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Posts posted by Kyonshi

  1. 9 minutes ago, ricp said:


    Yeah, funny about the specs.


    It would be interesting to know the settings you use and the frame rate you get.

    As for the optimisation? Yeah, I'd say most agree with what you say, but until that happens I'll work around it the best I can. After all, it's probably what we've all done during the journey "up the alphas".

    I can definitely tell you that my fps count is almost identical to what you get, after testing on my side as well. So id say you've reached a ceiling just like I did. I'll get into more specifics once I'm home.

  2. I have the same three components you mention. The. Exact. Same. (funny odds right?)


    Unfortunately I'm not home right now, I'm at work but once I get back tonite, I can let you know in details about my settings. But keep in mind, at some point it's not on us and our rigs, the game needs to be optimized. Because even if we both have mid-range gear, it is well good enough to run most current games with pretty decent visuals and performance, including Cyberpunk 2077, which I'm also playing.

  3. 18 hours ago, Shockwave1 said:


    First glasses can let you craft faster and better. Of course they can, especially if they are magnifying glasses. Bandoliers absolutely make you reload faster over getting ammo out of your backbpack... that's precisely what they are designed to do.


    At the very least at least we have one piece of eyewear for each stat, which we should still get rid of (as it is unbalancing if you find it/don't find it). No eyewear should boost stats or XP but crafting times would be a fine bonus.


    There is no need to put out armor that gives you a huge bonus they crank up the difficulty. That just makes the game easy or difficulty based solely on RNG. If you find the armor the game is easy if you don't it's hard.  Ergo, there is no reason for the armors, they serve no purpose, they solve no deficiency in the game.


    As for "not believing me" you can be whatever kind of ass you want, it doesn't add anything to the discussion.

    I already explained about the Bandolier in a comment above, that you didn't read of course. You can reach ammo quicker but the manual movement that performs the reloading process, like we plainly see in the game, will NOT be faster because you have a Bandolier... What's so hard to grasp here?


    A pair of gasses wouldn't make you craft faster either in real life. Again, it's the repetition and practice of manual gesture that makes you perform the task faster, over time.


    But it's items within a video game where suspension of disbelief is broadly used for the purpose of serving the game design and also, fun. Your narrowed vision of the game and what can be done because of "magical" items is very rigid and you reduce the difficulty of ordeals mostly on the items you can find, like armor sets... There's waaaay more other elements that makes the game easier or harder but the things about special items is that, wait for it... they do alleviate the issues one can encounter in a game! It's their purpose! And it's part of the challenge : the player comes across problems and they have to solve it by themselves through multiple means, which involves efforts form themselves and also, finding specific resources and items that will help them circumvent and solve said issues. When they find a "magical" armor, it's a relief and it's gratifying. But it's nothing OP like you whine about, because then there would be no more challenge. And the Pimps wanna avoid that.


    You're crying about something that's not implemented yet, and you know nothing about their final design and how the game design will be worked on to make those items impact properly. The only problem here is your skewed view about something that doesn't exist yet, but you create issues like they're definitive. How about chilling out and wait once it goes live?


    If finding armors sets makes us OP and the game super easy, then we'll all uninstall and give you full credit. Happy with this?


    If I'm some kind of "ass" because I point out a flaw in your ranting, then I can tell you I prefer this as opposed to having my head up in it like you 😉

  4. And therefore can they have their damage boosted by putting points into Demo Expert?


    I see them as incendiary weapons and not explosives, but I could be wrong. And also since we can craft them without putting points into any skill, I tend to think they're not considered explosives and that the only way to boost the damage is to read the Fireman's Almanac that lengthens the burning effect.

  5. Zombies digging is intended and you'll have to live with this.


    Zombies don't move like Neo in the Matrix, full stop. You're exaggerating it big time here. They can now duck and crawl and will sometimes perform this gesture randomly or in some occurence, they'll make look like they voluntarily bob and weave hits but I suspect it's just the crawling mechanic triggering when they move along or in contact with uneven surfaces.


