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White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests 1.0 & Multiple Languages


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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving this mod! Some of the quests a way more challenging than I expected and that is a great thing. The only issue I've found is that Amelia's Gyro has altitude issues with some mountains. I a RWG 8k map and it cannot get above some of the mountains. Is there anyway to fix that? Thanks!

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41 minutes ago, Noridin said:

Loving this mod! Some of the quests a way more challenging than I expected and that is a great thing. The only issue I've found is that Amelia's Gyro has altitude issues with some mountains. I a RWG 8k map and it cannot get above some of the mountains. Is there anyway to fix that? Thanks!

Very glad to hear this. I've tried very hard to strike a balance between having quests accessible and workable for new players but also enough complexity for more veteran players to also be challenged. I looked into the "ceiling" value for Amelia's gyrocopter in the vehicles.xml file and found it was set below the vanilla gyrocopter. I've set it slightly above vanilla in next release that is upcoming. Thanks for reporting!


On 2/4/2022 at 8:44 PM, HS_thewriter said:

This is just the smallest most insignificant thing but while in creative I noticed there are 2 Deschain hats. One: Deschain's cowboy hat and the other Deschain's Cowboy Hat. 

Found cause of this and have bugfix in place on next release upcoming. Thanks for letting me know on this.

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1 hour ago, ShoudenKalferas said:

Very glad to hear this. I've tried very hard to strike a balance between having quests accessible and workable for new players but also enough complexity for more veteran players to also be challenged. I looked into the "ceiling" value for Amelia's gyrocopter in the vehicles.xml file and found it was set below the vanilla gyrocopter. I've set it slightly above vanilla in next release that is upcoming. Thanks for reporting!


Found cause of this and have bugfix in place on next release upcoming. Thanks for letting me know on this.

Of course, thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed today when I had a T4 Veteran Daryl’s Crossbow and compared it to my T4 Elite Daryl’s Crossbow that the Veteran had significantly more damage.  When I looked at the code of the mod for Daryl’s Crossbow I found that the Elite version was using the Veteran identifier and not the Elite.  I made the change and it appears to have resolved the issue.


In items.xml

line 92 (the veteran version) it reads, <effect_group name="vetitem_toc_daryl_name">


line 214 (the elite version) it reads, <effect_group name="vetitem_toc_daryl_name">


I changed it to read, <effect_group name="eliteitem_toc_daryl_name">


Let me know if this was an error in the mod or if it was intended, I just thought that an Elite version of a T4 Compound Crossbow should do more damage than a veteran version of a T4 Iron crossbow


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Hello, I tried using this on my server and it bugged out upon loading, the error code it gave me was that there was duplicate steel ammo files, is this due to another mod which adds steel ammo into the game? for more info I use Khaine's Steel Ammo mod, which was the one mentioned on your description Many Thanks.

Edited by DefiantDucky (see edit history)
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Hi there. We’ve been using this mod since A19. I love the improvements you’ve made for this alpha, especially doing away with the extra skill points and loot crates. It’s less OP early to mid-game. Thanks for all the work you’ve put in.


We did find an issue with the Bear Claws Iron Knuckles quest. The rally point automatically comes up as 0.0 m. I downloaded the mod again in case there had been an update, and had a peek into the quests.xml to see if I could spot an error, but no luck. Any ideas?

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Hey, QQ about the Amelia and Beast quests.  Is there a way to specify the mission/rally point location instead of it being randomly generated?  I ask because we have had situations where the rally point appears in or very near a players LCB and base.  If I could set a specific coordinate for the rally point that would be great.  If its not possible, I understand.

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11 hours ago, Csigrissom said:

I'm sorry if this question has already been asked and answered. I'm new to modding 7d2d and I can't tell if this is something I can play on my own without a server. Is this single player as well as server?


Yes. If you play singleplayer, your game starts a local server and connects to it.

In fact every 7D2D game is multiplayer from the start, you just would need to open some ports to allow friends to connect to your "single player" game.


