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Alpha 17.1 B9 Stable bug reporting thread

The Fun Pimp

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Summary: player gets stuck on vehicle and loses toolbelt items on relog.


dont have a screen shot but theirs is a bug where u loose youre tool bar when u get stuck in the car ... u cant get put have to restart then tool bar is gone and thats where all the best stuff is kept.



Thank you, this will be fixed already in A17.2.


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Summary: Audio - Sleeper sounds trigger inside of player's head

Version: A17.1 b9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro (64bit)

Game mode: Singleplayer, Rucevi County - Survival


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? No

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off ? Enabled


Status: Needs confirmed


Bug Description: Audio only bug, sleeper sounds trigger from within the player model.


Reproduce steps: Find a pre-fab (or make one) that has sleepers in it. Wait for sleeper sounds to trigger.


Actual result: Sleeper sounds trigger from within the player's model, causing disorientation due to misplaced sound cues.


Expected result: Sleeper sounds to trigger from sleeper model, allowing for spacial awareness.


Output log: https://pastebin.com/8r3EzUin


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**UPDATE: I can login to my linux server completely now, but only when setting the config param "Gameworld" file to "RWG". Gameworld set to Navezgane still fails, even after reverting. So problem below is specific to Navezgane world mode.


Summary: Cannot login to linux server, client get's stuck at "Creating Player" dialog


Version: 17.

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Client -> Windows 10, Server -> Linux (Ubuntu 18)

Game mode: Dedicated server on linux, Navazgane map all vanilla config options


Did you wipe old saves? yes

Did you start a new game? yes

Did you validate your files? no, but did completely delete install folder and user preferences in %HOME&/app/roaming/ directory and re-install

Are you using any mods? no

EAC on or off ? Both


Status: NEW


Bug Description:


When attempting to connect to a new linux server, with a brand new game and map, all vanilla config settings on the server, my client hangs at the "Creating Player" dialog. Another user (user 2) attempts to connect with the same result. A third user (user 3) I had connect was able to do so with no problems.


In the server log, when Me or user 2 attempts to login, an obvious error is thrown on the server:



ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,ProgressionClass].TryGetValue (System.String key, .ProgressionClass& value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProgressionValue.cacheProgressionClassPointer () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProgressionValue.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader _reader, UInt32 _version) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Progression.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader _br, .EntityAlive _parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PlayerDataFile.ToPlayer (.EntityPlayer _player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.RequestToSpawnPlayer (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at NetPackageRequestToSpawnPlayer.ProcessPackage (.World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


(Filename: Line: -1)



Pastebin of linux server log for context: https://pastebin.com/txpDjYyU

Pastebin showing linux server log of user 2 (ripperprime) and user 3 (def2all) connecting... note user 3 connects, enters world, and exits with no problem while user 2 throws the exception: https://pastebin.com/3iRt5a21



User 3 is able to connect and does not produce this exception.


Me and user 2 launched the game launcher and cleaned all elements of the game we could using the launcher tools, such as cleaning user profiles, with no success. Also, attempted to create a new user profile on my client with no success. I also deleted my user prefs/saves in my windows home/app directory as well as delete the full game and reinstall, and continue to get this error, while user 3 can connect fine.


Note, the server does not crash after throwing this exception, it stays online, and user 3 is able to connect even after the exception is thrown.


Me and user 2 have both played alpha 17.0 and variants, and 17.1. Me and user 2 have also connected to a previous alpha 17 linux server (<b240) successfully. However, this problem started at a17b240, 17.0 stable, and 17.1 stable. It's important to note that I had previously installed the 7d2d linux server on the same server using the same steps from alpha 16 to alpha 17 <b240 and did not have this login issue. linux server A17b240 and greater is where the problem started.


User 3 was running with a brand new install and download of the game and previously had never launched any version of the game before alpha 17.1 stable.


Another interesting note, this report is specific to running the 7d2d client on windows, but I also did a new install of the game on linux via steam and still have the same issue connecting. Because of this *I suspect it's possible the error is linked to an issue with my steam user*, and possibly it has something to do with a value (or lack thereof) that the game is attempting to source from my steam account or profile.


Reproduce steps:


Please note, these are the steps I use when I get the problem. It is not reproducible for all users, as outlined above.


