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Everything posted by Stroichik

  1. Just bring back Wellness system. It was perfect for 7d2d.
  2. In A19 getting bike before first blood moon was ok for me, on Insane. But if dont find acid now, its impossible to make any wheels. So i will be hoarding wheels for better transport and can forget about crafting anything that is not Truck or Gyro now.
  3. Bow is nice silent killer. With perks it blasts heads almost always. Very good for stealth cleaning of POIs at night. Bow is awesome.
  4. Wheels. Personally, never used acid for anything but wheels. And even bicycle needs acid, to make wheels. And wheels by themselves are more rare than acid, at least they were in A19. But somehow, we can now make machineguns out of pipe and glue, without even machine parts or springs. Surprisingly sophisticated pipes in Navezgane these days.
  5. Nerf how? U get barelly 1 egg at most from a nest. Not every time too.
  6. If i want to manually replant 60+ farming plots, i`ll go play Farming Sim, thank you. But since u scrapped Wellness system, i can just go jump from Radio Tower every night, to wake up in the morning feeling no hunger for entire day.
  7. U used 5 crops to make a seed, and got 4 crops and 0 seed. U wasted 1 crop for nothing. how happy u are now?
  8. If u harvest 4 crops, and need 5 crops to craft a seed for replanting, how is that self-sufficient? In A19 u didnt have to spend 85% of harvest to replant seeds every time. We didn't have to replant seeds in A19, so that we could spend more time looting and mining for bullets. Now, u always have to keep in mind, that if u get unlucky with seed drop, u wont even have enough crops to last until next harvest. unless u plant 20 plots (or more) of each type of veggie for stew. And doing so much planting every 1-2 days in game is simply a chore, which is useless for gameplay.
  9. Wellness system fitted 7d2d perfectly. U needed lots of good food and not dying to get high Stamina for melee fighting to preserve ammo, or mining. Without Wellness, u can just go jump from radio tower everytime u got disease from vulture, or run out of food due to broken farming in A20.
  10. But u can now bloat sausage finger a pipe into machinegun now, by adding some glue to it. U dont even have to use machine parts. Apparently pipe has the needed mechanisms to send rounds into barrel and expel shot rounds.
  11. If they wanted more difficulty, why they scrapped Wellness system and added pipe weapons for day 1? They had farming system with replanting after harvest before. They scrapped it in favor of farming plots with regrowing crops. Now they scrap regrowing crops, but don't give back fertilizer to increase harvest yield. Its illogical. Without Wellness system, we dont really need food, we can just die without any penalty. So why bother replanting god knows how many farm plots for tiny food output? Devs made farming like it was in A19 so that players could sell crops to Traders to get brass for making ammo, they stated it in their own videos when they scrapped fertilizers in favor of farming plots and added traders. As a source for getting brass and income to buy stuff from traders.
  12. Same, my campfire does not give off any light.
  13. Ammo is a lot more common. Sometimes i find 5 rounds of 7.62 on day 1, sometimes its 80 on day 2. I got default loot multiplier and insane difficulty with pine forest biome and no perks for loot, since i just made a fresh start. Kinda understandable, since u can craft a machinegun from pipe and glue (no mechanical parts, Karl!) on day 1, so u need lots of ammo for it.
  14. Since Devs scrapped Wellness system in favor of loosing a bit of XP, we can all just suicide every night and forget about having to look for food. Looks like game slowly turns into arcade shooter with firearms on day 1 and 80 rounds per 1 ammo crate on day 1. Just run around, shoot everywhere, get hurt/disease/hunger - just die and get better.
  15. 6 food with 3 points in LotL minus 5 food to make seed for replanting = 1 food from 1 plot + bonus, if u did get a seed drop. U need 2 corn, 2 shroom and 2 potato for 1 veggy stew. U need around 10-15 stews to last from harvest to harvest. it means u need around 60 plots of veggies per person in coop to have 100% guarantee of having enough food to last till next harvest. And u need to replant every single one of those 60 plots after each harvest. This ain't Farming Simulator 2022, ffs. Or you can just die every night or so, to revive with 100% food parameter, since u only loose a bit of XP, because Devs scrapped Wellness system. That way u can forget about farming at all.
  16. Turn 5 to 1 ratio of seed crafting into 1 to 5 and it will be all good.
  17. Farming is useless now. Its easier to go hunt for grilled meat, than replanting 60 corn plots to get more or less usable supply of food. No point of wasting 3 skill points for LotL level 3 only to get 1 food from plant. But hey, u can craft machinegun from pipe and glue on day 1. So its kinda obvious that u should go exterminate whatever is left of life in Navezgane to keep u from being hungry.
  18. U still needed eggs, animal fat and meat for good food supply. And i do remember Devs posting something like "sell excess of food from farming to traders to get brass for bullets" or something like that. Now they nerf farming into tedious replanting routine, but give u machineguns made from pipe and glue on day 1. Wtf? They had replanting before, but u didnt need a farming plot to plant stuff, and u could add fertilizer to get more crops, it was tedious but at least u could mssively increase yield by using fertilizer. Now u need to get workbench to even start farming, and then u need LotL level 3 to make it useful. Crafting a plant seed from 5 units of harvest? Have u seen corn? U should be able to plant 50 corn plants from a single corn cob. Why do we need to use up 5 out of 6 harvested plants just to make 1 seed? Farming is useles and tediuos chore now. wasting 3 skill point on LotL is no point anymore. Just go hunting and make ton of grilled meat, since its the only reliable food source now.
  19. I use insane difficulty, and horde never ends until 3am at least. no matter how many and how fast i kill. it never runs dry until certain time of day happens.
  20. @Survager Well, currently a 4x4 truck cant drive through a flock of Z vultures, which by itself is already a nonsense. I wouldn't mind fighting blood moon hordes if horde was limited in amount of zombies. But its unlimited, so i prefer just borrowing deep underground. Currently its a waste of bullets trying to fight off BM horde.
  21. A question. From what i`ve read the Skyscrapers can only occupy certain areas in a city and they compete for those spots with other POIs, thus i almost never have any single skyscraper in any of my RWG maps made by game. Will that be fixed somehow and skyscrapers will spawn more often on RWG maps in A20?
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