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Posts posted by rubens9311

  1. 39 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Una buena idea para ralentizar el avance de los comerciantes y agregar exploración a la combinación sería que necesita un comerciante diferente para cada avance de nivel de comerciante.


    Ejemplo: harías 7(?) misiones para el comerciante 1 y avanzarías a las misiones de nivel 2 con él. Luego, debe encontrar otro comerciante y hacer 7 misiones para que avance al nivel 2 y hacer 7 misiones en otro comerciante para avanzar al nivel 3.


    Y debería haber alguna mecánica para evitar hacer muchas misiones de nivel 1 para avanzar en todas partes. Por lo tanto, debe realizar misiones del nivel directamente inferior para avanzar al siguiente nivel o las misiones de niveles más altos le dan más "puntos" para el avance. ¿Quizás este último ya está en el juego? No lo comprobé, pero sería sensato y aún permitiría misiones de nivel inferior para finalmente avanzar a alguien, pero no en una fracción del tiempo.


    It wouldn't be bad if the game works fine in multiplayer first (:
  2. 12 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:
    Good to all
    First apologies for my generic English I'm using google translate.
    Second France (Sorry it's a joke we make in Argentina post Qatar2022)
    Now for real. I'm a server online gamer, SP game just bores me. 
    I don't distract them anymore. The code "the network code" has many errors on servers with many people.
     It becomes impossible to play without reboots and role backs that destroy the gaming experience. 
    And it is impossible for the devs to recreate it on a server with 7/8 constant people and doing hundreds of different things. 
    Prepare a report of this? Brothers I'm just a man who wants to enjoy. Know how to understand, regards


    Titulos interesantes 

    Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

    Falling through world after accepting trader quest

    Dedicated not closing connections, not disconnecting properly, ghos...


    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload already unloaded Becker 
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_19_0
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    Parameter name: index
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Remove (T item) [0x0000c] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      at DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at World.RemoveEntity (System.Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected (ClientInfo _cInfo) [0x00013] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System.Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 

    _The exit of a player, also with several errors "The game trying to remove it when it no longer exists"_ causing another state break


    2023-07-08T21:05:59 7486.327 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2592, 53, 3202: Spawning 2599, 53, 3209 (162, 200), group 'zombieSoldierGroupGS400', class zombieSoldierRadiated, count 44
    2023-07-08T21:06:00 7487.448 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2591, 48, 3205: Spawning 2592, 48, 3205 (162, 200), group 'ZombieSpecialInfectedGroupGS400', class zombieMutated, count 44
    mmap(PROT_NONE) failed
    Caught fatal signal - signo:6 code:-6 errno:0 addr:0x3ed0001ac4a
    Obtained 15 stack frames.
    #0  0x007f557b93c140 in (Unknown)
    #1  0x007f557b78cce1 in gsignal
    #2  0x007f557b776537 in gsignal
    #3  0x007f55771d3772 in abort
    #4  0x007f55771d36ca in abort
    #5  0x007f55771d5424 in GC_merge_unmapped
    #6  0x007f55771d5676 in GC_merge_unmapped
    #7  0x007f55771db621 in GC_unmap_old
    #8  0x007f55771d7a94 in GC_unmap_old
    #9  0x007f55771db96d in GC_finish_collection
    #10 0x007f55771a5cb3 in GC_finish_collection
    #11 0x007f5577150be6 in GC_collect_a_little_inner
    #12 0x007f5577150cec in GC_collect_a_little_inner
    #13 0x00000041f9cc7f in GC_alloc_large
    #14 0x0000004281eeb4 in GC_alloc_large

    During zombie spawn, the garbage collector (GC) collected unused memory, and crashed

    Server charged

    2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.322 INF Version: Alpha 21 (b324) Compatibility Version: Alpha 21, Build: LinuxPlayer 64 Bit 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.323 INF System information: 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.323 INF OS: Linux 5.10 Debian GNU/Linux 11 64bit 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (cores: 😎 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF RAM: 31999 MB 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF GPU: Null Device (128 MB) 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.327 INF Graphics API: NULL 1.0 [1.0] (shader level 5.0) 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.327 INF Last played version: Alpha 21 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.329 INF Local UTC offset: -3 hours 

  3. Good to all
    First apologies for my generic English I'm using google translate.
    Second France (Sorry it's a joke we make in Argentina post Qatar2022)
    Now for real. I'm a server online gamer, SP game just bores me. 
    I don't distract them anymore. The code "the network code" has many errors on servers with many people.
     It becomes impossible to play without reboots and role backs that destroy the gaming experience. 
    And it is impossible for the devs to recreate it on a server with 7/8 constant people and doing hundreds of different things. 
    Prepare a report of this? Brothers I'm just a man who wants to enjoy. Know how to understand, regards
    3 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:


    Titulos interesantes 

    Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

    Falling through world after accepting trader quest

    Dedicated not closing connections, not disconnecting properly, ghos...


