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Everything posted by Eko

  1. Hi Pimps. I want to take this open forum opportunity to express my personal wishes. I am sure all ~6k members of the CP Discord agree, and I am also pretty sure you're already aware of how we feel by looking at the number of people still playing on previous alphas. Yet, you don't seem to care/need the numbers playing your game, or maybe you don't really know how to do it but.... PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE BOUNCY PHYSICS ON THE STRIPPER ZOMBIESSSSSS fix the the RWG bug. I have barely played since it broke CP, and this is someone with 3k hrs in the game (not trying to one up anyone here please guys dont start an hours war) and someone who has gifted copies of the games to friends, and would do so again.... but i just don't find it worth it without all those extra POIs. Please please please consider this request seriously. I don't even care about A22. Its great that you are progressing, dont get me wrong, but I'd rather play A21 with CP than the full published game with all road map items ticked off. EDIT: due to the seriously toxic nature of the forums here (at least, that was my experience back in the day), I wont be responding to any replies unless they are from Pimp staff. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. There is a basement. To take it on i recommend clearing out the entire rest of the castle first. You will need the munitions from that loot to take the very bottom part. Its also kind of hidden so you might need to run all over a bit to find it. I can give a hint if you are struggling just hit me up here or on YT. Stallionsden also has me on Discord I think it will take another 2 to 3 days to clear it. Maybe more. Its been a while since I played myself!! Take at least 300 rounds each to clear the lower sections if you want to take it at a fast pace.
  3. Wooohoo! Been waiting for this episode 😁 was looking at some of your other episodes the other night haha This feesback warms my heart. It was a huge project and its very gratifying to hear this, as im sure you can relate to, being a content creator yourself.
  4. This means so much to me <3 - took me an embarrassingly long time to build it and a huge shout out to Stallionsden for optimising it and helping me stay on track with developing it hahaha I'm watching now and would love to hear how you went going through it!
  5. Alpha 20 or 18 I cant remember which... seems to have removed some previously available paint textures such as bookshelves and pill cases. I really want those back for organisation purposes. I am no modder, although I like to dabble with xml edits. Do you think this mod is at my level or should I just take a back seat and wait for someone more knowledgeable to deliver on what many of us desperately CRAAAAAVE? TIA and thanks heaps for making this, even if its beyond me!
  6. Hey Gopher! Nice mod tyvm for providing <3 I was drawn to post here because your (MOD) tag idea has peaked my interest. I think it being in red is a little harsh on the eyes, but I really appreciate when mod authors indicate which items belong to which mod because it helps immensely with troubleshooting and also just basic understanding of how to play with those mods installed. Especially when it comes to mods that add heaps of items! My question to you is - would there perhaps be a way to add this prefix to other mods I already have installed? Is this something I can easily add to other mods, or would I have to add it to each individual item of each individual mod one by one? It would be lovely to have some sort of code that automatically applies an indicator, rather than having to edit hundreds of XMLs O_O Thanks again for updating and keeping on top!
  7. I set the respawn delay to 1 and nope. Then i set it to 0.2 and deleted dangerous cities. Bingo, spawning all over the place, including the mushrooms which I changed to 1 not 0.2. Success! Then I kept dangerous cities deleted and reverted your mods back to original state. heaps of spawns! Now to work on making dangerous cities work with it haha but its horde night so I will do it later
  8. Alright I will give this a shot. I couldnt get any to spawn by the way. Despite having 3-5 animals on the map at any given time and murdering them systematically. Not a single shroom or hive. I am thinking something is conflicting here if I am the only one lacking spawns. I am trying with your settings and if I cant get them to spawn I will try deleting mods and testing single player. Thanks for all your help so far!
