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Question: Anyone a idea to make a fluctuating Buff ?

Royal Deluxe

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I have a idea but i would need a fluctuating buff.

Or several buffs that (like the Block placeholder system) enable a random buff (at best with a % chance) when they run out.


The idea is a lootabundance contolled by such a system. Means every single container the Lootabundance can be

0% - 200%. So not as it is now that you nearly never get good stuff at 25%.

Morte like

Often nothing

Sometimes normal loot

and rarely a Jackpot

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ok i make a new thread with the new question


my buff so far (only for testing, by far not usable (because of that the beer effect))

<buff name="BuffLootchance0" description_key="buffGodModeDesc" tooltip_key="buffGodModeTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_add" icon_color="255,0,0">
	<stack_type value="ignore"/>
	<duration value="10"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="BuffLootchance1">
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0.3" effect_name="Drunk"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" effect_name="Drunk"/>			
<buff name="BuffLootchance1" description_key="buffGodModeDesc" tooltip_key="buffGodModeTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_add" icon_color="0,255,0">
	<stack_type value="ignore"/>
	<duration value="10"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="BuffLootchance2">			
		<passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="base_add" value="50"/>	
		<passive_effect name="LootTier" operation="base_add" value="50"/>							
<buff name="BuffLootchance2" description_key="buffGodModeDesc" tooltip_key="buffGodModeTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_add" icon_color="0,0,255">
	<stack_type value="ignore"/>
	<duration value="10"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="BuffLootchance3">		
		<passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="base_add" value="200"/>	
		<passive_effect name="LootTier" operation="base_add" value="200"/>			
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0.3" effect_name="Drunk"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" effect_name="Drunk"/>			
<buff name="BuffLootchance3" description_key="buffGodModeDesc" tooltip_key="buffGodModeTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_add" icon_color="255,255,0">
	<stack_type value="ignore"/>
	<duration value="10"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="BuffLootchance0">
		<passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="base_add" value="500"/>	
		<passive_effect name="LootTier" operation="base_add" value="500"/>			




"Can a buff change the lootabundance"

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