    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload already unloaded Becker 
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_19_0
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    Parameter name: index
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Remove (T item) [0x0000c] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      at DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at World.RemoveEntity (System.Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected (ClientInfo _cInfo) [0x00013] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System.Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      at ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 

    _The exit of a player, also with several errors "The game trying to remove it when it no longer exists"_ causing another state break


    6 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:


    Títulos interesantes 

    Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

    Caer por el mundo después de aceptar la búsqueda del comerciante

    Dedicado no cerrando conexiones, no desconectando correctamente, ghos...


    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: El jugador 'Becker' abandonó el juego
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: El jugador 'Becker' abandonó el juego
    2023-07-08T21:25 :43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload ya descargado Becker 
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Subproceso finalizado NCS_Writer_19_0
    2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC El índice estaba fuera de rango. Debe ser no negativo y menor que el tamaño de la colección.
    Nombre del parámetro: índice
    Nombre del parámetro: índice
      en System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] en <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      en System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T ].Eliminar (elemento T) [0x0000c] en <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
      en DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      en World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa2 8c6573de8f>:0 
      en World.RemoveEntity (Sistema .Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      en ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 en ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected ( 
      ClientInfo _cInfo ) [0x00013] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      en NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System. Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0
      en NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
      en ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] en <faea3a5b1cd24d 60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
    Registro: Excepción(Excepción)



    2023-07-08T21:05:59 7486.327 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2592, 53, 3202: Spawning 2599, 53, 3209 (162, 200), group 'zombieSoldierGroupGS400', class zombieSoldierRadiated, count 44
    2023-07-08T21:06:00 7487.448 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2591, 48, 3205: Spawning 2592, 48, 3205 (162, 200), group 'ZombieSpecialInfectedGroupGS400', class zombieMutated, count 44
    mmap(PROT_NONE) failed
    Caught fatal signal - signo:6 code:-6 errno:0 addr:0x3ed0001ac4a
    Obtained 15 stack frames.
    #0  0x007f557b93c140 in (Unknown)
    #1  0x007f557b78cce1 in gsignal
    #2  0x007f557b776537 in gsignal
    #3  0x007f55771d3772 in abort
    #4  0x007f55771d36ca in abort
    #5  0x007f55771d5424 in GC_merge_unmapped
    #6  0x007f55771d5676 in GC_merge_unmapped
    #7  0x007f55771db621 in GC_unmap_old
    #8  0x007f55771d7a94 in GC_unmap_old
    #9  0x007f55771db96d in GC_finish_collection
    #10 0x007f55771a5cb3 in GC_finish_collection
    #11 0x007f5577150be6 in GC_collect_a_little_inner
    #12 0x007f5577150cec in GC_collect_a_little_inner
    #13 0x00000041f9cc7f in GC_alloc_large
    #14 0x0000004281eeb4 in GC_alloc_large

    During zombie spawn, the garbage collector (GC) collected unused memory, and crashed
  4. Hello @.
    Haven't been here for a long time. I came looking for answers after starting in alpha21 and you always have an explanation for everything.
    I only read your answers to the "specialists" of this game to save me a lot of time. I love you.
     And as always, thanks for 7 Days To Die.
     Greetings to MadMole.
    p/d: Don't get mad, "specialist" is just a joke. 
    Keep in mind that without your contributions here, this game would not be the same
  5. 21 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Pretty sure its their new way of releasing info, dev streams.  Oh well.


    We are all playing. It is normal when a stable alpha comes out where everything goes quite well. And above all that we came from various patches without rest. Now to play many days without losing what has been achieved: D


    Good afternoon nights.

    Hey, I was one of those who always answers "when it's done" or "when it's ready" but I'm looking forward to renting an sv in FNX and well, I wanted to know if a stable 19.4 is coming, EVEN IF IT IS AN APPROACH, I'm not asking for precision. Greetings to all and thanks MM and Faatal for all the patches and fixes 🙂

  7. 26 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    has nothing to do with it. wood isnt "mining" either and we can bundle it. the fact that they are resources obtained with the mining skill is the point. the amount you gain is increased with mining skills, using mining tools. and the reason the others were allowed to be bundled is because you get so much and it is for storage reasons. this also applies to sand and clay as much as it does the others. usefulness not withstanding


    I agree with the stranger. Clay and sand must be able to group my thinking. Although I still haven't read the devs his stance. I would appreciate if at least the clay can be grouped. Since if you build on land, it will be an incredible abundance in chests / inventory

    4 hours ago, Reset said:

    Vehicles feel a bit slow to me.  Is there any chance that they will get a change in alpha 19?(except the bicycle, the speed for that is fine)


    In my opinion, the speeds are perfect. If you want to get there faster, I recommend the Gyro. Although you must practice a lot to know how to handle it. Anyway, you will get anywhere in seconds (stopping every so often to refuel) At least I play an 8k map and go through all the traders from 06am to 18pm ingame. Ah, it will be something like 8/9 traders playing 60min. Although I recognize if you stay reading and selling in the traders, my account will not give you

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