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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Additionally, to all stars in the firmament, happy Sunday
  2. Agree, that would be a somewhat obscure and difficult to master but interesting new combat method. But you would need to "double-class" into two attributes to make it effective.
  3. The game already hits zombies with an empty fist when you leave the slot empty (that is probably what Sylen means with "gloves"!?). Which could be said as using no slot, but actually you still need a slot, just an empty one. And that is the extent of what you could expect from such a change I think, i.e. if you leave a slot open and a knuckle is in your hand armor slot then the knuckle would be used instead of a fist. That would mean no real advantage and many people new to the game would need an explanation how to use them
  4. You would if there was no other possibility. And in this game there is no other possibility.
  5. I see you are not ready for really drastic measures. It almost seems like it were just a game to you??? 😎
  6. There is live bait in the game, up to 8 of them in multiplayer 😉
  7. It looks like a region file got corrupted and unreadable. So it got reset. This can happen for example if the PC is having performance problems. Do you often get FPS below 20 or does the mod you use have very fast vehicles?
  8. The knuckles damage the teeth of zombies so they can't infect you. It is explained in the perk description: "Zombies can't bite if you knock their damn teeth out! Craft quality 2 poor knuckled weapons and deal 10% more damage with fists. Punches to the head negate infection ability" And from perk level 2 on you also have a stagger chance; "...and have a 30% chance to stagger opponents with power attacks".
  9. Don't forget that 7D2D is a voxel game, beside the small team it means there are a lot of calculations happening that a game like l4d does not need to do. The consequence is a high CPU load and the problem to guarantee minimal framerates on minimum specc PCs. This is why you don't see many zombies roaming around in the world at any moment. It might come down to deciding whether they want to add more zombies at a given time or graphics fluff like this. Also they want to release the game as soon as the bandits and story features are finished and already have a full list of features they want and have to postpone a lot of them because of time constraints.
  10. To be fair to Forgotten Memes, that was not his argument. His argument was that higher difficulties pronounce small differences in weapons because those small differences can mean the difference between live or death. Which isn't exactly true IMHO. That small margin between live or death is different for all players and a player can see it best if the difficulty is as high as he can play. A player who gets challenged by default difficulty will not see any small differences on insane because he will die constantly with any weapon. Also and more importantly difficulty settings change balance. A weapon that is balanced at normal difficulty could be stronger on insane, or weaker. To show that with a simple example the stun baton is ideal. In 7D2D the damage of the stun baton will increase by the same percentage as the club, but a very important stat of the stun baton is its stun damage and stun duration and those two do not scale with difficulty. Should they? I don't really know. But you can imagine that there are a lot of effects in the game that would need to scale with difficulty to make the balance the same at all dificulties.
  11. I actually thought it was enough to experience it with any baton and perk level because I heard there was a bug with the baton so that the perk does not extend stun duration like advertised. But since you were asking I actually started a new game and tried it with a lvl0 points0 character and a stun baton from the creative menue Result: Spawned in a biker and actually had him in stun lock for the whole time until he died (except for the first ~2 seconds until I got the stun effect). Headshot or not didn't matter but naturally body shots made it take longer to take him down. Interestingly I got a stamina warning exactly when he died and my stamina was down to 30. So I spawned in a glowly biker and did the same stunt. Had him again in full stun lock, until my stamina ran out. So actually you should drink a lot of coffee if you want to combat highest level zombies with your lvl0 character and you definitely need the mod to stop their self healing. Other than that, yes, stun lock works.
  12. I moved this thread away from Tools which is strictly for listing Tools. If you have a question about KingGen specifically, please ask in the "KingGen" thread directly, otherwise "Discussion and Requests" is for asking questions.
  13. Look at your own post and tell me if it looks readable to you 😉. Next time please start a new thread here in the "General Support" section and read the pinned thread that tells you to read it. It specifically explains how to post a logfile (spoiler: with the help of pastebin). And in case of multiplayer games usually logfiles of server AND client are needed. But for the current situation here is a guess: If the game was updated it is likely that one of your mods isn't working anymore. You have to watch the mods pages for updates or messages that it still works with your current version of the game.
  14. mellodasreh might be misinterpreting your reply to Gazz because Gazz didn't say the weapons were balanced, he said the weapons were all OP. Now Gazz's statement can't be universally true because you can always find someone so bad at playing reaction-based games that he would die by the dozens, but I assume Gazz is looking here at a typical gamer. And watching a few other players of the game I would say they more often die from hunger or walking into their own traps or random mines than getting killed by zombies in the early game. If it weren't for running zombies at night early game would probably(?) be seen as too easy by most players. Now I'm not so sure the baton is really OP because it simply protects you well in the easy case with only one zombie but is extraordinally weak against multiple zombies (i.e. when it would be really important). Same goes for the knife. I don't dispute that the weapons are not balanced. But the question is whether TFP wants to balance the weapons to be equal or wants to balance the whole attributes to be equal. AFAIK TFP has said a few times that they balance the attributes and not individual perks, and that probably includes the weapons. That means INTs weapons should be weaker, just like a healer in an RPG is weaker than a fighter in pure combat abilities.
