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A17 feedback so far


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I have a full suite of iron and some steel tools by day two from looting hardware stores and loot rooms of the bigger houses. Level 20 is basically day 5 or 6 max.


Passive xp scales a lot as you get better tools and perks, doing more damage = more xp.


Zombies don't spawn into thin air or behind you, you just didn't see them. They fall through holes in ceilings and stuff and stand in alcoves.


Hello Joel! Thank you for replying!

As about iron tools - unfortunately our group of six was unlucky to find only two iron axes after searching through a medium-sized city which took more than two days on max difficulty, so player experience may differ greatly based on random factor.

Skills / perks could be used surpass or even-out the randomness before, but now its locked behind level 20, and we were level 20 only on day 10.


Passive xp scales a lot as you get better tools and perks, doing more damage = more xp.
Right now I'm using Steel Pickaxe with with maxed 69er, mother's lore, stamina regen and tea - and its still extreme inferior amount of exp I'm getting compared to what our scout team gains by day 30. also craft/building experience is virtually non-existetent anymore.


Also, zombies themselves are percieved as EXP pinata and not as source of trouble anymore. I contacted some other teams via discrod and they confirmed that they also experience this effect as zombies don't feel like zombies anymore, but more like mobs from MMORPG, which is rather sad.


Please, don't view this feedback like a wolf cry, but rather as explanation that player experience may differ based on both playstyle and luck, and that A17 both kinda restricts playstyle (farm zombies to lvlup) and doesn't allow unlucky players to recover via unlocking things with perks. Thank you for many happy hours in 7 Days to Die world and have a merry christmas!

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