  9. Okay after additional messing about and learning a bit, correcting myself etc. These are the settings I am launching with for testing. If I still cant find hives spawning, I will remove the Dangerous Cities mod and revert to vanilla game files and try it in single player! Changed the vanilla XML to: <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="3" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> </biome> Max was set to 1 on both of these. I dunno how that can be because I swear ive seen more than one animal running around at a time, but maybe that was a horde type spawn... Like I said I am not an expert with this stuff and have only dabbled here and there. Serverconfig: <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals" value="100" /> Dangerous Cities: <set xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> <!-- SNIPPED --> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown,countryresidential,countrytown,residential"/> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown,countryresidential,countrytown,residential"/> <!-- SNIPPED --> Bee Spawns: <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="3" time="Day" entitygroup="BeeLog" /> <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="3" time="Night" entitygroup="BeeLog" /> Bee Stump drops: <drop event="Destroy" name="QueenBee" count="2" prob="1"/> After this I will troubleshoot the lack of mushrooms and stuff too because I havent seen any of those either!
  10. Yes I think maybe the server max animal limit may be interfering here. I have it set to default and don't have any mods that change animal spawns (even Dangerous Cities does not do that). So I have upped the max server limit on animals and we shall see if that makes a difference. I also tweaked the spawn rate of the logs, raising them to spawn 5 at once instead of 1. That way it would be pretty hard for me to miss them lol I've also made the drop on destroy chance for queen bee to be 100% (changed the value to 1) for testing purposes - just for the time being. I will report back my findings! I might also have a quick troll through the server logs to see what the entity spawner is up to EDIT: I stand corrected. Dangerous Cities reduces spawn chance of enemy animals during the night, but has the same value as vanilla for during the day. I was not looking for stumps at night but now I will and we shall see if that is making a difference! (this is for forest)
  11. excellent, I will have a look into this. I wont be generating a new world until CP goes live, but when I do this mod and MC mining will be added to my kit. I havent personally noticed any frames reduction with the WRN, but it tends to happen regardless if the stump is killed. Not a big issue, just thought maybe it would help with troubleshooting. However, it sounds as if this WRN message is totally expected so I dont mind. For now I will have a look at my spawns and see if any other mods are interacting badly. I think the only mod i have that does is Dangerous Cities... Very possibly could be preventing the logs from spawning almost 100%! Thank you for your quick response! Are the entities classed as enemy animals or zombies? I do have a mod that changes the spawn rates of these in certain areas. Also are the vegies spawning the same method as the hive logs? If so, they too could be suffering from an almost 0% chance to spawn Edit: looking at your XMLs, specifically loot.xml - there doesnt seem to be queen bee in the loot for the stump? I am not an XML expert though so I could be totally wrong. Edit 2: My sincere apologies, I was wrong. Of course it wouldnt be in loot - you need to chop it! I have found the queen bee in the blocks.xml as a drop on destroy. Silly me. I hope I didnt cause you to waste your time
  12. So far this mod has been amazingly cute and brilliantly fleshed out. Thank you very much for creating and releasing!! However, I cant seem to find any bee logs. the baby chicks are showing up no problem. Also havent found any of the new crops in the wild, despite finding them in creative menu. If I spawn a bee log manually I get the error WRN Invalid Layer Index '1' Chopping the hive seems to work just fine. I got honey from one but no bees yet (i only spawned one of each variety to test). Have I missed something? This is a dedicated server with 2 very active players and 2 casuals. We have had the mod installed for a few days now.
  13. Eko

