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Everything posted by MickkPewPew

  1. Are bandits coming in A21 or no? seeing a lot of conflicting comments all over
  2. Yeah it should be compatible, if anything is going to go wrong it's the physics.xml file, simply delete it and there shouldn't be any conflict then if any. I designed some of those zombies for servers to take on, I'm sure they'll give your players a good fight
  3. Howdy, You'd delete the "physicsbodies.xml" file from the mod folder, that'll fix it
  4. Howdy, Yes they will spawn in the wasteland only, if you want it to be exclusively Admin spawns simply delete the "entitygroups.xml" file from the mod I will be working on less powerful zombies/bosses for other zones of the game too but they're getting tricky to balance with lots of new players still learning the game.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bfak73qpkcblm4r/AAB6LdSxjsDgo8pe2MUYp4iya?dl=0 Information on the Mod can be found here; https://7daystodiemods.com/mickkpewpews-server-side-zeds-20-5/ If you've any issues please feel free to PM me. Enjoy.
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