  15. Hard to say. When for example Gazz tells you something about the game you never know how serious he is, and most of the time he is not 😉. I'm also not sure if my conviction comes from TFP or from infering this from looking at INT and noting the advantages myself.
  16. Stun baton is able to stun lock any single zombie for an indefinite time. Get more than one zombie, run until only one follows you or (while on a quest) climb up to a defensible position and whack at them. Defensible position can often be just a ladder 3 blocks up on a wall (the wall should not be a house wall reachable from inside though). I meant stun baton only, no wasting of any ammo. But that includes the tier0 baton.
  17. INT level 2 currently says: "You aren't the brightest color in the box, but you occasionally hit the nail on the head. Deal 210% head damage and have a 10% chance to dismember with stun batons and robotic turrets" In A20 it might say: "You aren't the brightest color in the box, but you occasionally hit the nail on the head. Deal 210% head damage and have a 10% chance to dismember with stun batons and robotic turrets. Your drone will heal you 10% faster" I really don't know what progression the drone will get from perk and attribute, I just made a wild guess above. There are a few possibilites. EDIT: Ah sorry, you said perk, not attribute. The same goes for the perk though. The drone has a few parameters like speed, healing ability, carrying ability, durability... Some of them will be influenced by attribute, some by perk, some by mods.
  18. If TFP wants INT to be the attribute that is designed to use weapons from other attributes and they balance it that way, then you will obviously have disadvantages if you play pure INT. This is then surely an asymmetric design of the attributes and if you have OCD you might have problems with that. But there is no rule that says make all attributes uniform in how they should work. It is even an advantage for replayability if you have an attribute with an unusual modus operandi. Can you play the game pure INT. Sure you can. Without having tested it I'm sure most people here could play a stun baton- or knife-only build at the lowest difficulty setting. Just takes more time, but since the zombies auto-level with your progress, their progress will be slow as well. And if you only use stun baton you obviously don't need the massive amounts of scrap iron, so this build will work as a stun baton+turret aka INT build as well.
  19. The drone being tier3 is the last available info. Could they have changed it ? Yes, absolutely. Is that info directly from TFP? I'm pretty sure it was but it was said months ago. In the meantime millions of chemical processes happened in the memory cells of my brain making me imagining a lot of what I seem to be remembering. At the moment the turret line has only two members, and tier0 and tier3 is missing. The drone was explicitely created to fill the tier3 hole there (AFAIK), without any alternative in sight why would they not plug that hole with it ? The only change I could imagine happening behind the curtains would be that shooty turret and drone switched places (tier 2 and tier3). But I don't think this is likely. Just like the flying gyro is the top of the line vehicle the flying drone will probably be the top of the line companion. Because it looks like the most advanced tech and because of balance since the INT player can't wait for the shooty turret until endgame, he needs the shooty turret much earlier
  20. Which seems appropriate for a tier3 "weapon" Not a staff member. But I doubt 9 slots would be enough for an item you supposedly get in the late game when you should have access to the huge inventory of a 4x4 or a motorbike at least.
  21. I remember previous alphas where in the later months of alpha development news from the devs became very scarce. For probably two reasons: The small features were finished first and reported at the start of alpha development, but the larger features needed a long time to finish creating large spells of crickets chirping. And I assume they simply forgot to check in more frequently because there was just nothing to talk about. What can madmole say if he has no new feature he wants to reveal and most questions are for exactly the stuff he wants to keep for a big revelation show with marching band and trumpets aka a dev stream. Also remember that he is designing on a totally new secret project so his mind is fully occupied with something he can't even tell us the color of the pen he is using to write down the expose 😉. Well, we can guess the pen has 105 keys Fataal could be posting about bugs he corrected but I assume most or all of his time is used for feature programming instead of bug fixing at the moment.
  22. That you get xp from traps is just some sugar to make that perk a little better, but it isn't the core of INT and getting XP is not the core of the game. If you succeed in building a base where you just can sit back and watch, that should be the goal. If both of you set down traps, both of you will get a share of the xp. I'm saying this because I think making AE perk xp shared is maybe or probably not high on the list of things to fix and I seem to remember devs saying that other forms of sharing xp (mining, building) is not intended. No guarantee about this, my memory is ńot to be relied on 😉. Shared group xp for killing was originally implemented to provide an incentive to group and do quests in a group. Since that is fully accomplished they probably view this as feature-complete. And it isn't about whether the devs think that would be nice as an option it is whether that situation is common enough to be worth the time to fix it. There is so much to do and fix, other stuff is simply higher on the priority list (presumably) and there will be still stuff on that list when time runs out and they want to release the game.
  23. Its not a good idea to ask off-topic questions in an old thread. Better start a new one next time you have question. We have a "General Support" section here in the forum My advice would be to look into your logfile, it tells you for example the path where it finds the serverconfig file and with what values it starts the server. Look for anything unexpected, like a wrong path. And no, seed does not change difficulty. Again, check the logfile what difficulty and max zombies are set to.
  24. Nice. In case that wasn't a hypothetical question: You should be able to get out and survive the drop. Then simply destroy the antenna on roof height (or higher if that is too much blocks to destroy) so that it collapses and the copter will glide downwards
  25. You can go back to a previous alpha any time, just select the version in steam. I would recommend A16 as it is the last version where zombies were lootable.
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