    Usually, the zombie thrope doesn't take account of the rigor mortis effect, except in the case of the Chinese jiangshi (or kyonshi, in Japan). The virus/organism/agent X that reanimates dead people nullifies the rigor mortis somehow, but flesh decay will still occur over time. Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead actually illustrates this very well. Freshly reanimated corpses are still vigorous and even seem to be stronger and own extra stamina. But after a while, muscle decay takes over and some specimens move slower and have numbed reaction time.


    7DTD seems to take some elements from this but it's mainly inspired from the Walking Dead series, which the Pimps are fond of.

  6. I always drag and drop glass out of my inventory. It has become an automatism. Glass in inventory —> must drop it asap. I can't properly function with that in my bags. I will literaly open it up to remove it manually between two zombie kills, while there's others coming at me few meters away. Or I will climb up to a safe spot to drop it.


    It's literaly useless to me. I see no reason for it to take a spot in my inventory more than the 2 seconds it takes to throw it away. Result of this habit : never died from it after +2500 hours.

  7. On 2/3/2022 at 3:58 PM, Matt115 said:

    Well : some thing can give you "bonuses" in real live too. Like sunglasses or nightvision, if you dance (idk how it is called in english) socks without toes  can be usefull , running shoes can let you run faster ( if you are profesional runner) . Even bandoliers can you allow reload faster  - yes this simplfied in 7dtd but i will give you example - armies invest a lot to create the best "wearing" systems because this  was important-  it will be faster to take new magasine from socket on you belt that take this magasine from your backpack right?  It can be easier to take shotgun shells from bandolier that sockets right? Just it need to be logical

    Let say: you want to be stealth and night - wear black clothes, and day ghile suit. You want to hunt? light shoes / totaly barefoot  and light clothes.  You want to wear a lot og things? fishing vest etc.

     But farming, "thinking" clothes sound stupid as hell - well i understand mining set- it it warm underground  so light clothes are better but rest of concept arts looks... just something is wrong. Well ofc this can be scrapped and do in diffrrent way but - drones,  junk guns, new guns  models mean they want to do something in "mad max" style

    I dunno, I think you're way too much down to earth regarding concepts in this game where suspension of disbelief is used to maintain and conduct the game design that the Pimps want.


    First of all, a bandolier will not make you perform the reload gestures faster. It does provide easier and quicker access to ammo, but the item doesn't make you move faster. But for 7DTD, it's nothing dramatic to play around that idea and translate it into the effect the Bandolier gives to the player. And our character in the game isn't an American soldier equipped with cutting edge technology and development regarding military/tactical gear. No need to push the idea in a design like 7DTD. Some people claim there's something wrong with the game because AKs aren't so common in the US (i really read complains like that) or that there's no 5.56mm ammo. But honestly, this isnt Call of Duty nor Battlefield. Can we just enjoy 7DTD for what it is?


    If farming and other armor sets don't make sense with their "magical" perks, then do we also remove all of the existing "magic" items like the Nerdy Glasses and Lucky Googles? The Bandolier? The Pocket Mods are a problem then, because the image of that item depicted shows that you totally can't fit a Fire Axe in it. Yet, it does. And how the hell does a Pocket Mod magically removes some weight off of you?? You only have more room to carry more stuff, so logically this means you're heavier! Omg what are we gonna do?? 😱


    Just let go pal, you're too rigid about this all. Same with TC. It's not a bad thing to be tolerant about fictional stuff.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Shockwave1 said:


    That seems very nitpicky of you. eyewear (one piece) is not entire armor sets. The Bonuses are much lower and less consequential, and all glasses give you a bonus to a stat you might need. You could make the argument of needing to add +1 to your agility for something and +1 to your perception for others and swapping those glasses too.

    Nitpicky? Ok 😆


    Nah but pal, you said that armor sets are "magical" items that are out of place, but you don't mention those two pairs of glasses, which also give "unreal" bonuses, because no one gets smarter and crafts faster putting on some glasses. Doesn't matter if the bonus value is way lesser than the sets, that's not my point. Just like a Bandolier doesn't make you reload faster in any way.


