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    Montreal Canada
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    Love making games!

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  1. Hello! Big fan of the game even after 8years of purchase! I wanted to share an idea with the community in hope of maybe living it in the game one day . It is called in-game live town events. Like many MMOs did in the past or are currently doing, these events only happen if a player or multiples players are either in the vicinity of or accept to be part of it. Example, you pass next to a cop station and there is an event called (The station is getting overwhelmed) that can trigger (or be trigger) after (x) amount time. If it isn't triggered then the timer resets and you get a chance next time to do it. It could say the difficulty level and have rewards upon completing. It could make you team up with NPC (or not) and could have many new rules and challenges and I think it would add a lot to the late game. If failed then it could be repeated and if completed then you cant do it again. I think it would add a sense of achievements to players and make game progress more engaging by all :). It could also scale with the Biomes making it more appealing to leave your current town and venture out to new citys for more of these specific events :). I know it would be a long and probably hard task to create but it would definitely add a lot to the next experience. Cheers and thanks for hearing us out :). What do you guys think about it? Just to be clear the game is amazing as is and this is just an idea I think that it would bring even more love to the game. Keep up the great work Fun pimps. Love your game! Even after playing it for almost 1000 hours And getting pretty much everyone I know involved with the game haha;).
  2. Hello! All of these new idea sounds great! I would love to fish for food haha Big fan of the game and I wanted to share an idea I have but don't know where to post it 😕 In game live town events. Like many MMOs did in the past or are currently doing, these events only happen if a player or multiples players are either in the vicinity of or accept to be part of it. Example, you pass next to a cop station and there is an event called (The station is getting overwhelmed) that can trigger (or be trigger) after (x) amount time. It could say the difficulty level and have rewards upon completing. It could make you team up with NPC (or not) and could have many new rules and challenges and I think it would add a lot to the game. If failed then it could be repeated and if completed then you cant do it again. I think it would add a sense of achievements to players and make game progress more engaging by all :). What do you guys think about it? It could also scale with the Biomes making it more appealing to leave your current town and venture out to new citys for more of these specific events :). I know it would be a long and probably hard task to do but it would definitely add a lot to the next experience. The game is amazing as is and this is just an idea I think that it would bring even more love to the game. Cheers! Keep up the great work Fun pimps. Love your game! Even after playing it for almost 1000 hours And getting pretty much everyone I know involved with the game haha;).
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