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I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I didn't see a thread for it on the actual 7DTD forums. With the inclusions of bodies of water with increased depths shown in the new Alpha 9+ Photos, adding fishing, along with swimming would be an ideal source of food. Let alone, a potential escape route if a horde pushes you back out of your cabin/home/ ETC. The fishing activity that if added could be used several different ways. 1. A bobber that floats and sinks when a fish bites. 2. Fishing 'hotspots" such as in WoW. 3. An original idea for the developers to make. Of course there are a million other ways it could be implemented not mentioning the numerous types of fish/junk/loot etc. that could be added. Bait is another thing and completely optional, but would be AMAZING. Fishing without bait is just unrealistic and takes away from the survival aspect. Plus, lures could also be implemented and add a bonus to the fishing or could be used as a placeholder for bait with a detriment to overall catches. Fishing has always been a large area in survival games, but for a zombie game it would be a somewhat (or very) original thing. I have never played a zombie survival with fishing (to my knowledge). I would like to hear some opinions on my ideas and would like to hear others posted below. I hope to hear from all of you soon. :soap:
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Yup fishing has been asked for at least 5 time by direct posts for fishing and I think at least 3 more time added to other topics for things to add, and that's only the number of times I've seen it so that means there is at least double that number asking for it. I think someone asked for it back in version 6, that's the latest I remember off the top of my head. I can understand them not adding it yet they're still working out water it seems like and I think they need that to work be for they get fishing going. I'm pretty sure all bodies of water are still only one block deep. Maybe when we get some deep water we'll see fishing added. Also with the random map being added soon ((at least as far as it seems)) it would effect the base setup of fishing. Maybe they'll add it after 9 is out.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yea fishing... meh. Minecraft has it... so I guess this game needs it too?... To be frank, I'd rather have mutant-fish-mobs spawning in waters, attacking players that swim past from below like fierce sharks! :D if you manage to kill one - why not let it drop huge amounts of fishmeat on the bottom of the sea which despawns qickly, so you gotta hurry and dive to get it for its awesome healing powers, like it can instantly heal broken legs or somethin' For me that be so much better than (boring?) fishing rods...
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[QUOTE=Tohuwabohu;126745]Yea fishing... meh. Minecraft has it... so I guess this game needs it too?... To be frank, I'd rather have mutant-fish-mobs spawning in waters, attacking players that swim past from below like fierce sharks! :D if you manage to kill one - why not let it drop huge amounts of fishmeat on the bottom of the sea which despawns qickly, so you gotta hurry and dive to get it for its awesome healing powers, like it can instantly heal broken legs or somethin' For me that be so much better than (boring?) fishing rods...[/QUOTE] fishing by hand in radioactive water is great idea! :D
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