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  1. Hi. Iam getting endless lines of this ever since server started: Anyone knows whats this about?
  2. tzmx

    Server Tools

    Hey, thanks for answer, but: 1. i have MOTD enabled, BUT i need to change the message that is displayed, where do i change it? 2. I dont have the options for day7 and bloodmoong in config file, here is how my config file looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ServerTools> <Tools> <Tool Name="CustomCommands" Enable="True" ChatColor="[00FF00]" /> <Tool Name="Killme" Enable="False" DelayBetweenKillmeUses="60" /> <Tool Name="Gimme" Enable="True" DelayBetweenGimmeUses="60" AlwaysShowResponse="False" /> <Tool Name="SetHome" Enable="False" DelayBetweenSetHomeUses="60" /> <Tool Name="HighPingKicker" Enable="False" Maxping="250" SamplesNeeded="0" /> <Tool Name="InvalidItemKicker" Enable="False" Ban="True" /> <Tool Name="AnnounceInvalidItemStack" Enable="False" /> <Tool Name="ChatLogger" Enable="False" /> <Tool Name="BadWordFilter" Enable="False" /> <Tool Name="InfoTicker" Enable="False" DelayBetweenMessages="5" /> <Tool Name="Motd" Enable="True" /> <Tool Name="AutoSaveWorld" Enable="False" DelayBetweenWorldSaves="15" /> <Tool Name="ClanManager" Enable="False" /> <Tool Name="AdminChatCommands" Enable="True" PermissionLevelForMute="0" /> </Tools> </ServerTools> Should i just add them, if yes what do i add, because i tried a tool with a name "Day7", but that didnt help.
  3. tzmx

    Server Tools

    Question about MOTD and /day /bloodmoon 1. How can i change the MOTD? i have enabled it, but now cant seem to find where to change it. 2. Do i need to enable the /bloodmoon and /day7 commands for the to work?
  4. tzmx

    Server Tools

    MOTD Hey, how can i change the MOTD? i cant seem to find that message in any of the configuration files. Also do i have to somehow enable /day7 and /bloodmoon commands for them to work?
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