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Extremely bright map, how do I fix it?


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Edit: Solved thanks to a tip from the subreddit. The problem is caused by having something on your toolbelt that has the Burning Shaft mod installed. Over successive logins, the map gets progressively brighter. By removing the item from my toolbelt and relogging a few times, the map got dimmer and is now usable.


Hey all. Playing on a dedicated server, and two days ago I opened my map and it was far brighter than normal. When I opened it again, it was so bright that it was washed out - waypoints and text were virtually invisible against the bright background. To be clear, only the map was bright. The game's gamma was unaffected, and in fact changing the game's gamma didn't affect the map's brightness. I backed out of the server and immediately reconnected, and the map was back to normal. Problem solved, I thought.


Yesterday when I logged in to the server, the map was full bright again, and nothing has fixed it: I tried relogging, I tried restarting 7 Days, and I tried rebooting my computer.


Today I've been messing with the save files on my machine, but even removing the local saves and having the world re-download from the server didn't fix the issue, so obviously it's something on my end. But I can't figure out what it is. I feel like I've heard of this bug in past alphas, but I don't remember anything about how to fix it and I'm having no success searching for it.

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