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Everything posted by Hyperion223

  1. Some other suggestions ok i will try to make a clear list cause i have a couple of things, sorry if i repeat some others idea ^^ Firsts things firsts :Mining special ores like copper for electrical components. Gems that we can sell to the settlements :In the end game. We have probably everything we need, and looting is probably becoming useless, why not creating some very important items to force us to go loot in cities ? :The bike is a very hard thing to see on the map, it could be nice if we can see it on the compass and the map as well. :The bike also need some better controls, going down a hill is like jumping every little pixel. It could be nice if the bike could follow the land properly for better control. :In the end game, once we have a good big well defended base it could be nice if in some cities(or all of them) they could have an increased zombie spawn and/or some kind of a nest. It would make the looting more stressful. :it could be nice to also make asphalt to make good quality roads for our bikes :A higher level of item quality could also be nice cause the purple ones even at 600 get damaged pretty quickly. : One problem to solve would be the sounds. Even in a bunker 100 feet underground we can hear zombies through the rock and even concrete blocks. :It could be nice if we could make rafts and do some fishing :mining wagon and rails could also be very useful when mining :concerning the concrete blocks. The 1/2 block cost the same amount of concrete to make than a full block is that intended? :When putting some fences to a flat surface, it fits well, but when it comes to put them in an angle they stay straight and floats. It's pretty much everything i have in mind right now and thanks for your great work guys the game is getting better and better each patch.
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