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  1. Steam login for web interface seems to be broken. Tried it with the default webpermissions file and a fully setup one. Just removed all the comments and set 'web.map' to permissions 2000. So players don't need to login to view. Steps to reproduce: Click the log in to steam. Sent to '/session/login' and immediately redirected to steamcommunity site. I login to steamcommunnity and get sent back to my server url at '/session/verify?all the open id stuffs here' Only a 100% empty html page is loaded. The console then has this error [edit] Upon browsing the source code I located Searching through the log reveals: "Steam certificate error: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors" several lines remove from the other. Seems that for some reason the ssl connection is failing. Anyone have clues as to why that would be? wget/curl have no issues connecting over ssl from the server.
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