    Sam's Special Ammo

    any chance you would be interested in adding napalm arrows? flaming arrows are cool, but imagine the fun we could have if that fire spreads like a Molotov!! I tried doing it myself but I set myself on fire too many times and gave up D:
  14. Alright I feel bad that I fixed it and others cant use. Full disclaimer, this worked on my server on the first version of A19 stable. I havent played the server since then, as I have been busy IRL and also building a massive prefab. So take this as you will, but always backup your files before editing. I will not give you my entire XMLs because I have changed some other aspects of MC's mod that you may not like. Don't ask, because you won't get it. If you want super custom stuff, you have to at least learn how to make basic edits yourself. I have literally zero background in coding, HTML or otherwise, and I found this to be fairly straightforward. It just takes a little bit of patience, care, and determination. Now, one thing I noticed about some of MC's XMLs is that he hasn't tabbed out some of the sections, which means that your document won't look as neat as I put it in here. If you want it all to look neat, its easy and safe to press enter for a new line for each section, and even highlight everything within a section (not including the title of the section) and then press tab to set it as its own section. Only do this if youre confident, but I highly recommend it. The neater your work is, the less trouble you will find later if you have to go back over it. I literally could not have done these edits originally if I hadn't gone through and at least cleaned up the parts I needed to change - because I am an amateur, walls of text are really hard for me to understand! Here's an example: (DO NOT COPY PASTE THIS - it has the bugged code in it! Do the work, reap the rewards) Download a second fresh a copy of the latest MeanCloud Mining mod and put it somewhere other than the game directory. Make sure you name it differently so you know what version it is. AKA "MCM bkup before edits" . Why do this? Because it seems that MC won't be returning for a while and there's a chance the download links will break before then. It would be best if you try to run with mod as is and then check your error logs to get an idea of what is causing the errors. My errors may have been slightly different to yours as I play with other mods and they could be causing additional errors that you dont have. I'm fairly certain all the errors were just because of the new alpha updates though because I seem to remember running the game with only MCM installed - BUT it was a while ago and all sorts of user errors can interfere with that. If you don't know how to check/access your logs and are too scared to find out how, editing XMLs is not for you. Just wait for mod authors to make the stuff you want. Make the edits in your original MC mining mod config files. Use Notepad++ so that the walls of code dont look like a dog's dinner. Trust me, just do it. It's a way better program, its free, and you will make less mistakes. KEY I did not code block anything below because I know how easy it is to make mistakes when you're nervous, so I've used my own colour system to help you. Blue Text - Location markers only! These are only there to assist you in finding the code you need to change. Simply using CTRL F and then replacing everything it finds will not work, because lines of code are repeated elsewhere that we need to leave alone. Use the lines in blue text as a way to navigate your document, and do not change the lines I have made blue. Red Text - Lines or entire sections to delete! Do not just speed through my post and delete everything you see in red, because I have used the red text to highlight entire sections that need deleting. This is to avoid spamming the thread with walls of text, and also to make sure you're not just half-assing this, because that's where mistakes are made and I'll be damned if I let anyone try to blame me for their own mistakes. Green Text - Lines to add into the document. The blue text will indicate where to put these lines. So long as you add them into the correct section, it does not matter where in that section you put it. Large Bold Text - Instructions. Read carefully. Itallics Text - Further explanations to help you understand what you are doing. ********************************* RIGHT! On to the editing! biomes.xml: ************************************************** Phew! That's a lot!! Don't worry, the next one is much easier blocks.xml: THE LAST STEP: Be really f*cking grateful if this helped you in any way, because it took me 3hrs to put together and I have no personal need to do so. I did this because I know how frustrating it is to not feel confident enough to make that change you so desperately want, especially when you don't know if the mod author will ever return. Hopefully, this demystifies HTML coding and gives you the confidence to go on and make all sorts of changes you have previously dreamed about. Feel free to pass this on as a sort of general guide. Even though I didn't actually intend on writing a walkthrough, I still prefer to teach a man to fish, rather than spoon feed fishies all the time. Peace!
  15. I did, but the XML edit I had got lost when I switched to the newest Alpha. Since im playing on my own now and not running a server, I havent done the fix again. What I did end up doing, going from memory, is basically just edited MeanCloud's biomes.xml and blocks.xml. All I did was delete the offending prefabs. I was dubious, thinking that this would break the placement of the mining blocks in the world, but it didnt seem to break anything. Check your server logs. It will tell you exactly what lines to delete. Hopefully MC returns to this someday All the best!
  16. Thank you, this will do perfectly I think. I can always CM the blocks themselves in, then make them vulnerable myself. Is it possible to hold the vulnerable version of the blocks in your inventory? I could just set up a player vending machine with these special blocks in (the non-invulnerable kind) and the players can access them that way as a sort of end-game deco money sink.
  17. thanks for getting back to me. your suggestion works fine, but not for multiplayer. I dont necessarily want my players running around with the capability to make their blocks invulnerable/build invulnerable bases
  18. I love all these extra blocks, but it would be nice to have a version that didnt make them invulnerable. Any chance of adding that? I like having heaps of building options, but I prefer the Zs to be able to destroy my base if I'm not careful!
  19. Eko

