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Server Admin Command st (Set Time)


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Might be nice to have additional functionality of +/- Currently --> st 18000 What if you could log in and decide you want the time to go forward or backward only 1 hour? Rather than calculate the correct numerical value to set the time to, it would be nice to enter st +1H or st -3H --> examples of setting the time forward 1 hour or back 3 hours etc... maybe include minutes and days as well... --> (st +1D) or (st -30M)
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First of all if you give a number it will be offset to Day 1, 16:00. The number div 1000 is the number of hours, so 18000 / 1000 = 18 -> Day 1, 16h + 18h = Day 2, 10h. The number mod 1000 are the minutes, e.g. 1500 = 1000 + 500 = 1h + 30m (500/1000*60). The server-fixes' SetTimeReal makes setting that stuff easier though ;) Regarding relative times: Might be interesting, would not expect TFP to do a lot on the command side the next few releases though :(
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@CongoBongo I just read your post and would have responded but it appears that Alloc beat me to it. With that said let me add in that you can read about the various 7DTD Server Admin Commands --> [url]http://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/Console_Commands[/url] They have the "Effect" description of Set Time as follows: Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). eg. 0 = Day 1, 16h; 8000 = Day 2, 00h; 16000 = Day 2, 8h; 24000 = Day 2, 12h
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