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Everything posted by bachgaman

  1. hello everyone, when is streamer weekend?😀
  2. i think 1. yes, because zombies can 2. no, because zombies can't 3. no, because zombies can't 4. yes, because zombies can 5. yes, because zombies can 6. yes, because zombies can bandits are zombies with other models and a ranged attack type
  3. Why abandon? Just postpone for another 7 years
  4. in my opinion, it would be better if they polished everything that is in the game now instead of developing bandits, drones and other content that does not make this game more replayable. Instead of this cumbersome wow content, dozens and hundreds of items, recipes, world settings, perks, etc. could be added.
  5. This is new content, I'm talking about working with what we have, not adding new models/mechanics/textures Sounds like a cool story, I can't imagine what you need to do with the game to permanently damage your PC This does not justify the lack of settings. And not associated with them. Some person join to a custom server with extraordinary settings and have some problems. And what? Is it time to remove the multiplayer? According to your logic, this should be done to avoid such complaints If your PC doesn't allow you to comfortably play on ultra settings, you just don't turn them on instead of turning them on and complaining about low fps, right?
  6. Right. It would be more correct to make it possible to enter any value manually. But I have nothing against limits beyond frankly redundant values. So, how does such a limitation invalidate my claim that any conceivable setting can be added, regardless of its impact on performance, given the warning that those setting might cause lag? Also, do you seriously think that performance issues might surprise a player of this game?
  7. It makes no sense to hide behind thinking through performance problems and so on, because it exists: "Chaning this setting has a huge impact on perfomance. Change at your own risk."
  8. Adding content is easier than balancing, but nevertheless we see new content once every 1.5 years in a very modest amount. And since there is no balance in the game and, for the reason you mentioned, will not be for many years, it would be logical to give players the opportunity to deal with balancing themselves - by increasing the number of options available when creating a world. I believe that it is orders of magnitude cheaper than creating a new T5 POI or writing NPC AI for most possible settings
  9. But I was not talking about new T5 POI and not about weapon tiers, but about simple sliders in the settings menu
  10. In its current state, it ruins the gameplay, but if it were possible to customize it, then it would be much more fun with it than without it. Unfortunately looks like TFP believes that game lack new car and zombies models, not replay value or balance.
  11. This should have been the slogan of the game since there were no death penalties in it. Right now death is only a reward, so the game literally says "die to survive"
  12. according to this logic, it would be worth deleting the recipe for creating all ammo and weapons, and almost all items in the game
  13. The question is not how I perceive the dislike, but that I am fruitless wasting my time to see this dislike. It's like if you get a call on the phone, answer the phone, and hear an advertisement. And it goes on and on I don't want to turn off notifications for all reactions, only from spammers. Ignore doesn't, as far as I remember
  14. Wise man, how can I ignore this if I get a notification every time he spams dislikes?
  15. In fact, his dislike spam wouldn't be so annoying if there was an option to not see it in notifications. Every time he spams dislikes you see notifications hoping for some kind of dialogue but instead you see spam negative ratings which of course doesn't make you feel good
  16. "Adding content is honestly the easy part. The hard part is balancing it." so I guess all we'll see is new car/guns/npc's models that took another 1.5 years to complete
  17. Silly video. The author of the video is a typical console player who craves beautiful pictures with a wow effect instead of smart and interesting game mechanics. Zombie AI needs to keep improving, it's much more important than new pixels and models in an already laggy game. Because pictures are what we looked at, got used to and forgot. Zombie AI is something we're dealing with all the time, and AI's flaws hurt more than the lack of pixels
  18. I don't see any insult here. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/22366-alpha-20-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=449040
  19. You're not the only one he hates, you can be sure.
  20. Trader rewards and assortment slider 😁
  21. Got 100+ dislikes from kuosimodo at least Without lotl u get 4 crop + 50% of seed, 1 seed = 5 crop => u got 6.5 crops in average spending 5 crops for seed Am I wrong? Im not sure now btw
  22. Then why are you whining? Speaking of whining, I remember one of the local people who argued that whining on this forum never leads to anything. Now recall that 90% of A20 complaints were related to the new farm, which, by the way, is positive, even without LOTL (for those who are friends with school mathematics). And what do we see LOL So go on to tell how the decrease of durability of blocks hinders to receive aesthetic pleasure, and not to cheat the game (I believe). Maybe the change will be canceled if there are ten more offended cheaters
  23. Bliss. Little fans of exploits and cheat-bases burned out
  24. Found some bugs in interaction with onjects in MP. 1. An attempt to drive someone else's locked bicycle leads to its repair, if there is a repair kit. 2. You can block any open container set by another player. But only the owner can unlock. Cop uses old model after self-detonation. Not bug, just interesting Just fancy rwg
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