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Everything posted by arramus

  1. The Snufkin Zombies haven't been added to the wandering hordes but have been added to regular individual roaming spawn groups. I have been unable to replicate this issue beyond the scenarios and workarounds mentioned above. My regular gaming group just launched a new World today on the experimental 19.4(b3) build and there are Snufkin Zombies roaming the areas.
  2. They are practically identical in most respects beyond a few probability settings and rebalancing. I couldn't see any details about your World size, maximum entity settings, day, open regions, etc, and can't really comment beyond generic observations and feedback. One way to help confirm if it's mod related or World related is to install an additional custom zombie mod such as Robeloto's. However, Robeloto's custom zombies also spawn inside POIs where Snufkin's do not and a better analysis may be better made in clearer non POI areas.
  3. Stallionsden has an invisible animal mod fix which shouldn't be connected to Zombie Entitities but increased my roaming Zombie count as well. As far as I've read the Worlds work like this. I may have missed a few points but this seems to be the basics. 1. You set a maximum zombie count for the World and at first they will be in a high density in those initial unlocked regions. A day 1 World often sees a lot of individual roaming zombies at regular intervals. 2. As regions unlock, they disperse further and wider. If nobody visits those unlocked regions for a while, the zombies that spawned there still remain. I've tested this by teleporting in debug mode and could see exactly the same zombies I had seen when I went across that region on a motorcycle but not interacted with. They seem to remain attached to that region. I read that this is a game feature to thin out the zombies and 'force' expansion. 3. The animals also have a maximum animal count which is supposed to be separate to the zombie count and also allows a greater number as they are supposed to use less system resource. 4. POI zombies are triggered by their own sleeper volumes independent of what's happening outside in the World. In reality, this is what seems to happen for Snufkin's zombies. 1. The first few weeks can be very intense and this is why we added a lighter entitygroups.xml version to allow new players and new Worlds a chance. 2. As the regions unlock, the zombies disperse, and this is when the higher entitygroups.xml is more effective. 3. If any players decide to do a tour of the whole map, multiple regions unlock and zombies populate those regions and seem to remain in standby until other players venture their way. This is turn reduces the possibility of zombies spawning, beyond POIs, in busier regions that are used regularly if the maximum zombie count for the World has been reached. 4. A similar situation appears to happen with animals but to an even greater degree because there is an invisible class that slowly takes over from the visible animals. I have seen a new animal spawn in and almost instantly become invisible. It appears they are counted as animals but we cannot interact with them. It shouldn't, but after installing the animal fix mod I noticed roaming zombies reappear in areas that had been empty for quite a long time which makes me wonder if there was an interaction between invisible animals and allowed spawn distance for zombies trying to enter the game. All in all, the bigger the World the more noticeable this will be as there are so many more regions and a greater dispersal potential. For my own server: - I keep to 8K or less - Add the invisible animal fix - Gently increase maximum zombie count as the regions unlock and switch from the lighter to heavier entitygroups.xml You could always try teleporting in debug mod to unlocked regions to see if there are any custom zombies in standby.
  4. Love em or loathe em, 7DaysToDiemods.com, based on the past 6 months of periodic visits at least, update very quickly. A daily basis if not multiple occasions in a single day. 5 and 7 really are huge amounts and should have been noticeable. I've played in a server which set night at 4 and it was a constant stream which was far too much for me.
  5. It all depends on how Undead Legacy amended the default files, especially as Subquake really put in a huge amount of work to verhauling multiple features. However, reading through the features of the mod, there is a lot of good reason for it to run and it is well worth a try. This is because the Snufkin Zombies are separate entities and should not conflict with Undead Legacy ID slots. If you are looking for something more challenging then I recommend the PLUS version of the Snufkin Zombies. It contains all of everyone's Snufkin favorites plus some new additions. And if there are any you prefer not to use, it is possible to comment them out of the entitygroups.xml so they don't spawn. Here is a link to the first page of the Snufkin Zombies PLUS which has the most up to date version: And here is a link to the most up to date version of the regular Snufkin Zombies: We got there and I should have remembered earlier as soon as you mentioned Add On but all good. So that other hosts don't have to experience the trouble you did, the introduction mentions that it is not recommended to use the Add On in its current state but if people really want to, and also amend the Custom Zombies, they should be looking to the Add On entity files rather than the Custom Zombies entity files.
