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Posts posted by Gandilein

  1. 22 minutes ago, drzachary said:

    Hey y'all!  I'm new to KingGen (and adding POIs in general), and had a question for ya.

    I've added a bunch of prefabs, used the KingGen 'create custom' list, and generated worlds with them.  I have 5-6 custom POIs that are never added to any world I create (tried default settings, resizing biomes, etc.)  All of these custom POIs do populate if I run KingGen in "POI mode."  


    I tested by trying a world with *only* those POIs in them (in various combinations), and I get an error:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
      File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
      File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
      File "world.py", line 1301, in run
      File "world.py", line 265, in generate
      File "world.py", line 542, in init_cities
      File "world.py", line 642, in gen_cities
      File "hub_factory.py", line 25, in gen_random_city
      File "hub_factory.py", line 59, in gen_random_hub
      File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
      File "city.py", line 61, in generate
      File "city.py", line 274, in populate_grid
      File "city.py", line 246, in try_place
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rotate_to_face'


    I also noticed that the entries for them all have something in common in the custom POI list created by KingGen:




    (and so on)


    They all have 'none' as their 'prob' field (if I'm reading the format correctly.)   So, if I am understanding it right, KingGen's custom POI tool is flagging these as "don't put these in any maps."  Indeed, when I remove that 'none' so it matches other entries, I get the above error again.


    So... how can I tell what is causing KingGen to reject these POIs (which I am able to place manually)?  I poked around the xml for each POI but didn't see anything they shared in common that was different from the working ones, at first glance!


    Any help is appreciated, but obviously this isn't a game-breaking thing :) I love KingGen and have made incredibly fun, varied maps with it, just curious as to why these particular ones are failing.


    "none" for the zones is used by the Vanilla RWG and basically means "no restrictions" but KingGen doesn't know that zone. You have to put there "any" if you want it to work with KG. Another thing is you have to put in there some township allowance or it won't work with KG either. The allowed values for township are : city, town, rural and wilderness and you have to put them between none/any and wasteland.

  2. 26 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:



    So Khaine is aware of what you found.  He might need more details from you.

    No problem, I tried tinkering with the POI list because I realized that a lot of POIs weren't generated by KG. Few of them just needed some allowed Township value, that was not to complicated but apparently no POI with the phrase "cave" in its name will generate aswell.  So the solution is to rename them to something without cave or just remove the "e" from cave.







  3. 15 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    This is just off the top of my head, but are you sure you got the POI name right?  Since you said 



    works, try this:


    Swap out rh_business_Monster with cave_Salt to see if the map generates the POI cave_Salt.  If it doesn't generate it still, that might point to a naming issue with the POI

    LOL you did it, King Gen seems to have a problem with the word "cave" I renamed it a few times and nothing worked but when I removed "cave" it worked.

    Thats why no other cave is generated aswell.

    That is a really strange bug

  4. 1 minute ago, paulj_3 said:

    So, without that original line in the poislist - KG will create a map just fine, but when you put that line in the poislist - KG stops and produces some kind of error, or what?

    There is no error it just won't generate that POI and that is just one of a few more, I just want to know what causing it that I can work something out for the other POIs

  5. 6 minutes ago, paulj_3 said:

    Ok. I must confess to having only removed complete lines, and have never  had the need to edit any particular line, Gandilein:  for me,  "allowed values" implies that an error message or crash may/will occur when anything else is entered.

    The allowed values for biomes are: pine_forest, burnt_forest, desert, snow and wasteland.

    The allowed values for townships are: city, town, rural and wilderness.

    The allowed values for zones are: residentialold, residentialnew, downtown, commercial, industrial, oldwest and any.
    Any other values will be ignored.


    There it says:"other values will be ignored" and if that is not proof enough




    this one for example is working

  6. 7 minutes ago, paulj_3 said:

    I think it fails because your last value (in the alowed values for zones) includes the word "residential". Gandilien.  Below is what is written on the first page of the KG topic:

    "The allowed values for zones are: residentialold, residentialnew, downtown, commercial, industrial, oldwest and any."

    Yeah I know, but it doesn't matter, when you put something else in, it will just ignore it and beside that, I already tried putting it like that



    and it didn't work either.

  7. How do I use the min and max value for my POIs, because no matter how many times I create an 12k map, he wont create certain POIs and I dont know why. So I tried testing it with a min and max value but then it says it discarded that line in the POI list.

    Edit: ok I found out how to use the min and max value but I still want to know why it is not generating certain PIOs no matter what option I choose

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