1) Download the linux server using steamcmd (app_update 294420)

2) Start the linux server using startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml (note, no changes to the config file, although previous attempts I had also made changes with same effect)

3) Launch 7d2d client from steam on windows (or linux -- I tried both)

4) At menu, choose "Join Game"

5) Click "Connect to IP" and enter server IP

6) Click "Connect" and wait through "initializing world" , then it hangs on "creating player"


** All server ip's and ports are correct and working as these exact steps produced no problem when running a16 through <a17b240


Actual result: Client hangs at "creating player" indefinitely.


Expected result: Expect to be able to complete "creating player" and connect to the linux server.



Using provided repro steps, I am not running into this problem, even when using the "bugged users" names, please provide the full outputlog from the server.


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Summary: Dismembermet of limbs (arms/legs) not working

Version: A17.1 Stable/A17 Stable/B240/B238/... all since A16.4

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 64bit

Game mode: SP, RWG


Did you wipe old saves? YES

Did you start a new game? YES

Did you validate your files? YES

Are you using any mods? NO

EAC on/off? ON


Status: NEW


Bug Description: Dismembermet does not work at all


Reproduce steps:

1. Put skillponts to Perception / Explosive Weapons

2. Try any weapon and/or armunition type to dismember legs on zeds


Actual result: Never dismember limbs (arms / legs).


Expected result: legs / arms should be dismembered.

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dont have a screen shot but theirs is a bug where u loose youre tool bar when u get stuck in the car ... u cant get put have to restart then tool bar is gone and thats where all the best stuff is kept.



i am not on my own server ..playing a server

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OptionsFieldOfViewNew not read or applied except from Console Command Line w/Code


Summary: OptionsFieldOfViewNew not being read or applied except from Console Command Line

Version: Alpha 17.1b9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 7 64bit

Game mode: 64bit Windows Client


Did you wipe old saves? (yes/No): Yes (complete and total wipe all files, setting, registry)

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No): Yes

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No): Yes (complete and total wipe all files, setting, registry)

Are you using any mods? (yes/No): No

EAC on or off ?: Off


Status: Existing, Originally reported in Alpha 17.0 b221 Experimental. ADDED: code responsible from 17.1b9


Bug Description: OptionsFieldOfViewNew is not being applied as expected and only changes when using Console Command of 'sg OptionsFieldOfViewNew 90'


Reproduce steps:


1) Edit Useroptions.ini changing OptionsFieldOfView and OptionsFieldOfViewNew to 90

2) Start game

3) Press F1

4) Type 'getoptions' without quotes and hit enter

5) start a game with rights to issue sg command in game (SP, server admin, etc)

6) issue command 'sg OptionFieldOfViewNew <value>' multiple times with different values and watch the FOV change


Actual result: OptionsFieldOfViewNew remains at default of 65 (OptionsFieldOfView correctly shows as 90, but that is not used in game anymore for FOV).


Expected result: OptionsFieldOfViewNew should be 90 as set in the UserOptions.ini per the following posts: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?74084-Developer-Discussions-Alpha-17&p=901417&viewfull=1#post901417



Checking the code reveals UserOptions.ini is not accessing the Preference 'OptionsFieldOfViewNew' in code -- HOWEVER, 'OptionsFieldOfViewNew' is the one being applied to the Camera:


UserOptions INI access - does not have OptionsFieldOfViewNew:

public GamePrefs()
   this.UserIniOptions = new List<string> { 
       "OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel", "OptionsMusicVolumeLevel", "OptionsMicVolumeLevel", "OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel", "OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel", "OptionsVoiceChatEnabled", "OptionsWaterQuality", "OptionsSSAO", "OptionsViewDistance", "OptionsShadowDistance", "OptionsResolution", "OptionsVsync", "OptionsAA", "OptionsLODDistance", "OptionsFieldOfView", "OptionsTextureQuality", 
       "OptionsReflectionQuality", "OptionsReflectionRefreshRate", "OptionsReflectionCullList", "OptionsReflectionFarClip", "OptionsReflectionShadowDistance", "OptionsReflectionBounces", "OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode", "OptionsReflectionRefreshMode", "OptionsTreeQuality", "OptionsGrassDistance", "OptionsMotionBlur", "OptionsGraphicsQuality", "OptionsSunShafts", "OptionsDOF", "OptionsReflectedShadows", "OptionsHudSize", 
       "OptionsHudOpacity", "OptionsShowCrosshair", "OptionsShowCompass", "OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity", "OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity", "OptionsGamma", "OptionsWaterParticleLimiter", "OptionsUMATextureQuality", "OptionsMouseSensitivity", "OptionsInvertMouse", "OptionsAllowController", "OptionsTempCelsius", "OptionsInterfaceSensitivity", "OptionsControllerVibration"
   this.OldUserOptions = new List<EnumGamePrefs> { 8, 0x6a, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74 };
   this.propertyValues = new object[0xa4];


