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  1. A friend and I are trying to get this mod to work but are also utilizing HD Forge. It seems to be the mod that is causing problems with yours. Do you by any chance know what this code refers to? (Filename: <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952> Line: 0) IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at XUiC_WorkstationMaterialInputWindow.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00043] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00000] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x0014d] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiUpdater.Update () [0x0003f] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x0002e] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 EDIT: This is also an issue, that may be the real underlying cause?? IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at XUiC_WorkstationMaterialInputWindow.OnOpen () [0x00069] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00286] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00006] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GUIWindowManager.Open (GUIWindow _w, System.Boolean _bModal, System.Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, System.Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x000d0] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GUIWindowManager.Open (System.String _windowName, System.Boolean _bModal, System.Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, System.Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00065] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GameManager.workstationOpened (TileEntityWorkstation _te, LocalPlayerUI _playerUI) [0x00096] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at GameManager.TELockServer (System.Int32 _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, System.Int32 _lootEntityId, System.Int32 _entityIdThatOpenedIt) [0x0011c] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at BlockForge.OnBlockActivated (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 _cIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, EntityAlive _player) [0x00028] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at BlockForge.OnBlockActivated (System.Int32 _indexInBlockActivationCommands, WorldBase _world, System.Int32 _cIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, EntityAlive _player) [0x00009] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiC_Radial.handleBlockCommand (XUiC_Radial _sender, System.Int32 _commandIndex, XUiC_Radial+RadialContextAbs _context) [0x0002a] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0 at XUiC_Radial.CallContextAction () [0x00095] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0
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