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Everything posted by Zeorik

  1. Zeorik

    Military APC

    Switching ammo, no. Buuut... You could make a second, identical vehicle with a name designator of HE/ Frag, and either they make the one they want or, at the cost of any fuel left in it, have a conversion recipe from one to the other in item form?
  2. Non-admin on a MP server with friends, admin was asleep for the night. And not sure -everything- I lost as it was a looting run, so can't even say "get me this this and this specifically" lol
  3. I've been playing this game since a16 and before, this ain't my first rodeo with 7D2D. And I can safely say that even when heavily modded, this is the first time I've had a vehicle-related issue to the extent of losing an entire inventory due to the vehicle exploding into scrap right in front of me. Also it's not that I had particularly valuable loot inside, but the quantity of resources is what is infuriating.
  4. As stated, it's a MP server that I don't admin for (It's a friend group thing, but the only one able to @%$# with it i offline anyway) and I don't really blame anyone in particular beyond the vehicle not even dropping its contents. That bit is really bull@%$#. But I digress. And the 2 hours bit is sort of just... the cherry on top of a @%$# sundae that has been last week, and today. I finally get free time to game after @%$#s at work and home, and even that gets stripped from me lol.
  5. Beeecause it's primarily their vehicle that is being most heavily affected, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think a vanilla vehicle explodes into flaming car parts when its health reaches 0 either. So On those two fronts I'd say it makes sense to make mention of the issue here, though you're right I am being a bit angry about it. 2+ hours of my time wasted, two vehicles lost, and a large chunk of loot being deleted due to a bug on a MP server will do that.
  6. Don't know if this is unique to Vehicle Madness or A20 as a whole but... I'm done. Twice now I've had my Firetruck from this mod teleport when I get out of it into a wall, spaz out ,and explode without dropping its inventory. This second time was full of loot (a 12x10 inventory) from a run, and I just lost all of it to the firetruck teleporting perpendicularly into the side of a Trader. I've had it. I'm @%$#ing done with this @%$#. I lost my backup/ high speed vehicle that was stored IN the firetruck by extension.
  7. On A20 stable (b238) and the TFPMotorcycleRepairTool recipe does not allow you to craft it despite having the items needed and recipes. Checked in a orkbench an Auto Workbench, the autobench didn't even have the option to craft it.
  8. Can I get a link to the Discord then? I've heard Starvation has a Dicsord server, but for the life of me can't find a link.
  9. Err... reminds me, if I could catch ya for a few mins I'd love to ask a few thigns about how Exosuits are set up... I was trying to make an alternate set with higher stats (and a higher repair/ power cost) but I'm failing to get a new buff to apply when the new set is equipped. (made a new buf called AdvexoSuit, and changed the set and setbuff of the new set to that. But it's not applying the energy bar to the hud, or counting for any exo buffs. I essentilly copied both the Exosuit and Exosuit buff to start with, and that seemed to fail. Is it coded in a different xml?) edit: Actually it DOES apply the new Advexosuit buff. But it doesn't apply any accompanying buffs, or the HUD. Seeking the connection between the main buff and the support buffs/ power hud.
  10. It's more of a handy, quality-of-life thing. With the fix to it showing when a warning pops up though, it's not nearly as much of an issue as it was when the HUD first dropped. Keep up the good work!
  11. Out of curiosity, how do people feel about Incendiary rounds? Due to requests from friends, I ended up dabbling in xml and made a couple specialty rounds for the "bigger" caliber bullets (As well as exploding arrows.) With things like Dragon's Breath and Steel Darts for shotguns, and Incendiary rounds for .50 BMG, 7.62, and 5.56, Feel like there'd be some viable alternatives to JUST 7.62 Uranium. Because an ACW with Uranium rounds out-performs 90% of all weapons from my experience... and makes even the MRL a joke. With that in mind, I'm leaving the option up here if anyone wants (and if I'm allowed) to post files with the relevant coding. Things like Shotguns and the Minigun do require editing to their relevant sections though. (Reminds me... why is the Plasma Rifle superbly unerpowered? Max Rifles skill, max rifle bonus skill, and a 600 quality one only does 63 dmg-ish? It can barely kill regular zeds!)
  12. Nah, it's set up how it should, I think. the Q_FinalExam is an item like a challenge note, and using it gives the FEX quest.
  13. Sorry, To say I was frustrated at the time is an understatement. A friend of mine that has Xml knowledge looked at the file, and even HE couldn't figure it out. The only thing he or I can think of is that there may be too many 'objectives' for the game's HUD to handle. But when I attempted this fix the quest disappeared entirely. So at least the save is usable again. I think the quest disappearance is due to my use of removequest while it spammed errors, though I noticed that givequest can't be used to re-add any quests... even default ones. o.O
  14. Lovely, my 210+ day save is now impossible to use... the Rifles 5/5 quest is completely broken. I keep getting http://prntscr.com/i3owck spammed, and the quest itself won't function properly.
  15. You mean Burnt Forest? 90% of the Rad Zone is burnt, unless there's a deeper area of the rad zone. The initial zone is a radiated burnt forest, not grasslands. I'll certainly take another look though
  16. the ONLY place we found something of value was in a destroyed building (The wasteland-esque, super generic ruins with multiple floors). That had an Ammobag and a mininuke. the normal houses we looked in had nothing special, the only POI that we found with goodies is the Red Mesa (Which has an exoBag and ammo bag by default, even outside of a rad zone.) I burned through 4 power cores and broke my ACW from full 600-quality durability while in there, and everywhere we looked was average loot.
  17. Also: we can't make MRL rockets? every other ammo type's craftable, but not the missiles? D:
  18. Two things... One: Is there any real 'reason' to go into a Radiation Biome? Me and a friend entered in, and apart from finding a Mini nuke there wasn't much of anything out of the ordinary loot-wise. Two: The mini nukes lack "penetration". Is that vanilla issues, or something else? IE: no matter how much damage you set the nuke to do, it only breaks one layer of material (as in, a military tent with a mininuke atop it only lost the top layer of the tent, but the rest of the tent was fine.)
  19. Same place as always (well, if you're using the Advanced version of the Mod Launcher). Look in where you told Starvation to save to, and it'll be in the Saves folder. Random Gen or Navezgane, depending on your map
  20. If you have any form of xml knowledge, you can open up the Recipes.xml and find all Bee related recipes (search Bee in the document) and replace kitchenworkbench with bigOven. This'll let you at least use the new bee items until an official fix is made.
  21. can Rez Bosses and Parasite Bosses spawn on Bloodmoon? I really feel like a Rez Boss would find the most power during a horde night, where htere are TONS of dead bodies( and sometimes Wall crusher bodies) to rez
  22. Raw honeycomb and Jar of honey are uncraftable The recipe is calling for Cook Ware, which is a Big Oven. Buy they are only craftable in the Kitchen Table.
  23. Can you elaborate on this perhaps...? How would I go about cleaning it up (short of deleting the folder entirely) and... what exactly would that 'do'?
  24. Eh, I suppose it could just be my net. It's just irritating nonetheless. Oh, that DOES remind me of a legitimate bug... Can you work on how the M2 / Mounted guns work? There's a bug with them where you can 'dupe' the MG by crolling mousewheel with other items on your hotbar. The item in question is deleted, and replaced by a second MG that can be re-equipped and exited to form a new turret. (Also sorry if it's a bit odd to ask.. .but is there a legitimate "radiation biome" or just the edge of the map serving as no man's land? I've not seen a trace of the rad biome anywhere...)
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