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What's your weapon of choice for clearing POIs?


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Currently i'm using a pistol with full mods but was wondering what others use. I'm running into increasing amounts of radiated and wights. I'm handing them with a few bandages and absolute panic, but was curious what people's "go to" weapons are.

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I use a reinforced club with mods (burning shaft, dye, spike club) and a smg. I like the pistol type weapons cause the ammo isnt as hard to find :p I also take spikes me though. So if I get overwhelmed I can back peddle out and put a spike in the doorways to give myself a breather.


When I start encountering the wights and more ferals I use spikes more frequently, spiking all doorways and making noise so the stuff comes to me :)

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Compound bow ftw, stealth through and assassinate everything with headshots. Smg is always in reserve in case ♥♥♥♥ hits the fan which can and does happen.


Edit: Used to love the machete but it doesn't feel right since exploding limbs started being gated. Not to mention it's weaker than the iron club now. 😞 The machete with the burning mod is pretty cool though but it kills stealth so I hardly pull it out.

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I use a crossbow for sneak attacks, a compound bow if I need to fire arrows in a higher rate and for the most part my burning spiked club.


I have a AK47 on my belt for emergencies with a rad remover mod attached to it but I don't like automatic weapons. They are loud, cost a lot of bullets and they are pretty much useless if you want to sneak through a PIO.


But I came to the conclusion that sneaking through a PIO is not the way to go if there are radiated or feral zombies in it. In this case I make so much noise I could outside the PIO to lure the most zombies out of the building and fight them in the open space. And I open up a escape route whenever I can.

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Currently i'm using a pistol with full mods but was wondering what others use. I'm running into increasing amounts of radiated and wights. I'm handing them with a few bandages and absolute panic, but was curious what people's "go to" weapons are.


Bow for snipes/pick offs.

sledge if there is no immediate danger. (To conserve ammo or if I am low )


SMG if I need personal space away from threatening zeds so I can reorient. (I tend to do a quick 3-round burst just to cause the zed to flinch or fall so I can get a safer distance)


SMG to quickly kill a charging dog.


I mix between Bow/sledge and SMG for feral and radiated zeds, a good timed power sledge swing can seriously knock those guys on their ass and is SO satisfying.

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Combination of sledge and bow primarily, but I have a backup pistol for when they get too close or I run out of stamina.


Sledge and compound bow, with a shotgun for oh crap moments, as firing ANY gun period will bring your entire current sleeper volume down on you anyway, so might as well go with one that can kill stuff in 1-3 shots. Sleepers don't spawn in poi's all at once, they spawn in "volumes" you'll notice this in bigger poi's usually.

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Maybe i should count the auger in i use to "knock" on the frontdoor


Auger is nice, if you use it you even attract zombies from the PC of your neigbor, you can see them crawling through the wifi


Heh. Not a bad idea. I do like making noise to pull the zombies out rather than going in, falling through a floor and scrambling to kill zombies while looking for an exit before I run out of STA.


I use club and bow usually due to cheapness/availability of ammo. Pistol or shotgun for emergencies.

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