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Kosmic Kerman

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Everything posted by Kosmic Kerman

  1. Wouldn't wood frames to concrete/steel be comparable to rebar to concrete/steel?
  2. Not to mention that I believe Steel is 7000HP anyway.
  3. Trader rewards are random. Obviously there is a difference between Trader Rewards and what you find in loot. Trader RNG was not in my favor in my first playthrough. I had little to no 9mm or 7.62 the first week. After that it started to accumulate.
  4. A voxel world built entirely in blocks comes with costs. It's a heavy load for both the CPU and GPU to process. I'm not sure what drew you to the game in A12 but if it was the voxel world, this is the limitation. If you don't enjoy voxel-based games, I'm not sure why you stuck around so long. I've never played a voxel-based, fully destroyable game that had what you would consider as AAA graphics.
  5. You used to be able to open the console while in the escape menu. So you might want to try this as well. Start game, hit escape, hit F1, type dm and enter, hit escape, hit G for god mode and pray. That said if you are willing to use God mode or edit your save, I'm not sure why you care about the death counter. Using God Mode once is a slippery slope to using it any time you feel a near death experience was cheap. Besides playing permadeath is all about being penalized for and learning from your mistakes.
  6. Are you comparing A19 to A20 or old exp build to new exp build?
  7. The biggest difference I found between A19 and A20 is: a) less ammo early game in A20; and 2) you never have to craft regular ammo in A20 (other than maybe .44 ammo). In A19, I always had more ammo by Day 7-14 than I did in A20. But I would usually craft ammo for hordes 14-28, I may not have strictly needed to but I liked having a cushion. After that, I usually found enough regular ammo that I would smelt it to make AP rounds.
  8. I get that the experience you want is to be surrounded on all sides but chokepoints are a classic military strategy. Maybe if you had four gaps in your outer walls (N,S,E,W) you could focus your traps on those gaps and be more successful. Or you could use 8 gaps or more if 4 gaps seems too gamey.
  9. Here are things you can do: 1) Turn off Blood Moon Hordes. Now, you no longer have to worry abut Zombies GPSing to your underground base every 7 days. You can always change this during your game if you build a horde base later and want to fight them. 2) In A19 at least, if you built at bedrock with a sufficient elevation at ground level the zombies couldn't hear you. I don't know how this strategy works in A20 though. 3) Set up defenses like a pistol or shotgun turret above your base 4) Build an elevated based at ground level. To deal with screamers or wandering hordes, you can use a set of stairs connected to your base with three wood frames (the wood frames are so you can remove them and break the path to your base if you want. In between the stairs and the wood frames, build a column of equal height to the top of the stairs and then build a frame around that column as if you were going to place a door. The "frame" can go all the way to the ground or just be built off of the top block. Then you want to put a hatch on the top block of the new column so that it opens toward the stairs and then another hatch on the block above it. Alternatively, you can just build a fighting platform next your base to take on screamers or wandering hordes.
  10. Can the multi-block shapes, like some of the arches, now have double or triple HP, as the case may be, since crafting cost has been unmoored from HP value?
  11. Could you explain this to me like I'm 5?
  12. That wasn't entirely my experience. I was able to see the HP of some reduced HP blocks without ever damaging them. Maybe there was a persistence issue as I would place a block and then damage it if there was no HP bar, repair it, pick it up, and then place a new shape. For example one of the blocks that would show HP without damage was the square plate with a circular cut out.
  13. From my testing some of the blocks show their HP when you target them with your fists (and possibly other tools/weapons). I'm not sure why this is the case for some blocks and not for others. Many, but not all, of the reduced HP blocks would show their HP if you targeted them (no damage required), at least the particleboard frames would, showing 50/50 or 25/25. I agree that the larger than 1x1 blocks like some of the arches should now have increased HP especially since crafting costs now bear no relation to HP.
  14. From what I could tell the 1/4 blocks and 50 pillars weren't affected. From mucking around in game and in the xml, it seems like the only blocks affected are plates, poles, and small corner pieces. Anything that was equivalent or smaller than a plate or pole (door trim, the tiny pillars, etc.) had the HP reduced. Pretty much any full or mostly full width block thicker than a plate seems to have 100% HP.
  15. I think this will require more playing with to determine which blocks are affected. I know that the full length quarter blocks or "cubes" didn't have their HP reduced. And so, at least for now, it's not all less than full-sized blocks that had their HP reduced.
