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Everything posted by fclen

  1. You monster! Who kills and eats baby chicks?!
  2. So say I messed up and didn't claim the doggo at the beginning. Will I have other chances to claim it or do I have to restart?
  3. Is this available through 7D2D Mod Launcher? I see it listed for Alpha 20 but not Alpha 21. Using V5 of the launcher btw.
  4. The off road light mod doesn't seem to work on the mini bike. Haven't tried on other vehicles.
  5. When playing multiplayer on two local pc's the client cant fill jars at faucets etc. They always get 0/X even when I see available water.
  6. I'm using your 96 slot backpack with food/water bars along with your 10 slot toolbar. Thing is I still get the food and water bars under the toolbelt. This makes the toolbelt overlap the back pack window slightly. I'm pretty sure the bars are being added back in by the 10 slot toolbelt. Is there a version of the 10 slot without the default bars? Edit Took a stab at it and was able fix it. Here's what I did: <configs> <append xpath="/windows"> <window name="windowToolbeltSDX" width="678" height="78" depth="5" anchor="CenterBottom" pos="-313, 78" backgroundcolor="[black]" controller="ToolbeltWindow" visible="{toolbeltvisible}" cursor_area="true" xp_fill_speed="2.5" > <rect> <sprite depth="8" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" on_press="true" /> <grid depth="10" name="inventory" rows="1" cols="10" pos="-72,-3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" controller="Toolbelt" repeat_content="true"> <item_stack name="0"/> </grid> <!-- on line 3 changed second value of pos from 87 to 78 --> <sprite depth="2" pos="-75,6" height="8" width="751" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" color="0,0,0,255" /> <sprite depth="3" pos="-72,4" height="6" width="748" color="[darkGrey]" foregroundlayer="true" type="sliced" /> <sprite depth="4" pos="-72,4" height="6" width="748" color="{xpcolor}" sprite="menu_empty3px" foregroundlayer="true" type="filled" fill="{xp}" /> <!-- <rect width="303" height="7" pos="-73,-76" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{statvisible}"> <sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced"/> <sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" /> <filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,255" width="375" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> <filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,255,54,128" width="375" type="filled" fill="0" /> <sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/> <filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="377" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> <filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="376" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> </rect> <rect width="300" height="7" pos="301,-76" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{statvisible}"> <sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced"/> <sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" /> <filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,255" width="375" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> <filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,54,255,128" width="375" type="filled" fill="0" /> <sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/> <filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="377" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> <filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="376" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" /> </rect> --> </rect> </window> </append> </configs>
  7. Ah hell man thank you for the mods!
  8. If you enable the 110 slot bp and die with a full inventory you lose everything beyond 99 slots. And if you leave it at 99 slots and and die with a full inventory you lose all beyond 90 slots. This is with the game set to drop backpack only. If set to drop everything, you lose all above 90, your toolbelt and your clothes.
  9. This would be a much better gift than socks!
  10. You're such a tease man!
  11. Has anyone found a molecular analyzer? If so where?
  12. How do I upgrade an existing chemistry station? I just unlocked the improved chem station and have a gas tank. Just need to know where to stick it...
  13. I loaded my generator to 3/4 capacity and it began to consume the gasoline.
  14. Well I have mine about 1/3 loaded. That might be it. Although its been running for over a week in game time and hasn't consumed any fuel. Also, I noticed the stove doesn't need fuel anymore. Maybe you could make it so it needs to be connected to power. Thanks for everything, really dig this mod!
  15. I built an advanced generator with 3 V8 engines and its not consuming fuel. It stays at 9999/10000...
  16. Yo BB_Drifter can you share a link to your guide? Thanks!
  17. Christmas come early!
  18. Oh good. They're pretty deep in the blacksmithing tree! About titanium, can we mine the ore?
  19. Gears Is there a way to get gears other than crafting them? Really digging the mod btw!
  20. Lost quests and skills I lost almost all of my learned skills (including my classes) and all of my quests (active and completed). The game failed to load a few times after patching. It eventually loaded and I picked up my bs station and placed it again. After that as I was playing I noticed my skills were gimped... https://pastebin.com/xCJ81xCN
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