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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.0 & Multiple Languages


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『Spirit of Vegence Mod の buffs.xml で、onSelfRangedBurstShot を 20.6 の onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd  change to』

It was different.


(I don't use it now)
I want to use citizenship mod,
If you could let me know what was fixed
I am very happy.


9 hours ago, Dagger Digwillow said:

この MOD がアップデートされる可能性はありますか? 20.7 で使用しようとすると、ロード中にコンソールに 

Burstfire エラーというエラー メッセージ

が表示されます。 更新: 多くの試行錯誤の結果、問題はこの MOD の復讐の精神部分に関連していることがわかりました。個別のモジュールレットをダウンロードしてそのモジュールを削除すると、問題が解決したようです。


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On 5/14/2023 at 11:51 PM, a_jp said:

『Spirit of Vegence Mod の buffs.xml で、onSelfRangedBurstShot を 20.6 の onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd  change to』

It was different.


(I don't use it now)
I want to use citizenship mod,
If you could let me know what was fixed
I am very happy.



Download the mods separately. They all download together in one zip file but when you extract it they will all be separate. Look for the mod "Vengeful Spirit" Move that to another folder out of the mods folder or just delete it. The rest should work normally. 

Edited by Dagger Digwillow (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
7 minutes ago, Ratbertt said:


Will this be updated for a21?  I have not tried to run it on our experimental server yet to see what all needs work.  I know the entityclass and entitygroup files for sure likely need fixed.  


Hi Ratbertt. It's been quite a while since ShoudenKalferas has visited (about 18 months or so) and there sure is a fair chunk to update. In fact, some A20 things are still pending from a change made mid Alpha. Things like ZombieKill or AnimalKill also need to be updated to EntityKill to ensure they are recognised and viable for the Quests as this covers quite a lot of them. A few community members have posted fixes here and there during these 18 months but it will need that comprehensive update. If you were to start looking at what needs updating, it would probably be doing ShoudenKalferas a huge service if he's been out of the mod for a while.

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Sounds good.  I have finished updating all my mods for our servers we use.  So I'll get this on my to-do list to tackle.  If anyone knows how to find ShoudenKalferas that would be awesome.  I'll continue trying to find em as well.  Would love to post it back on 7 days mod site for a21

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I sent a short message as we have a small dialogue going (linked to one of the modules for Forge Dwarves) just to see if he is able to check in. It looks like the UMA zombie NPC is no longer viable unless it's been renamed or moved elsewhere, but even these can be overhauled with a default entity.

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Yeah my mods had some UMA stuff too :( I haven't seen a work around.  I've "heard" of things to come but I can't say what the replacement is with any facts.  The first thing I thought of in whiteriver mod was the jug lol.  

Thank you very much sir for your time!

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  • 1 month later...

ShoudenKalferas hasn't responded to messages or checked in for a long time. This was done out of courtesy and to check intention for the future.

Since it is all Server Side Only xml assets, updating to work with A21 and sharing here doesn't seem unreasonable if you have already started. When ShodenKalferas is able to return, it's possible to continue from where things left off. It will allow discussion and collaboration until then.

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>Long term no response

It all boils down to
"It can be improved"?
・In fact, I had to change one line at A20, but
There was no response or update from the author.
Then came the A21.

Does it seem futile to expect a reaction anymore?

and the improvement is
Is it "someone running"?

5 hours ago, arramus said:

ShoudenKalferas hasn't responded to messages or checked in for a long time. This was done out of courtesy and to check intention for the future.

Since it is all Server Side Only xml assets, updating to work with A21 and sharing here doesn't seem unreasonable if you have already started. When ShodenKalferas is able to return, it's possible to continue from where things left off. It will allow discussion and collaboration until then.



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All right, we are done to revise files. I confirmed there are no errors and warnings but not 100% tested. Please join our Discord to report bugs or future requests and more. Thanks, 

Download from Github


Project Name: WhiteRiverToC_Rebuilt
This project is for rebuilding "WhiteRiverToC" mod. This mod has been stopped update on A20.5 that is no compatible with A21.

Revised some xml to remove errors and warnings.
*Please note: We did look all of them carefully so we will fix and add contents for future updates. Please join our Discord to share your ideas.

