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PSA Items stuck in tool belt.


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Just an FYI, if you've had the issue with items stuck in your tool belt like I have and thought you needed to exit/restart to correct... You don't, you just need to equip the item, drop the item using the G key, and then pick it back up.


That has corrected/fixed the issue every time for me.


Hope this helps, I haven't seen this posted anywhere else yet (sorry if it has already been addressed).

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Scrap didn't work for me, neither did repair... both options were greyed out. Dropping worked every time though.


Same, I've had this issue multiple times so far, dropping it with the G key from toolbelt then picking it up seems to fix it. Had it happen with some pain killers, then bandages, and then with a smg.

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  • 2 weeks later...
it happens to items, you craft straigth to toolbelt or you pick them from creative to toolbelt. so, if you need to craft new better bow, do not leave your bow slot empty. items placed from backback are always removable


For me this happens with food and drink. Not often "straight to toolbelt" but "the first item is crafted and then moved to toolbelt as more are crafted" might be the trigger.

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