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Everything posted by Gouki

  1. Hi HYper I just tested it with the hatches and it does not affect anything, I can improve and update them without any problem. The hatches are not improved like the blocks and their shapes, it should not affect. I left the game and re-entered the game and my metal hatches and the bunker hatch are still there. You may have another mod that causes conflict. I am playing singleplayer, not multiplayer. Regards
  2. All my mods work on A20 stable. Happy Holidays to all.
  3. Thank you very much Rags. I finally have my bathtub and my duckling, now I will take a bath at ease. Regards and Happy Holidays
  4. Hi jonsmith31415 The steel block can be improved to stainless steel, the resourceForgedSteel is used, later I will add another resource to improve it instead of using ForgedSteel. The concrete block is not improved to poured concrete, because TFP eliminated the texture and for the moment it will only be improved to reinforced concrete, later I will add it but with a different texture. Regards and Happy Holidays Hi HYper The bricks can be harvested from the gray Brick pallets that are found in some places on the map. So you can make the brick mold. Regards and Happy Holidays
  5. Enjoy the mod and happy holidays to you too. Regards
  6. mod "GK Old System Upgrade" updated. Scrap iron block, scrap iron reinforced and stainlessSteel are added. Recipe is added for all the blocks that have been added, later the recipes of concrete blocks, steel blocks and stainlessSteel will be blocked at Advanced Engineering level 4, because they are too easy to manufacture. Some shapes don't get full Hp (they get half or much less Hp), which is good. Until TFP removes the blocks and textures (I pray you not), the mod will remain as it is, but in case they remove them, I will add textures from other blocks.
  7. Wonderful, the raft boat is back. Thank you very much rags, I have to wait for my motorized bathtub. Regards
  8. Hi buggi I also had to change the texture for a block that I added (stronger than steel), the one I currently put in is the one with vanilla bridges (rusty metal with screw rivet). The only place where I have checked is in the blocks.xml file and checking the game icons and from there I base it. Regards
  9. Hi dwarfmaster1974 This is the code that the Basic survival 7 mission has for the rebarframe, you can apply it to your code. Now everything is handled differently (by shapes). Regards <objective type = "Craft" id = "frameShapes: VariantHelper" value = "1" phase = "2" /> <objective type = "BlockPlace" id = "frameShapes: VariantHelper" value = "1" phase = "2" /> <objective type = "BlockUpgrade" id = "frameShapes" value = "1" phase = "2" />
  10. Hi gpcstargate The hp of the steel is 10000, I thought to put it a little higher, but in the end I decided to leave it as it was. Regards
  11. Hi Rumobok I don't think so, I'm using it in A20 and without any problem. If you look closely at the code you put in, the mod is Pickup Plants A20 and it is another author. Regards
  12. Hi Poly It is the mod of extra plants for the game. Regards
  13. Hi Mr. devolver and iicecube It's like Ragsy says, everything changed and broke some mods, but it's easy to fix. Hopefully Psouza4 does. Regards
  14. New mod added: GK Old System Upgrade
  15. Hi dragonslayer770 You could download the Dough mod is for A19, maybe it will work on A20, it would be a matter of checking it. Regards
  16. A new mod added: GK CanBoiledWater Back There are changes: GK Useful tires Updated mod: GK Less grass
  17. Updated mods, missing ones shortly. Regards
  18. Hi Deverezieaux This can help you. Regards https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25818-a19-prefab-converter-to-a20/
  19. Hi hameshy This request should go to Discussion and Request, I already have the mod finished and will upload it shortly. It's different, but it still works. Regards
  20. Hi Zyamaia Here is the mod for the meat: https://www.mediafire.com/file/thn9kkcj4xp8j7v/GK_Spoiled_Meat.rar/file I will put it on my mods page anyway. Edit. Hey poly, will you share your cane mod and others, it would be great. Regards
  21. Hi Robeloto Here is the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ktu9khxrxek47e/CompoPack-KingGen-main.zip/file Stallions I hope there is no problem. Regards
  22. Hi arramus I have modified the previous version and it works correctly. To make carbon it gives me the following results: carbon = 5 min without tools three level 1 augers = 4:40 min three level 2 augers = 2:40 min The same happens with the ammunition, although it also marks an amount of time but they are manufactured instantly (possible bug), it would be a matter of reducing the times or leaving 1 or 2 slots to prevent them from being manufactured too quickly. Regards
  23. Hi rags Thank you very much for sharing your updated mods, may I ask how vehicle madness is going. Regards
  24. Hi Deverezieaux I think it is irrelevant if you do it while it is in experimental or stable, I do not think that Tfp is going to change something that is so drastic and breaks something, just as Stallions and his team are updating the Compopack and your poi are there, but it is your decision, luck. Regards
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