    Should we remove all "fantasy" items then, if we follow your rationale? Because they don't make sense in a survival game like this?


    The armor sets are still an idea on paper and not even implemented yet. We don't even know if the general gameplay design will be tweaked to offer much more challenge overall. The armor sets could very well ease the experience with either some pieces or complete assortment, so consequently the Pimps will have to crank up the difficulty of the game.


    To say that they should not go along with the sets concept is way too premature and purely speculative. We need way much more data on how they will design the suits versus the impact they will have over the whole progression and how the game world will make them viable, or not, in the form that we're being showed.


    Sure you can give you 2 cents on this, but like BFT2020 said, any decisive point of view on that is inconsequential for now.

    20 minutes ago, Shockwave1 said:

    But the 10% xp extra on nerdy glasses has always seemed out of place.

    I don't believe you 😉 I suspect that you didnt have any issue with this and when you saw where I wanted to go with my comment, you reconsidered to not appear contradictory (I don't mean no offense, Im just showing some horns to tease you 😈😄)

  9. 1 hour ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    But we general players do not know how that works.
    We can only tell you how it FEELS like. (which is also a very important feedback).

    And I can tell you: I didn't even know A19 had auto-wake up rooms.
    A20 it feels like every room is an auto-wake up even with insane sneaking skills.

    Well, feelings are a subjective interpretation of something, therefore it isn't a factual reference. The importance that feelings should gain regarding concepts that require factual and technical data to be fixed, if there's a need to, is largely debatable.


    Case in point, I'm an avid stealth player. I actually have a hard time playing otherwise, my immersive process demands to play stealthy like 95% of the time. I have a solid certitude that no, not all rooms are auto-wake up. This is a laughable exaggeration. If things would have been like you described them, I would have never bothered putting points in that skill.


    I do come across rooms that are an inevitable trigger for Zs, but for a vast amount of time I spend playing, I can handle most of my possible stealth kills with success, with proper and careful precautions. This has been debated during A19 and I think it was Roland that once said that this isn't a pure stealth game and players should consider that you can't breeze your way with 100% stealth kills because that's something the designers don't wanna see. But they're also determined to make a stealth approach totally enjoyable for those who choose this path.


    Now, of course this feature isn't perfect and I think that the part of the community that judges too hard should check their own perceptions before stating there's something wrong with the stealth mechanics like it's a fact. This isn't Splinter Cell, Tenchu or Thief and with the millions of possible interactions and conflicts the technical design of 7DTD generates, it's a colossal task to set up a feature that's stable enough for the eventual finished gold game.

  10. 7 hours ago, gurutar said:

    going outside with a torch is fine. crafting 15 torches and throwing a dozen of them at the wall so they stick is silly and immersion breaking. when you're outside you definitely have enough light to get by, but going inside is a different story, hence why people craft 15 torches. this seems to be the prevailing method of seeing at night, and i just think it's crap.

    And turning up the brightness way up to be able to see during night, when you're not supposed to see @%$# (unless there's a full moon) isnt immersion breaking at all, noooo xD

    Nobody crafts 15 torches and carry them around... dunno where you get this. Maybe 2-3, but you're just exaggerating with 15 and this doesnt push your point into any kind of sense.

    Alright go ahead and put another thumbs down now lol.

  11. I like the Feral Sense feature but im wondering if there's an in-between and if its achievable by modifying some values in its xml settings.

    Like i turned it on in one of my game at early stage and it was kinda overwhelming. I had a hard time progressing in the map. Now i know its supposed to make the game harder, but like now it felt way too much. So i turned it off just to see the difference and then it felt like the whole town was empty... And im playing with the Dangerous Cities modlet, which increase the count and spawn rate of zombies in towns and cities!

    So my question is where in the xml files are the Feral Sense coding lines and what values should i modify to find a setting that's just right for my taste?