  6. I see. - If your World regions are all open and the days are over 300, and entity count max setting is low, encounters will also be low. - If you are using a custom World of 8K or more, this is also a limiting factor, again due to max count settings and density. - If the invisible animal bug has started in your World and animals are also a rarity, it also seems to impact zombie counts too. Adding a mod to fix that, also increases Snufkin/roaming default zombies. - If regular zombies are still a regular features, changing the Snufkin zombie probability will bring them out in force. The PLUS version is already set very high compared to the regular version and it doesn't bode well that there are no encounters beyond BM.
  7. Resolved. When running both the Snufkin Zombies Mod AND the Camera Add On (which is unfortunately only half functional, with the good half being non functional) the Camera Add On files take precedence if there is any duplication since it is loaded last due to the alphabetical loading nature of the Mods. As such, it would be necessary to amend the entityclasses.xml in the Camera Add On which is practically identical to the Snufkin Zombies Mod with a couple of minor updates for compatibility. It was recommended not to run the Camera Add On due to its limitations unless it was really necessary. Removing the Camera Add On will allow the regular Snufkin Custom Zombies' files to take precedence again and any edits will take hold.
  8. Let's continue this troubleshooting via the forum private message system as it may require seeing a few screenshots of your Mods folder, setup, and things like that.
  9. It is just the base_set. You don't happen to have a copy of the Snufkin PLUS version installed as well?
  10. I see. I just retook the above steps to confirm that it still applies with the HP sent in a more upward direction. The additional noughts all took when I started the game. Can you also confirm that the changes you made have also remained in place after shutting down the server/client? Can you also confirm that if you're running a dedicated private server at home, you didn't accidentally make the changes to a version you may have in your client folder?
  11. Just confirming that you did all of the following. 1. Stopped the server/exited the game for client host. 2 Manually edited the existing entityclasses.xml or uploaded a new entityclasses.xml with your preferred changes. As an example, with an entity such as the Scarecrow in the entityclasses.xml: <entity_class name="zombieScarecrow" extends="Zombie_Template"> You made changes to the HealthMax settings. <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="750"/> 3. Restarted the server/game for client host.
  12. @Nomad has a very large message box to respond to and asked me to respond on his/her behalf. I think you are using an old A18 version of the Snufkin Mod because this was removed from the A19 version because it was also removed from the game. Please update to the latest version. A link can be found by visiting the very first thread.
  13. The custom zombies start spawning from Game Stage/Level 1.
  14. I'm currently playing in a World that has just hit Day 703. This mod has been running from Day 1 and the guards haven't given any errors of this nature so far. In fact, this is the first I've seen continuous errors like this. Guards have cleaner spawns on flat surfaces where they can break the 'spawn tile' and render it inactive. Can you confirm that your guard was placed on a flat surface and the tile isn't hiding underneath the ground surface. They have been placed both manually and through reading the quest without issue as well.
  15. @The Frankman Mmm, I think we have to deal with what we have unless each zombie was attached to an existing model. The Scorcher and Banshee are also attached to existing models and remain pretty grounded whereas the Mantis can be catapulted quite far. The Queen of Catapults seems to be the Parasite, although the Psycho would have something to say about that.
  16. There is an entity mass and this applies to pretty much all entities, including the Snufkin ones and is typically proportional. However, the majority of the Snufkin Zombies have their own Archetypes just like building a player's features and they may be missing a few things that regular entities have in terms of models. The Archon is one of the exceptions as it's based on a customised entity and typically holds fast when eliminated. This never used to be such a thing until a few updates ago when a physics element became a much bigger feature, as you say; flying at quite a distance. If you ever get the chance to go into Creative Mode and grab the Developer's Hammer, it takes it to the extreme. I don't think it's ever really been discussed as a feature to amend as it typically leaves smiles on people's faces and a mood of being mesmerised.
