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Conditionally mod A17 files from UI selections?


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Hello, I have created a mod to the RWG system using xpath, and am trying to figure out if it is possible to make some mod variables (specifically biome distribution) based on a combobox value from the UI. I can add the selection I want by mod'ing windows.xml using the snippet below:


<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='newContinueGame']/rect[@pos='0,-50']/rect[@name='newContent']/rect[@visible='{isgenerateworld}']/grid">
	<label depth="4" width="250" height="30"  text="Biome Style" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="right" pivot="topleft" />
	<combobox depth="108" pos="255,0" width="300" height="32" name="BiomeStyle" type="ComboBoxList<System.String>" values="Balanced,More Snowy,More Desert,More Forested,More Prairie" value_wrap="false" />


But how can I use the selected value of "BiomeStyle" elsewhere (in rwgmixer.xml) to change a value such as the (0,.2) range in this snippet:


<set xpath="/rwgmixer/biome_generators/biome_generator[@name='vanillaSmall']/module[@name='biomeOutput'][@type='BiomeIDMapper']/property[@name='biomemap0.Range']/@value">0.00,0.2</set>    <!-- forest -->


What I am hoping for is a way to say (in xml),


if(BiomeStyle = 'More Forested') then biomemap0.Range/@value=0,.5"

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Bump and follow-up,


Another example of the situation I'm trying to overcome is making adjustments for the chosen world size. For my biome generation to work the way intended, for instance, I need to translate the input coordinates by half the world size in the X and Z directions. Here is a code snippet of the two cases:


<append xpath="/rwgmixer">
	<biome_generator name="vanillaSmall">

<!-- for maps 4096x4096 -->
<module name="fn1a" type="TranslateInput" >				
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fn0"/>
	<property name="x" value="-2048"/>
	<property name="y" value="0.0"/>
	<property name="z" value="-2048"/>							

<!-- for maps 8192x8192 -->
<module name="fn1b" type="TranslateInput" >				
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fn0"/>
	<property name="x" value="-4096"/>
	<property name="y" value="0.0"/>
	<property name="z" value="-4096"/>							


Is there any way to make the selection of "fn1a" vs "fn1b" at runtime based on world_size?

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