Here it applies the option to the camera and note it uses OptionsFieldOfViewNew:

public static void ApplyCameraOptions(EntityPlayerLocal _playerLocal = null)
   Camera[] componentsInChildren;
   bool @bool = GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsBloom);
   bool flag2 = GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsSSAO);
   int @int = GamePrefs.GetInt(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsAA);
   bool flag3 = GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsSunShafts);
   bool flag4 = GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsDOF);
   float num2 = 9.5f;
   switch (GamePrefs.GetInt(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsViewDistance))
       case 8:
       case 9:
       case 10:
       case 11:
       case 12:
           num2 = 9.5f;

           num2 = 0f;
   Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_MinDistantMip", num2);
   if (_playerLocal != null)
       componentsInChildren = _playerLocal.GetComponentsInChildren<Camera>();
       componentsInChildren = Camera.allCameras;
   for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++)
       if ((componentsInChildren[i].cullingMask & 0x1000) == 0)
           Antialiasing component = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<Antialiasing>();
           if (component != null)
               component.enabled = @int > 0;
               if (@int > 0)
                   component.mode = AAMode.FXAA2;
           MonoBehaviour behaviour = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<Bloom>();
           if (behaviour != null)
               behaviour.enabled = true;
           MonoBehaviour behaviour2 = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion>();
           if (behaviour2 != null)
               behaviour2.enabled = flag2;
           if (componentsInChildren[i].name != "WeaponCamera")
               MonoBehaviour behaviour3 = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<DepthOfField>();
               if (behaviour3 != null)
                   behaviour3.enabled = flag4;
           MonoBehaviour behaviour4 = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<SunShafts>();
           if (behaviour4 != null)
               behaviour4.enabled = flag3;
           ImageEffectManager manager = componentsInChildren[i].GetComponent<ImageEffectManager>();
           if (manager != null)
               manager.enabled = true;
           componentsInChildren[i].allowHDR = GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsDeferredLighting);
           int num5 = !GamePrefs.GetBool(EnumGamePrefs.DebugMenuEnabled) ? Constants.cDefaultCameraFieldOfView : GamePrefs.GetInt(EnumGamePrefs.OptionsFieldOfViewNew);
           if (componentsInChildren[i].transform.name != "WeaponCamera")
               componentsInChildren[i].fieldOfView = num5;
               componentsInChildren[i].fieldOfView = 45f;
           if (componentsInChildren[i].transform.name != "WeaponCamera")
               componentsInChildren[i].renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading;
               componentsInChildren[i].renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading;
           if (componentsInChildren[i].transform.name != "WeaponCamera")
               componentsInChildren[i].farClipPlane = 2000f;
               componentsInChildren[i].farClipPlane = 10f;


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Mechanic Bug XP-Share


Summary: Multiplayer XP-Share not working on killing an enemy with fire (e.g. Molotov, Burning Shaft Mod)


Version: Alpha 17.1 b9 Stable (Also in Alpha 17 Stable)

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: mp client RWG


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No



Status: Since Alpha 17


Bug Description: When killing an zombie with a molotov or let them burn down from the "burning shaft mod" the gained xp will not be shared with the party unlike "normal" zombie kills with any kind of weapon.


Reproduce steps: Get into a party, get a zombie and kill it with a molotov.


Actual result: Only the person who throws the molotov/sets the zombie on fire gets the XP for the kill not the other person in that party.


Expected result: XP-Share like any other zombie kill.



Thank you, verified and reported.