Join our projects
1. Join Discord
2. Choose your language in Welcome channel
3. Hit "WhiteRiverToC_Rebuilded" button in Join_project channel.
4. Feel free discussion in Tasks channel.  

# Links
Discord for support
Github for latest updates

Edited by 7DaystoDie.JP
Revised download link. (see edit history)
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Since download links have been provided directly in this thread, I am posting here to ensure other players/server admin, and the original creator, if they read this thread, are aware of the current progress and considerations.


I won't be joining the Project through Discord, but will provide a little feedback and some pointers to consider directly here:


1. There are currently 41 load out errors. These are related to AssetBundle and just require updated pathing. I am sharing this here to save any pain for players that are downloading directly from the link provided because they will inevitably post here with bug reports.

For example:


<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Knives/machetePrefab.prefab"/>


has been updated to:


<property name="Meshfile" value="@:Other/Items/Weapons/Melee/Knives/machetePrefab.prefab"/>


This appears to be something to assist Xbox users.


This will change (bb code is not embedding appropriately):






Fortunately, the log will give some hints on this such as Items or Vehicles. However, it will require manually searching as well.


2. Quests containing ZombieUMA such as Amelia's Gyrocopter and Spirit of Vengence have unfortunately lost their main entities because ZombieUMA is no longer functional for A21. A replacement default entity is certainly very possible.


3. Consider updating ModInfo to A21 standard.


For example, for A20:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Name value="White River Tools of Citizenship - Molino Bulletproof Glass(Rebuilded)" />
        <Description value="Bring a supply of Bulletproof glass to the trader to receive a Clear Bulletproof Glass recipe or assets." />
        <Author value="arramus, with full credit to those who laid template foundations (Requested by Fuzzy Pug)(Rebuilded by 7DaystoDie.JP)" />
        <Version value="A21_1.0j" />
        <Website value="https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/12269-white-river-tools-of-citizenship-quests-a20-with-df-multiple-languages/" />


becomes for A21:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Name value="7-WhiteRiverToC_Molino_Glass" />
    <DisplayName value="White River Tools of Citizenship - Molino Bulletproof Glass (Rebuilt)" />
    <Description value="Bring a supply of Bulletproof glass to the trader to receive a Clear Bulletproof Glass recipe or assets." />
    <Author value="arramus, with full credit to those who laid template foundations (Requested by Fuzzy Pug)(Rebuilt by 7DaystoDie.JP)" />
    <Version value="" />
    <Website value="https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/12269-white-river-tools-of-citizenship-quests-a20-with-df-multiple-languages/" />


4. Change Rebuilded to Rebuilt or Restored.


5. Vehicle buffs are not currently functional for adding decorative attachments.


I'm sure there will be others, and all the best to the Project Team.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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@arramus, First of all, Many thanks for your feebacks. Finally I could see zero error, warning. Here is the update.


#1: I was not sure how should I have to tell you download link. but now I uploaded files with the latst updates.

Download from Github


#2: We will need consider how to resolve but for now I removed 2 of Modlets from download.

#3: Done, thank you for the information.

#4: oops. please forgive me English is not my 1st language...


#5: Thank you for the information!

Here is current status of modlets. We will update by next mods update.
WhiteRiverToC__REQUIRED: Done. Testing now.

WhiteRiverToC_Tazas_Axe: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Amelias_Gyrocopter: Trying to fix. Removed from download.
WhiteRiverToC_Bear_Grylls_Claws: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_BlackBarts_Dig_Tools: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Brass_For_Lead: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Bunyans_FireAxe: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Callinicus_Greek_Fire: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Daryls_Crossbow: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Deschains_Revolver: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Dundees_Knife: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Everdeens_Arrows: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Guptas_Bandages: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Jasons_Machete: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Kuvas_Armor: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Leons_SMG: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Molino_Glass: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Pavlichenkos_Rifle: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Remingtons_Steel_Ammo: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Rick_Danger_Auger: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Spirit_of_Vengence: Trying to fix. Removed from download.

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updates are in progress,
I'm glad to hear that.

by the way
Such as collecting 100 chrysanthemums
Will quantitative easing be considered?

because there are too many
I'm frustrated.
It's a simple task, but
There is no second run.