  16. On Grand Spartan's stream tonight (around the 2:46 min mark), he had a base collapse and in addition to the elevated platform blocks breaking the support pillars broke as well. I've never seen support pillars collapse before. Has something changed about SI in A20? Here's a link to right before the collapse:
  17. To be confident that a bug you are observing and would like to report is caused by the new patch and not vestigial remnants of A19 or a prior Experimental Build, yes. Otherwise, it's player choice. Everything will probably work fine but there is always the possibility that something won't.
  18. Except this was true for the AK vs the Tactical Rifle as well and a bunch of other weapons to boot. For example, a purple bone knife can be preferable to a low quality hunting knife. The reality is that the strength of the pipe machine gun is only relevant until you find your first AK. At that point it really doesn't matter. And I've always looted one, received one as a trader reward, or purchased one in the first week. So it's likely only relevant for the first week or so. Truth be told once you get a pistol or AK, the difficulty curve drops because dogs and wolves aren't as big of a danger anymore. The complaint is that the pipe machine gun is OP because you can craft it day one and outshines the other pipe guns. Not that a purple pipe MG is better than a lower quality AK. However, I never found much 7.62 ammo my first week so I'm not sure how relevant that really is. I only had enough 7.62 for emergencies until well into week 2. So it didn't even matter than I received an AK from the trader since I needed to reserve it for dog hordes, etc. If you aren't using the other guns, that's just player preference. Personally, I don't like any of the pipe weapons but enjoy the T1 and above pistols, shotguns, and machine guns. The long rifles all do substantially more damage than the machine guns but I don't like the play style and so don't perk into the perception tree for faster reload and increased damage. That doesn't mean other people don't.
  19. Have some patience. They are either doing something else or they want players to find this out for themselves. I too am interested in what this means but I don't expect an immediate response.
  20. Thanks for the response. This bug fix should appease those arguing, in good faith at least, that breaking blocks shouldn't give you such a huge advantage over players perked in stealth.
  21. I don't object in theory to different size blocks having different HP values BUT this should be reflected in the crafting costs. If poles only have 25% the HP of full blocks they should only have 25% of the cost. Otherwise, the game is penalizing creative or aesthetically pleasing bases. If however, this is motivated not by a well thought out design decision and is instead a kneejerk reaction to content creators/players creating cheese bases and people complaining about it, grow a pair. Some people will use whatever you give them to create low-effort or secure bases. And other people will complain about them. But player agency needs to mean something. If people want to ruin their own game by cheesing hordes, that's up to them. Other people's complaints about how someone else plays the game, unless they are being griefed by those game mechanics, shouldn't matter. Max efficiency players or tryhards who think the game should only be played in one particular way should not dictate design decisions. Given that I'm not sure how TFP would assign different material costs to blocks and upgrading considering how the current system works, I know which way I lean. If the design decision is smaller size blocks should have less HP, I'm guessing the system would work differently to account for this. I'm also guessing that some of the new or reworked POIs will have weaker blocks than the POI designers intended. I haven't had a chance to go through the XML yet and maybe this will mostly be a non-issue. I guess the ultimate limitations here will just depend on which blocks still have full HP for use as supporting columns. Obviously anyone using poles for fighting cages or supporting columns will likely stop using them as regardless of crafting costs, It's probably not worth having 25% of the HP you used to have separating the zombies from you.
  22. Normally, you would only be going from the Trader to the Quest. If you are in MP and accepting multiple quests, prioritize the Night Quest first. If you are accepting multiple Night Quests from the trader, I'm not so sure TFP should change the system for that edge case. I'm sure the window of 22-1 was set to encourage people to complete the quest at Night rather than waiting to 3:45 to start the quest and complete it during the day.
  23. Pull up your map, zoom in, and look for the little white squares. Those are nitrate deposits. Red is Iron, Blue is lead, and Black is coal. Easy peasy.
  24. I did not understand your point which is why I replied and specifically asked what the issue was. I am genuinely trying to understand the issue you have as the only difference I see between A19 and A20 is what I described in my reply. Here is what you said: Maybe we just have different building styles but early game I always started in flagstone or cobble and then upgraded to concrete and then steel. I'm not sure how A20 is substantially different in this regard other than skipping one phase of concrete. In terms of "block advancements" this was always gated by what materials you had through crafting or from the trader. I'm not sure what has changed here.
  25. And you'd still have the problem from getting XP from crafting stations. I'm glad I can just set stuff to craft and leave the base rather than babysitting it or blocking outputs. I've yet to play a game with a good implementation of LBD. If you scale XP gain for typical play, people will spam to get to max level quickly and then complain. If you build the system for the min-maxers than the "normal" players are left with either being underleveled or spam crafting.
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