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  • 3 months later...

excuse me.
Please tell me.
This is a server side mod, right?
(no user installation required)

when I put it in the server
It gives a red error.

Where should I look?


for translation
please forgive me if the text is weird







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2 hours ago, a_jp said:

excuse me.
Please tell me.
This is a server side mod, right?
(no user installation required)

when I put it in the server
It gives a red error.

Where should I look?


for translation
please forgive me if the text is weird








The red errors in the first screenshot are due to changes in A20.6. The "onSelfRangedBurstShot" trigger is no longer in the game. (I know this because it also affected the NPC Mod.)


If you are using A20.6, I suggest reverting to A20.5 (or earlier) until the mod can be updated.


The yellow warnings in the second screenshot, are happening because you can only downgrade from one block to another ten times. I don't know what block is doing that. This also needs to be fixed by the mod author.


Hope that helps you and @ShoudenKalferas track things down.

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3 hours ago, khzmusik said:


最初のスクリーンショットの赤いエラーは、A20.6 での変更によるものです。「onSelfRangedBurstShot」トリガーはゲームになくなりました。(これはNPC Modにも影響したので知っています。)


A20.6 を使用している場合は、mod が更新されるまで A20.5 (またはそれ以前) に戻すことをお勧めします。


2 番目のスクリーンショットの黄色の警告は、1 つのブロックから別のブロックに 10 回しかダウングレードできないために発生しています。どのブロックがそれを行っているのかわかりません。これも、MOD 作成者が修正する必要があります。



thank you!
20.6 has some important changes.

MOD creator's
I look forward to the fix.

- The sentences are strange because of the translation.
Please excuse me-






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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, raymondbarberjr said:

I have several of our players having issues with the Hellbeast Quest.  We are running 20.6 and the issues are the player kills the demon but gets no credit or when they open the red bag there is no paper to progress the quest.  Is this a mod issue or a 20.6 issue?

It's been a while since I did this particular quest and just tested it again.


After the player kills the demon, they should receive a 'note' called the +Elite Writ of Spirit of Vengeance.
Ensure the player who started the quest makes the last hit to cause the kill just to ensure there are no 'Party' issues if they are in a group.


Once they 'open' this 'note' it activates and they can visit a trader for their rewards, one of which is the Hell Beast.






In the buffs.xml for the Spirit of Vegence Mod, change onSelfRangedBurstShot to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd for 20.6.

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Score allows specific POIs to be selected as a static marker location but that feature isn't offered in the default quest xml.


Not sure if the random distance feature for questing is applicable, as it has seen mixed comments, but well worth testing them. You'll see random go to points of 1100-2500 blocks in the quests.xml.

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  • 3 weeks later...
21 hours ago, a_jp said:

red error on multiserver

After correcting as instructed
I no longer go out.

I'll take a look tomorrow as well.


In the buffs.xml for the Spirit of Vegence Mod, change onSelfRangedBurstShot to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd for 20.6.

When one issue is fixed, another one that was waiting may appear. It is helpful to add the log to the post to see if it is showing the reason for the error.

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The error after change is
in a short time
I didn't see it.

2022 年 9 月 22 日午後 9 時 17 分、アラムスは次のように述べています。

1 ファイリング問題が修正されると、待機していた別の問題が発生する場合があります。ログを投稿に追加して、エラーの理由が表示されているかどうかを確認すると便利です。

Spirit of Vegence Mod の buffs.xml で、onSelfRangedBurstShot を 20.6 の onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd に変更


Edited by a_jp
Another post merged.別の投稿が統合された。 (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Any Chance of an Update for this mod? Trying to use it on 20.7 results in an error message on the console while loading saying 

Burstfire error

UPDATE: After much trial and error I've located the problem to be associated with the Vengeful spirit part of this mod. Downloading the separate modlets and removing that module seems to have fixed the issue.

Edited by Dagger Digwillow (see edit history)
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