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NPCs & Zombies should TURN THEIR HEADS


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Here me out on this; 7D2D is decently complex yeah? Turn the settings up and it's highly immersive. I'm loving all the features being added but something feels VERY missing.. zombies and NPCs either turn their whole bodies or don't look at the player at all. I would feel greatly immersed and terrified if say; a zombie is looking UP at me on a platform or looking over AT where it thinks I am. I get that it'd be somewhat complex to implement but isn't the game complex as is? If NPCs looked at me while talking that would make me feel a lot more immersed. If wolves tried to circle and head off my way while looking in my direction it would feel so cinematic. Just; I wanna feel looked at. Once that's done, perhaps have zombies look at whatever they're moving towards (if they have a plan; otherwise their usual distant stare will do). If this gets implemented it'll feel just so very much more realistic. It looks SO fantastic but still feels like a game.



Zombies and NPCs should look at the player they intend to interact with (or where they think the player is hiding)

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I never really thought about it that way, but now that you bring it up I definitely agree, though in a zed's case it'd probably quickly turn its whole body toward wherever its heading next since they're supposed to be rather single-minded.

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