  12. 8 hours ago, BarryTGash said:

    How about the same caveats as every other game that allows dual wielding: you can only hold something in your off hand if the item in your primary hand is one-handed (clubs, stone axe, iron pick, wrenches, knives). Not rocket science and certainly not a hyperbole magnet.

    Of course i know this damn well... I was asking him. Dual wield isnt gonna happen anyways, the Pimps said it once during a stream. There's already an independent light source and in the meantime if you dont have it, you either deal with it, bring up creative mode to give yourself the light or mod the game yourself to provide another alternative.

  13. I choose to play a survival game but I don't wanna deal with the survival aspect. I wish the Pimps would give me stuff so I don't have to survive so hard in a survival game.


    Like I find it so excruciating to have to hunt for food or even easier, loot around. We should start with a full catering service waiting for us beside where we wake up when we start the game. Oh and speaking of which, why are we full nood?? Is it asking too much to have at least walk-in with appropriate clothing before I start eating my breakfast?


    And exploring... Omfg, this is the worst. I gotta WALK. Pimps, why the hell can't we have a pick-up service from the traders, to drive us around? Like Uber, but call it Trader instead.


    LeT mE pLaY tHe WaY i WaNt. I don't see why I should be forced to survive in a post-nuclear-pandemic apocalypse, with no remaining and functioning structures and systems, if I don't want to. Please fix the game according to my most remote desires. 🙏

  14. Thank you for the nerf, Pimps! I love the ammo rebalance because even if play at 100% Loot, I'm not swimming in ammo like in previous alphas. I don't know how the hell people play to be submerged in bullets, but there's something they don't tell us, it just doesn't make sense. The ammo nerf for quest rewards was the first step and I'm glad I don't find 75 of them every time I turn around the corner.

  15. 8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Because simply reading the last page or two of the Dev Diary shows that faatal is currently trying to fix the bug. It's partially fixed in the 20.1 EXP build but more work is being done. And keeping up with that would have informed him they struggled to reliably repro the bug before, but now in A20 the origin shifts, which are the culprit, happen more often so it made it more obvious.


    And not a fanboy at all, you can easily find me criticizing TFP on multiple decisions. But judging by you jumping to calling me one, you don't strike me as the type to pay enough attention to things to realize that I'm not. Whatever floats your boat. 👍

    Some people can't stand having their criticism of this game factually corrected by people who inform themselves properly. It's very strange. It's just the most normal thing to do to...just read. It's even easier when you're the official discussion board of the very developers of the game. But I observe that anything longer than the Twitter format of 140 characters is way too much for some people.


    I'm pretty active on the 7DTD PC group and I'm being called a "fanboy" more times that I can count, just because I adjust the inaccuracies that some morons spout about the game and the devs. It became a hobby to counter trolls with documented info and watch them lose their @%$# afterward 😄

  16. Dont consider your point of view on the game as being a factual reference. Where you observe a ''problem'' isnt an issue for someone else.

    Its absolutely inaccurate to say crafting is useless because of the potential loot you get in that biome, as far as im concerned. Its not because it gives the highest loot bonus that everything level 6 falls in your hands from the heavens... You just play on Insane difficulty as i do to realize quite fast that 1) you definitely can't tackle on the Wasteland early on, and this is without feral sense being active, and 2) you realize that since you can't handle the hell that is this biome, you'll have to craft stuff by gathering resources and leveling up your skills in another biome in order to be ready for it.

  17. I don't get you pal. You complain about a feature that does exactly what it's supposed to do. I dunno, it's like you expose yourself to rain and then complain you're wet and soaked. 🤷


    Cities, whatever the biome, always have a higher spawn rate and count of zombies. The Wasteland has the highest of those, of all biomes. This was requested, actually. And then you have Feral Sense on. What were you actually expecting? It's simply the toughest biome.


