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  1. No sorry, no twitch or youtube content. All i can tell you is to play a lot with cubes. Have it on your belt. When you get chased by a Z, put a block on the ground, jump on it, jump and put another one under your feet, you are now 2 blocks high and hit the Z safely. This has to be done fast and need some pratice. Sometimes, you will have to repair it while fighting. I often upgrade them to stone to be more safe. Before entering a POI, build a 2 blocks high. Pull your Zs, get out, jump on your blocks. You need to have one on the side to help you to jump and remove it as soon you have jumped. Or having the parkour perk at 2. Also, inside the POIs, learn to close doors behind u when you re chased, put a block in front of the door, open the door and hit Zs. If multiples, they can sometimes glitch out your cube though, so just run outside at your blocks and kill them. I hope i m understandable enough
  2. We dont use any elaborated base. Just a 4x4x4 block, and another one close in case of troubles. We stand on the roof and throw grenades or pipe bombs.
  3. Hello there First of all, sorry for primitive english. Just an idea i wanted to share with Pimps devs and all survivors. Me and a friend are playing a lot 7D. We have like 2.5k hours play and we usually play in Nighmare mode, always run, permadeath but it's way to easy, we're currently beating a game with no trader, no forge, no workbench, no Chemistry station or mixer restrictions. Still in nightmare/always run/permadeath ofc. We are frustrated to not have more challenge in game (and we dont like mods) so we thought about something that should not be hard to do : An option at game setting called : Evolutive zombies In this mode, Z's HPs and damages are scalled to the game stage and the current day. With no cap. Even if, to a point, the Zs have a billion HP and one shot any steel block. The point would be to know to what day we could make it. It would make this game really challenging. Do you guys see my point and what do you think about it ? Make this happening, i dont think this is something that would give a lot of dev work, no need to wait A21 =)
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