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Summary: Retracting Stock gun mod has no effect


Version: 17.1 b9 (and all previous builds it would seem)

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode, SP


Did you wipe old saves? yes (N/A)

Did you start a new game? yes (N/A)

Did you validate your files? yes (N/A)

Are you using any mods? no (N/A)

EAC on or off ? on (N/A)


Status: NEW


Bug Description: Retracting Stock gun mod has no actual effects, description states "Improves weapon handling while moving or firing from the hip because the weapon becomes more manageable in close quarters", but looking at the item_modifiers.xml there is nothing in the effect_group


Reproduce steps: Start a game, get a lvl2+ gun, get retracting stock mod, insert, see no change in stats. exit game, open Notepad++ (or your chosen text editor) open the item_modifiers.xml file and search for "modGunRetractingStock", witness no code in the effect_group node.... optionally cry if you bought this mod from a trader



Actual result: Retracting Stock mod has no effects:

	<item_modifier name="modGunRetractingStock" installable_tags="stock" modifier_tags="stocks" type="attachment">
	<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>

	[b]<effect_group tiered="false">
	<property name="PickupJournalEntry" value="augmentGunsTip"/>


Expected result: Retracting Stock mod should do as the description states, possibly using an effect like this or similar:

<passive_effect name="WeaponHandling" operation="perc_add" value="0.15" tags="walking"/>
<passive_effect name="SpreadMultiplierWalking" operation="perc_add" value="-.2"/>



Thank you, verified and reported, man i feel for you. :-|


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Summary: pressure plate killing FPS


Platform: (PC)

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode, sp (NAV)


Did you wipe old saves? (yes)

Did you start a new game? (Yes)

Did you validate your files? (Yes)

Are you using any mods? (No)

EAC off


Status: NEW?


Bug Description: I have ~55 FPS step on a pressure plate it drops to 9FPS


Reproduce steps:


place pressure plate even if not activating anything and my FPS drops and game locks up each time.


1) place pressure plate

2) step on plate walking

3) see a big FPS spike character stops moving for a second


Actual result: (place pressure plate even if not activating anything and my FPS drops and game locks up each time.)


Expected result: (Walk over pressure plate and not experience massive FPS drop and character not freezing up for a second)

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Summary: After dieing 5 Sec. encumbered, 5 Sec. not

Version: 17.1 B9 Stable

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro

Game mode: RWG-MP (5 Players) on G-Portal Server


Did you wipe old saves? Complete Reinstall on server and clients

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Complete Reinstall on server and clients

Are you using any mods? No



Status: NEW again, has already been a bug in A 17.0 E


Bug Description: After dieing, with empty backpack, every player on our server gets the encumbered debuff, 5 Sec. on, 5 Sec. off. Solving only by relogging.


Relogging every time you die? Thats what you call stable? Really?

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Summary: Hunger, Thirst and Stamina caps not working

Version: 17.1

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: RWG


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off ? Yes


Status: NEW


Bug Description: You know how hunger affects the maximum stamina cap? Well, eating for some reason doesn't seem to be satisfying hunger. Tried eating everything I can but hunger isn't being satisfied and the stamina cap continues to drop. And the thirst mechanic isn't working either: hydration levels don't go down and thirst continues to rise well after 100%.


Reproduce steps: Unsure. Started happening when I first installed Alpha 17.1 and played on a sorta new RWG map I started playing as soon as A17 came out. It was up to day 8 @ approx 9:00 with a day cycle of 120 minutes.


Note: Forum member Exxodous is also experiencing the same issue.

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Summary: Desert Night Temperature

Version: Alpha 17.1b9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode, SP random world


Did you wipe old saves? yes

Did you start a new game? yes

Did you validate your files? yes

Are you using any mods? no

EAC on or off ? yes


Status: NEW


Bug Description:


I have main base in desert.

At night the temperature feels like 120+ degrees Fahrenheit while naked.

During the day it feels like 103 while naked.

It seems like the expected day night desert temperature variation is backwards.

From my experience with deserts, it gets surprisingly cold during the night and unbelievably hot during the day.

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This is from the weathersurvival.xml, if this is the correct xml file, perhaps the game does not consider if the sun is in the sky (or much of anything else)



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- Weather survival tuning values-->




<!-- Degrees per second in which heat the player generates from melee actions dissapates -->



<property value="0" name="GeneratedHeatDecayRate"/>


<!-- How much the player heats when doing melee actions that consume stamina. -->



<property value="0" name="DegreesPerPointOfStaminaUsed"/>


<!-- Maximum amount of heat that the player can generate from melee actions -->



<property value="0" name="MaxGeneratedHeat"/>


<!-- From 0-1 how much do you have to be surrounded before being considered "inside" -->



<property value="0.15" name="EnclosureDetectionThreshold"/>


<!-- How quickly in second it takes you to become fully soaked from rainfall -->



<!-- If players core temp is below this value they will not dry off. -->



<property value="0" name="DryTempCutoff"/>


<!-- How much change you feel in the outside air temperature when you are 100% wet. -->



