. Please try downloading the mod from the download link on the first post in this thread.

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Hi! Great mod! But I found a small SFX bug, specifically for Leon's SMG with silencer mod. I think it uses an old sfx? 

Currently it uses



But upon checking on the game's original files, SMGs uses the following SFX


Other than that, all works great

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The mod is working great, but I recently noticed two things that recently came to light.  First, while still only doing T4 missions, I completed the Deschain's Revolver quest and as part of the reward, I got the Hellbeast Quest starter.  This is an Elite Tier mission and yet I was given the quest starter without being an Elite Level Citizen.  Secondly, when I went with a group of friends to defeat the Demon, and we killed it, I did not get the quest completion upon the Juggernaut being killed.  We were all grouped but I did not get any credit so I had to abandon the quest.  Do I have to be the one to kill the demon?   Just two items I wanted to bring up.  If these are as intended than please disregard.

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It is intended to get Hellbeast Quest at completion of Deschain's Revolver quest as the gun is intended and tuned to be used to help kill the beast.


As far as being grouped and killing the Juggernaut, I'll have to double check that one for a bug. I believe that should have been sufficient, so will have to check this on my test server to make sure its working properly. Will get back to you on this one.

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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