    FreakUK's Modlets

    Love this, but something has happened to the college jacket in my games. The texture is all displaced like my character forgot how to dress haha I think ive narrowed it down to the armor mod but im not sure? Could you test it on your side please? Also, is this the mod that changes the ladder icon, if so, why? ONE MORE thing lol.. The armor mod adds all sorts of dye which I really like, but I think that should be included in the description so we know which mods add what in case of conflicts. TIA!
  20. I agree. It's really off-putting. I'm kind of horrified that its happening, but also don't think there's much that can be done about it at present. 19 stable is out, and a new discussion hasn't been created. Perhaps the devs are run off their feet at the moment and will create a thread when they have more time to listen to our suggestions. Personally, I'm going to hold off any further ideas i get and wait to see for now. Is there an actual rule list on this type of thread? Community guidelines? Just for future reference. I Don't want to stir the pot, but at the same time I feel that there are a lot of disrespectful comments going on here and its rather unwelcoming. I'm not one to let others walk all over me or be rude for no reason so that's why I'm asking. If it was you who moderated the offensive comment from earlier, thank you for listening. Not much you can really do about these "jokers" though. Just in case any of those said "jokers" read this - what you are doing is pushing people away from giving their opinions, which might have helped the devs. Please just try to remember that some people might feel pushed out due to your behavior. As for your response, Roland - I apologize. I now realize that my comment came across as if I were questioning your knowledge and effort in moderating this sub. I more meant to highlight that I have not seen any official rule book for this thread. Mods sometimes have specialty areas and whatnot and I guessed that this thread didn't have any different rules to the rest of the forum in general. Maybe if you wrote a short list of extra rules, specific to this topic? It might cut down on the amount of posts you have to manually moderate. ACTUALLY!! If I cast my mind back to before the release of 19 EXP I think there were a list of rules for posting here, but it got buried and hardly anyone followed the rules anyway?? I believe one of the rules there was not to argue over other people's ideas? Is that list no longer in force? This is my memory, which is shoddy sometimes, so apologies if I got that wrong. Anyway, my idea to cut back on your workload would be a stickied rules section for posting here. It would be awesome if people did actually try to follow the rules. I remember thinking it was nice that the devs wanted to hear ideas without having xyz person jump up and down complaining that it would ruin their experience. (That's what the reacts are supposed to be for, am I right?) Because at the end of the day, all we can do is give our opinion on things that "sometimes makes the game feel better and more fun FOR YOU." See what I did there, lol. This is precisely why we are here... But I misunderstood you earlier. It seems that I can talk about features I've seen in mods, but from the standpoint of them being possibly implemented like any other idea/opinion put forth on here. So... just don't mention you got the idea from a mod, right? Anyway, sorry I was rude, not my intention there. PS: I didn't mean MM emotional outbursts lol I just meant maybe he told one or two people off or something. I don't want MM thinking I think he's emotionally unstable.... That's our job as players. We are the ones who get to have meltdowns over xyz minor game change! It was me who said that - and it was about something completely different. Something along the lines of real men something something. I don't want to bring it up because the mods listened (thank you) and removed it, or the poster did (again, thank you). I was just trying to keep discussions civil and not personal attacky. Even if people are joking, it can sometimes feel a bit cliquey, you know? So anyway, this guy had nothing to do with the toxic masculinity comment.
  21. Sometimes, single mods and modlets actually improve on the balance of the game. So if the devs want feedback on balance, bringing up a mod that improves that balance is valid and should not be dismissed just because some mod author thought of it as well. This entire reply from you doesn't make much sense to me. Don't ask for my feedback unless you can take it on board without bias. Yeah sure, the devs have a roadmap already, but the mere fact that they have this forum for us to provide feedback proves that the devs know they aren't perfect. No body is. To suggest that any feedback is invalid is basically saying they don't want to hear it. If that's the case then why bother having this forum thread here? No, I think it more likely that MM got annoyed once or twice and the rest of you took that as a new rule that mods are taboo. Hopefully, (and i think its likely that) MM isn't so unreasonable that he can't see when a mod provides balance to the vanilla game and that it would be beneficial for him and his team to include it in the base game. It's not about mods vs vanilla - its about how many minds are better than a few. IDK what I'm doing wrong then. If I can be bothered I will post a video comparing shotgun speed run and sneaky silenced handgun run through the same POI. I have never recorded before and it sounds like a big task. I likely wont do it, because the sad fact is, I don't feel heard by the devs on this one. They have made up their minds and even if i prove its not really viable, they still wont take it on board. Again, why even bother having this forum... Can we please keep discussions civil? This is a bully move and toxic masculinity at its most shameful. Honestly, this is ridiculous behavior and I am more than a little concerned that this sort of thing is not moderated. More often than not, this forum feels like a bunch of poop stirrers doing their best to derail any discussion that doesn't align with their own goals.
  22. I wonder how many players only lurk on certain forums because the community there has turned so toxic that its pointless to post there unless youre part of their little circle $&%!.....