<property value="0" name="OutsideTempChangeWhenInSun"/>


<!-- How much 100% cloud cover can affect how much the sun warms you. -->



<property value="0" name="OutsideTempChangeWhenInSunCloudScale"/>


<!-- How much the temp changes when you run. -->



<property value="0" name="OutsideTempShiftWhenRunning"/>


<!-- How much the temp changes when you walk. -->



<property value="0" name="OutsideTempShiftWhenWalking"/>


<!-- How much the temp changes when you are idle. -->



<property value="0" name="OutsideTempShiftWhenIdle"/>


<TemperatureHeight addDegrees="0" height="0"/>




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Summary: Flagstone Wedge Steep Corner Top - bug




Version: Alpha 17.1 b9 Stable

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 64bit

Game mode: any


Did you wipe old saves? (yes/No): Yes

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No): Yes

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No): Yes

Are you using any mods? (yes/No): No

EAC on or off ?: Off


Status: New


Bug Description: Flagstone Wedge Steep Corner Top's can be used to make any other block Invisible and able to passtrough, while block still physically in the game.


Reproduce steps:


1) craft Cobblestone, Put Flagstone Wedge Steep Corner top on any Material Block with the bottom of the block, Wall, Floor , any building etc.

2) Block becomes invisible and passtrough is now possible.(u can even walk inside walls and shoot and atttack from this position with ease)


Actual result: Placing a Flagstone Wedge Steep Corner Top on any block with bottom of the block and it become invisible + able to passtrough.


Expected result: Expect Flagstone Wedge Steep Corner Top to not make any block invisible + able to passtrough like a ghost.


Gif : https://imgur.com/a/y9qYyXi






(edit added comment by QA Tester-unholyjoe)


already reported and fixed for a future patch


thanks :)



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Summary: (SOUND)

Version: A17.1 _ b9

Platform: (PC)

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode, SP / RWG


Did you wipe old saves? (No)

Did you start a new game? No

Did you validate your files? (Yes)

Are you using any mods? (No)

EAC ..off


WE Know you increase the amount of noise that the player MAKES .. But it also transferred into the Volume of the Game … Sound NEEDS To Be adjusted.

IF you turn up the volume Up .. So you can hear the Zeds .. Then You will blow out your Ears out with Player movements or wake up your neighbors


Thank you … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Summary: starve and thirsty...the stamina does not rise

Version: 17.1 B9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro x64

Game mode: mp client on dedi RWG (I am the owner of the server) and same bug in single player


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off ? On


Status: NEW


Bug Description: everytime We (all in the server) try to eat but it does not improve our stats in ui but rise in stats (press B) and appears the indicator of hunger and thirst after a while we die.

we lose stamina and do not regenerate even if you eat and drink a lot.

It's impossible to play like this.

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Alpha 17.1 b9 .. New start .. Windows 10 pro ..


Don't think it is a Bug .. But it is an Issue ..

1 .. New Maps .. RGW Still need to be worked on .. ( Not Mini-Bike friendly unless you wanted to die quickly )

2 .. It was Nice to See ( 2 ) Traders .. BUT they are right next to each other .. and .. in the Bottom edge of map .. hopefully there is a way to fix that. ( If you go a bit to far in 2 direction .. you are in the Rad zone. )


Deleting this map and will try another .. For me other than those couple issue's .. it looked a lot better.

PS: And the Sound issue with Player (being overly Loud .. posted earlier)


Thank you for a great game … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Summary: Unending NullReferenceException regarding dismemberment


Version: 17.1 b9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: SP RWG


Did you wipe old saves? (yes/No) yes

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) yes

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) yes

Are you using any mods? (yes/No) no

EAC on or off ? off


Status: NEW


Bug Description:


Reproduce steps: idk, I was killing things during bloodmoon


Press F1 to open the console, then type dbs

This will open a panel in game for you to type the bug in.

once done click ok

there will then be a SCREENSHOTS folder in the main 7 days folder.






Actual result: unending error


Expected result: game not to open F1 menu and become unplayable


Output log:


<script src="https://pastebin.com/embed_js/bkfhQ6B6"></script>


Edit: Upon restarting game, nullreference is still occurring making this save unplayable.


This is the initial error upon restart. Anyone know how I can fix it?