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Hi, @a_jpsan,
Basically, We won't do significant changes because I respect original author thught. However I totally understand what is your thoughts too.
so we have another project to develop another cotents to revise original one. I will not publish another content here but we can share it for you once it completed. You can feel free give us your feedback and we will refer for future development.

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:55 AM, 7DaystoDie.JP said:

@arramus, First of all, Many thanks for your feebacks. Finally I could see zero error, warning. Here is the update.


#1: I was not sure how should I have to tell you download link. but now I uploaded files with the latst updates.

Download from Github


#2: We will need consider how to resolve but for now I removed 2 of Modlets from download.

#3: Done, thank you for the information.

#4: oops. please forgive me English is not my 1st language...


#5: Thank you for the information!

Here is current status of modlets. We will update by next mods update.
WhiteRiverToC__REQUIRED: Done. Testing now.

WhiteRiverToC_Tazas_Axe: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Amelias_Gyrocopter: Trying to fix. Removed from download.
WhiteRiverToC_Bear_Grylls_Claws: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_BlackBarts_Dig_Tools: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Brass_For_Lead: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Bunyans_FireAxe: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Callinicus_Greek_Fire: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Daryls_Crossbow: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Deschains_Revolver: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Dundees_Knife: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Everdeens_Arrows: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Guptas_Bandages: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Jasons_Machete: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Kuvas_Armor: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Leons_SMG: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Molino_Glass: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Pavlichenkos_Rifle: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Remingtons_Steel_Ammo: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Rick_Danger_Auger: Done. Testing now.
WhiteRiverToC_Spirit_of_Vengence: Trying to fix. Removed from download.


Rickauger have old and white prefap: you change in items

Meshfile" value="@:Other/Items/Tools/augerPrefab.prefab"/>      in           Meshfile" value="@:Other/Items/Tools/Auger/augerPrefab.prefab"/>

and the BAMBI quest removed?

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From my previous memory

1. "Quality of Reward Arms"
I think it was fixed at 4.

2. Quest "Amelia's Gyrocopter"
And the other person said "long".

"1/4" "2/4"
What is the number out of how many in total?
If you understand

3. Highest class citizenship as end content
specified at the start.

Superfluous. Defeat 1000 zombies.
Solo is tough
for party play
A large number of quests were also implemented in A21, so
I think it's an easy win.

Citizenship mod is
for my mod creation
It has been a great textbook.






「1/4」 「2/4」




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Hi, @a_jpsan,

Thank you for your suggestion. Please see my comments below.


  1. WRC items quality: I do not see anything for loot quality in the xml but I will double check lator.
  2. Quests: I will do re-work all of quests that is contains addtitional contents. that will release separatly in future.
  3. End contents: Thank you for the idea. 
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Updates below. once completed test, I will upload files. Thanks,

WhiteRiverToC__REQUIRED: Converted to A21. Test completed

WhiteRiverToC_Tazas_Axe: Converted to A21. Test completed
WhiteRiverToC_Amelias_Gyrocopter: It should be need to replace entity. I do not touch this. Removed from download.
WhiteRiverToC_Bambis_Bow: Converted to A21. Will test soon. (Sorry it was not listed previous download.)
WhiteRiverToC_Bear_Grylls_Claws: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_BlackBarts_Dig_Tools: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Brass_For_Lead: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Bunyans_FireAxe: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Callinicus_Greek_Fire: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Daryls_Crossbow: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Deschains_Revolver: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Dundees_Knife: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Everdeens_Arrows: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Guptas_Bandages: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Jasons_Machete: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Kuvas_Armor: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Leons_SMG: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Molino_Glass: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Pavlichenkos_Rifle: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Remingtons_Steel_Ammo: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Rick_Danger_Auger: Converted to A21. Will test soon.
WhiteRiverToC_Spirit_of_Vengence: It should be need to replace boss entity. I do not touch this. Removed from download.

Re-work project
It is also on going. We are considering to replace all quests, bosses and add more additional contents.

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"Gyro and Boss Zombie" to be removed
Is it a problem with the image displayed in the game?

Because the file location for display has changed with a21. .

Because I didn't see the part that was scheduled to be deleted
I can't say for sure

The normal reward is a special gyro
"Normal Gyro and Rokeran"

2. boss zombie
Designated demolisher

So, can't we break through?

If you can go further and improve
for server side
New/special gyro
Create a new boss zombie,
specify. And. .











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