    This is for you. .!..

  23. Hey dude, about your stamina issue with the impact driver, I noticed it as well. Replying to you here because I dont feel heard AT ALL in that forum. I think they are just trying to give solutions to stuff without really considering the player's perspective because it might earn them brownie points or something? Because not everyone wants to spend points in sex rex so that car harvesting doesnt take 10 minutes per car. Not everyone got lucky enough with their RNG to stack the perfect mods. BTW the erg grip is good, but I know that the iron breaker mod used to make a huge difference on wrenches. I use it on my impact driver when I have it, but I havent tested its effectiveness. Still, any mod gives a damage boost which can reduce the amount of "hits" it takes to dismantle something.

    1. Outlaw_187


      Awesome, I'll try that. Thanks!! Yeah it seems the same 5 or 6 people are constantly on the forums usually posting bull@%$*#! and/or stupid memes. 

  24. Really enjoyed this on a18, keen for an a19 update! I know its still experimental, so I understand if you want to wait for the stable release to update. In the mean time, could you possibly give some support in troubleshooting the mod as is? I am comfortable making XML edits and am extremely keen to get this working! I added brass to drop from normal stone ore for now, but I really enjoyed the copper/zinc mix realism and balance your mod provided. The mod still works, but biomes.xml has a few paths that need updating, I think. The excavators and rock crushers still work, and copper and zinc can still be found throughout the world, but the blocks.xml has broken the sinks and they wont drop brass when harvested now (i think, not entirely certain on this as I only tried it once and could be mistaken). Let me know if youre willing to provide some pointers on what to change and I should be able to work out the rest! Can PM you logs and what not. Running dedicated server but can test on SP as well. Have 3 different systems that can test, running 5 different instances of OS lol. 3 x windows, 1 x mac and 1 x linux ubuntu. Currently testing your mod on latest experimental on my ubuntu installation so that things dont get messed up on the server. EDIT ok so the mod works fine in SP with a few errors, but nothing crazy. However, dedicated server loads fine both from in game RWG and nitrogen maps, but if any player tries to join they get a constant console error: 2020-07-28T06:02:06 79.889 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing '' failed 2020-07-28T06:02:06 79.889 EXC An item with the same key has already been added. Key: ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1 ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: ParticleEffects/p_snowstorm1 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 at DictionaryList`2[T,S].Add (T _key, S _value) [0x00000] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at BiomeParticleManager.RegisterEffect (System.String biome, System.String prefabName, System.Single chunkMargin) [0x00066] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at WorldBiomes.parseBiome (System.Byte id, System.String name, System.Xml.XmlElement biomeElement, System.Boolean _instantiateReferences) [0x007e2] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at WorldBiomes.readXML (System.Xml.XmlDocument _xml, System.Boolean _instantiateReferences) [0x0011d] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at WorldBiomes..ctor (System.Xml.XmlDocument _genxml, System.Boolean _instantiateReferences) [0x0003d] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at WorldStaticData+<LoadBiomes>d__37.MoveNext () [0x00013] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <4c0bf365ea03490793bfa81289f382e8>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Logger:masterLogException(Exception) Logger:Exception(Exception) Log:Exception(Exception) <>c__DisplayClass57_0:<handleReceivedConfigs>b__0(Exception) <CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f> Line: 0) Repeats over and over again. Yes I performed the prefabs section on both server and client. This error doesnt show in the F1 window at all in SP. Same OS, same system, same files.
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