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  1. Link still works: http://crongame.com/nitrogen/NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501.zip
  2. Well this basically made my day. This was the biggest thing bothering me when it came to the map generation. The only other thing I am hunting for is ways to make areas in the map radiated (so similar to the map borders). If that works the same way then this just became an early x-mas for me. Thank you very much for your reply
  3. Based on that video just a quick question. Once I have a map generated the way I want it to city wise. I can just replace the biomes.png file and that changes the way biomes are shows in game? There is no need to regenerate a new map?
  4. Hello fellow map modders. I have been playing around with Nitrogen for quite some time now but there are a few things that I would like to figure out. Hopefully you all can help with that. Now I know how the mask.png works. I can edit it and limit where cities are spawned. genHM.png and import_HM.png can be used to add mountain ranges and what not. biomes.png can be used to specifiy where certain biomes are supposed to be. Using the advanced settings you can get a combination of these things to work in tandem. For instance you can say: "use import_HM.png & mask.png" and these 2 files will be used to specify where everything will go. Biomes will then be based on the heightmap with the heights above a certain value (settable in the config files) becoming snow biome. Using the setting: "reuse heighmap (genHM.png)" will actually use what is drawn in the heighmap AND what is drawn in the biomes to generate a new map. Now the annoying bit is that these 2 options are mutually exclusive. Using hte first will ignore the biomes file and using the second one will ignore the mask. What I am after is a way to combine the whole thing. I want to be able to specify the colors of the biomes AND denote where cities are going to be. Is there a way to achieve that?
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