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Everything posted by Eromivus

  1. Really. I was a QA Lead in the industry for years, and there's only so much you can do with a relatively small number of people testing the software professionally. Hundreds of thousands of players suddenly slamming it and doing things you simply never thought of (or things you did think of but only break under volume) will always turn up new defects—you just sit there and pray they're not A or B bugs. But it happens, and it is a very sick feeling when it does.
  2. Thank you all so much for the info. I think what you just listed is very close to what we scrounged together, so that's promising.
  3. If you don't mind, what are the specs of the dedicated server? I just cobbled one together with some friends, but we haven't set it up yet. I have no real frame of reference for what kind of performance we should expect.
  4. Sorry if I missed mention of it, but weren't you supposed to be able to shoot through the holes in partially broken down doors for A20? Is it just for certain door types, or was the feature just not ready yet?
  5. Thanks for the info. I haven't had rain inside of any POI's for A19, but I will say it doesn't rain much in general, so I guess it's possible the two just haven't happened concurrently so I was just assuming it was fixed.
  6. I'm sorry if these have already been pointed out or this is the wrong spot for it, but a few things I've noticed watching Jawoodle's two videos: 1. Zombies on his horde night wouldn't climb ladders to get to him, so they just milled about and randomly swatted at stuff below him 2. Raining indoors again 3. This could be pre-existing behavior and I'm only noticing it because there's more stuff in the world, but zombies seems to be getting distracted and caught by objects that pose no threat. They just seem to be ignoring the player more to do inane things, but again I can't swear to this.
  7. Getting cloth is legit, though by my first horde night i usually have more than i ever use. Having to find bits of stripped down cloth here and there might be a nice change. As for paint, using chrysanthemum and oil on the chemistry station is generous enough that i don't bother with that fussy game of pulling dye out of clothes before that point.
  8. One thing I just realized is that after the first couple of days in a new game, looting piles of clothes, dressers, hangers, clothing racks, etc. will provide the joy that book cases do, where instead of getting some garbage t-shirt i have a chance at an armor set piece.
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