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Everything posted by Supersour

  1. Idk if you ever played ark but is it possible if you can make a building base over the boat? Its basically a 5x5 raft that you can build up and extend to your desire https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/arksurvivalevolved_gamepedia/d/d8/Wooden_Raft.png?version=c156e51a405446bddb7398f4c30dd42d
  2. Does RETURN OF RESOURCES conflict with https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?99334-Return-of-Action-Skills-perks-that-level-as-you-use-them-(Test-Release) havent given it a try yet, not at home.
  3. just downloaded this, is this working as intended? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677715446706733066/678690112720076800/unknown.png it says im 5/100 but when the side bar showing locked icons? and it seems like im only doing 30 points in block damage, even though i leveled up 2 times EDIT: I decided to just put a point and see the difference, but nothing improved, its still doing 30 damage to the block and im already 8/10 in levels https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677715446706733066/678694246999392267/unknown.png
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