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Inventory.SetBareHandItem (.ItemValue _bareHandItemValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityAlive.ExecuteDismember (Boolean restoreState) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityAlive.ApplySpawnState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityAlive.PostInit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityEnemy.PostInit () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (.EntityCreationData _ecd) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Chunk.OnLoad (.World _world) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at World.updateChunkAddedRemovedCallbacks () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0



Thank you, this will be fixed in A17.2.


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Summary: starve and thirsty...the stamina does not rise

Version: 17.1 B9



Did you start the map with 17.1B9 or with an earlier build? Anyway, this appears to be a known issue and the solution is explained in the patch notes. I'll save you some time: dying once should fix it :)

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Crashes when riding vehicles


Summary: Crashes when riding vehicles

Version: 17.1 B9

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 (1803)

Game mode: SP RWG


Did you wipe old saves? (yes/No) yes

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) yes

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) yes

Are you using any mods? (yes/No) no

EAC on or off ? on and off


Status: NEW


Bug Description: Crashes when riding vehicles


Reproduce steps:


1. Start a new world with cheat mode option on

2. Give yourself a vehicle and fuel it

3. Start sprint-driving. Continue for 3 to 10 minutes.


Expected result: Game continues to operate


Actual result: Short lockup followed by crash to desktop. On resuming game, the vehicle will either be completely missing or located somewhere far on your backtrail.


Output log and crash dump attached.


To head off the inevitable hand-waving:


* No, my CPU/GPU/RAM/PSU/transmission/differential/brakes/trailer hitch are not overheating

* No my drivers/OS are not out of date

* I am not modding/tampering with EAC/installing every piece of malware on the internet

* I have frobbed all the options in the launcher to no effect

* Other games don't bomb off constantly on this same machine

* I have tried turning it off and on again


This is the second time I am reporting this. The first didn't even get a response. You know, maybe in the PC game development world it is different, but when I get a crashing bug reported to me, let alone a crasher with data loss, I treat it as high priority.


I am not going to waste my time on a third report. Either you will pay attention this time or you won't. Sucks to sink 2000 hours into the game only to have it be made unplayable because you allocated your resources to completely ripping out and redoing most of the game mechanics instead of stabilization, but this is ruinous to any attempt to have fun.





(edit added comment by QA Tester-unholyjoe)


i see this and the errors indicate an api issue...

Initialize engine version: 2018.2.0f2 (787658998520)
Forcing GfxDevice: OpenGL Core
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Renderer: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
Version:  4.5.0 NVIDIA 417.71


try going into the game launcher and not use GL Core nor Vulkan (vulkan is not fully supported)... only use the supported dx11 the gtx 1060 should have no issues with DX11. save and launch and create new game seed.


when in game set settings option to medium and save, you may have to restart game.


let me know what happened.


thanks :)




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So I have been playing on a server for several years with no problems, yesterday I tried to log on and for some reason had to download the map which took forever and resulted in an EAC ban, I have tried several times with the same results, so my question is why do I have to download a server map when I never had to before, this is making playing on servers impossible...please fix this ASAP...unhappy survivor....

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eye tracking now broken


Summary: tobii eye tracker causing key exception errors

Version: A17.1

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10 64 bit home

Game mode mp host


Did you wipe old saves? yes

Did you start a new game? yes

Did you validate your files? yes

Are you using any mods? no

EAC on or off ? off


Status: NEW


Bug Description: When playing with tobii eye tracker you recieve non stop key exception errors


Reproduce steps: start game using tobii eye tracker.


Actual result: constant key exception errors


Expected result: head/eye tracking working like in A16.4


PasteBin: https://pastebin.com/q25SZJKA


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Summary: (SOUND)

Version: A17.1 _ b9

Platform: (PC)

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode, SP / RWG


Did you wipe old saves? (No)

Did you start a new game? No

Did you validate your files? (Yes)

Are you using any mods? (No)

EAC ..off


WE Know you increase the amount of noise that the player MAKES .. But it also transferred into the Volume of the Game … Sound NEEDS To Be adjusted.

IF you turn up the volume Up .. So you can hear the Zeds .. Then You will blow out your Ears out with Player movements or wake up your neighbors


Thank you … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


I think the main problem seems that noone at the pimps is playing their own game.

Such bull♥♥♥♥ should never have been released if just ONE Developer would play.


I really can't explain such circumstances other than this.

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