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Everything posted by Zhagrath

  1. Zhagrath

    Server Tools

    Need some help I'm renting a dedicated server from pingperfect, and used their Mod Manager to install Server Tools, but I am having problems getting some of the tools to work properly. After I installed Server Tools I got a "HowToSetup.xml" file, and I noticed that some of the command strings in that file are different from the corresponding command strings in the "servertoolsconfig.xml" file and the servertoolsphrases.xml file. The tools I want to use are the MOTD, /sethome and /day7, the MOTD is working perfectly but not the others. Here are how the strings look in the corresponding files (in original): Day7 Howtosetup.xml: <Tool Name="Day7" Enable="False" Days_Until_Horde="7" /> servertoolsconfig.xml: no present in the file servertoolsphrases: <Phrase id="301" Phrase="Next 7th day is in {DaysUntil7} days" /> /sethome howtosetup.xml: <Tool Name="Set_Home" Enable="False" Set_Home2_Enabled="False" Set_Home2_Donor_Only="False" Delay_Between_Home_Uses="60" /> servertoolsconfig.xml: <Tool Name="SetHome" Enable="False" DelayBetweenSetHomeUses="60" /> servertoolsphrases: <Phrase id="13" Phrase="{PlayerName} you can only use /home once every {DelayBetweenUses} minutes. Time remaining: {TimeRemaining} minutes." /> /sethome I managed to get working by copying the command string from the howtosetup file and replacing the one in the servertoolsconfig file, but I have not been able to change the cooldown timer, its stuck at 60 minutes. /day7 keep returning the string parameter instead of the actuall number of days left, regardless of what string I try using. The mods I have installed are (in the order they were installed and named as listed in the Mod Manager): Alloc's server fixes (rev. 315) Server Tools (Alpha 16+) Simple UI v0.9-63-0-9 As far as I understand the problems are the varying parameters and wordings in the command strings, but I can not figure out what strings and parameter to use to get the tools working properly. All help appreciated.
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