  17. There are a few modders making custom zombies who are inspired by community ideas so feel free to share your concept and features. You just never know.
  18. All of these are GS dependent for regular zombies but the custom entries are not GS dependent and will appear at the same probability; albeit less frequently. <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesNight']"> <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']"> <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesBurntForest']"> <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='SnowZombies']"> All of these are custom entries that are not GS dependent. If you visit these Biomes based on their description you are much more certain to see the custom zombies even at low GS. <entitygroup name="ZombiesWastelandNightHard"> <entitygroup name="ZombiesPineForest"> <entitygroup name="ZombiesPineForestNight"> <entitygroup name="ZombiesDesertNight"> In addition, the smaller your World and the higher you set your total allowed zombies, the greater the density. You can also change the settings in the spawning.xml for those custom groups. Increasing these means you will definitely see them and quite possibly a little too much. <configs> <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesPineForest" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesPineForestNight" /> </append> <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='desert']"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesDesertNight" /> </append> <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='wasteland']"> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNightHard" /> </append> </configs> Changing the maxcount to 2 will be quite noticeable.
  19. Try doing this as an alternative. Adding the !-- at the beginning and -- at the end forces the game to ignore what is in between but still allows you to change it at a later time. <!--entity name="zombieScorcher" prob="0" /-->
  20. The spawn groups for this version and the old version are exactly the same so I hope it will provide a similar feel and challenge. The only major differences are that there are more variety of zombies and they will either spawn a lot (default version) or at a more comfortable amount (light version). The light version is actually much closer to the original default version. It is also possible to change things here and there by yourself if you want a certain zombie to have more XP, more chance of spawning, or higher HP, etc. If you aren't familiar with how to change that by yourself, we can offer some instructions..
  21. Custom zombie spawn is somewhat connected to Game Stage. They have their own custom spawn groups which are not connected and they will appear in mass regardless. That is one reason we release the 'lite' version to support new Worlds as it could be a bit too intense. They are also integrated into default groups which will not change their probability but reduce their volume.
  22. I wonder what day your World is on and if your World has reached maximum entity count which means they won't really spawn so much until slots are opened up by eliminating others in the World.
  23. I think you are onto something there. It is very possible gibbage effects are restricted to just limited models/classes/entity types and reinstating them would require further inclusions. I've never played PvP but the video I've seen shows Sunday family afternoon elimination scenes.
  24. It is linked to the Geist's own personal settings. Here is something you can try. a) Open the items.xml file and search for <item name="ammoProjectileGeist">. b) Change the <property name="DamageEntity" value="15"/> from 15 to a number closer to half. This will be much closer to a close melee attack amount for the Geist which is currently 8. I wonder what entityclass your own zombies are extending from such as <entity_class name="zombiePsycho" extends="Zombie_Template">.
  25. Greetings. This thread is only for the original zombies and not the Plus version for future reference. In response: Passing through things - Correct, the flying zombies are actually attached to vultures and use their collision. It means they can get to a lot more places than they should be able to. Adding collision causes some severe issues for servers and this was the best workaround. It has its issues with passing through too many things sometimes but the modders make the best of the tools they have. Too Common - There is a ‘lite’ version for the Plus mod which can replace the default one. New Worlds can be rough because the regions have not opened and density of zombies is very very high. Once regions have opened it becomes the opposite and they hardly appear. As such, there is a lite and regular version to choose from and you mention it is easy enough to regulate by yourself. Splendid. Gheist - Supposed to be an ephemeral type being and the first sign is usually electric bolts flying near you or hitting you. I’m sure Snufkin will smile at your comment. Removing Zombies - Very possible to do simply by removing them from the entitygroups.xml spawn groups. You shared that you are familiar with editing this area. Editing Zombies - It is always possible for server hosts to modify the Zombies health and XP settings as well. You are familiar with editing spawn rates and seem to understand the xml subtleties. Thank you for constructive feedback and all the best with customizing to your own specifications which is something you can see a lot from many server hosts that have posted in the threads.
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