    I guess your just bored being in end-game. I do loot runs in the Wasteland at Day 12 right now. I don't have Feral Sense on, but I play on Insane and I self-imposed a challenge of not using any melee weapons whatsoever. Im glad I didn't turn Feral on cuz it's pure @%$#ing hell. But I'm having a lot of fun!


    So I guess your situation is just peculiar. Maybe it's time to start another game with other settings and restrictions you put on yourself?

  18. On 1/19/2022 at 2:06 AM, Ripflex said:

    If M$ buys Activision Blizzard, would the working conditions change ?


    Bobby Kotick is for the moment staying in the seat, but I bet that's only for the transaction process. Once all the paperwork is done, I'm pretty convinced he'll get booted. Microsoft won't tolerate a lying scumbag like this in that top-end position. 

  19. The guy thinks he knows how to handle a game, that is not is own creation, better than the developers themselves... because he has lots of hours of play on it. 😆


    I stopped reading when he said something about no real content was added, and that includes "slight changes" to POIs. Ok so he means that +140 new POIs, and more being added and worked on, isn't substantial content? Wow. Mind blowing. He just confirmed he doesn't know what he's talking about. At all.


    People sometimes complain that developers don't listen to their communities of players enough. There's legitimate reasons why and this guy is one of them.


    Fun Pimps, don't listen to those clueless people who take their opinions for facts and intent to dictate and lecture you about your creative and production process. I would dare advance that the vast majority of players understand that this game is still in developement and that content isn't yet fully integrated, as well as technical adjustments and improvements. Thank you for your hard work.

  20. @Naz


    There could be a way to circumvent the long runway issue. You build the main airport facilities (assuming we're still talking about a local, single-runway airport and not international-type) on the largest tile available (or maybe a compound of tiles). Control tower, a terminal, a hangar. But you don't put the runway on the tiles. Instead, you program the RWG process to include the airport tiles by the side of a normal portion of road, that would actually imitate the runway.


    But that's just technically speaking. As I think about it, a small local airport would just be another commercial/industrial POI but with planes. I'd still be interested, but if we'd ever have an airport in the game, the only kind that would really be appealing and bound to make a difference would be an international size one. Maybe not like JFK, Hartfields-Jackson or O'Hare, but maybe LaGuardia? But anyways, it goes back to what we were saying that it would be to big and waste of space.


    Btw, your POIs are @%$#ing phenomenal! Kudos to you sir 👍

  21. 2 hours ago, Naz said:

    I think the reasons are:

    1. performance large poi's are very demanding, a 1:1 scale airport is huge, they could scale it down but then it would look like comically small for what it's supposed to be.


    2. There is a bug with large prefabs where above a certain size and and view distance setting, the prefabs distant mesh continues to display over the prefab while you're inside it. There is also no logic in RWG to have the prefab split into multiple prefabs and have them line up together to form a larger prefab.


    3. I think MM said, but don't quote me, it would be a boring poi since most of it would be an empty run way, while the terminal and traffic control towers make up only a small area and that would be a waste of map space.

    Adding to the technical issues this could bring, MadMole got a point, even if I'd love to have an airport added myself.


    But an international-type of airport would indeed be a huge waste of space because there would be nothing on the runways. Yeah of course you could add a crashed airplane (with probably nothing to loot anyways since it would be completely destroyed), but we would still be facing performance issues for the return we would get. A local airport though, that could be nice, pretty much like what already exists in the CompoPack.

  22. Girls with big jugs have the right to be represented as much as any other size.


    The name's The Fun Pimps and one of their trademarks is the sexual innuendo all over Navezgane. Many of the shops names are very suggestive (Carpets Munchez, Dicks) and there's now a second stripclub, after we saw the Boobie Trap.


    Jen is also a model of inclusivity since she'll flirt with you whatever is the sex of your character. So she's at least bi. Rekt's probably a closet ace since its absolutely impossible to not wanna bang anyone in the apocalypse, at all. He just hates everyone, so he probably doesn't even feel the need to get some.


    There ya go. 7DTD has nothing offensive at all.

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