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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. If I stay stealthed and preferably use a bow to clear away the zombies the rabbit won't go anywhere (in the majority of cases). Most of the time it is only 1 zombie that is near the rabbit, it is not neccessary to clear the whole area. And when we are talking about the early game and you have a knife the alternative is you can simply run to the dead rabbit (killed by arrow), stab stab stab and run away before even the nearest zombie is able to shamble up to you. And yes, there will be up to 1 in 5 rabbits this way that will get away because they stroll out of range while you are busy with zombies, or a zombie gets in your way while you try to get near the rabbit or in spite of your careful spotting of the corpse you still can't find it after the kill. A game needs failures to make a success uplifting. Without downs there are no ups. This is not a pure shooter, killing zombies should not be the only thing were you need to to use some part of your brain or your reflexes. Not everything should be trivial
  2. Exactly. I prefer the bow to the crossbow because I the adjusting to distance is a fun challenge. And when I hit something 50 blocks away that is actually an accomplishment. The crossbow is a very good choice for agility players who try to stealth through buildings in end game. Glowies wake up much more often when you use a silenced pistol.
  3. Remember that the drone seems to be the tier3 robotic thingy, as such it will be available when you already have lots of perk points and lots of pockets in your clothing (except if TFP removes those pocket mods). I play vanilla without enlarged storage mods and at that time in the game I usually have neither encumbrance problems nor storage problems because of a motorbike with (what I feel is) generous storage and a tendency to scrap 80% of what I find. For people who can't throw away anything that may still be heaven. I feel underwhelmed though and will have to see if a drone mod gets me interested.
  4. How about simply searching for the error message on the web? The first link I see offers 6 methods to try to fix the issue. Furthermore it seems you left out to cite a lot of stuff from the error message, for example what file exactly has that problem. Please specify error messages completely and not only the part that offers you the least typing effort. 😉
  5. Whether you find every bunny you killed hardly determines between overall success and failure. And one could see it as part of the hunting mini-game, because of the hunting perk noticing animals is trivial already. This is another dividing line between players who want everything marked for easy access (turn off your brain and simply follow any markers you see) and players who want to explore and have a difficult time finding stuff. Now I'm honestly glad my bike, my turrets and a thrown spear are always marked. There is no fun in searching for stuff you dropped somewhere and can't find it anymore. But stuff like a deer corpses, well, that is going a bit far. That sounds to me to be on the level of showing every lootable container on the mini-map. There is some stuff you should be able to manage yourself.
  6. Thank you. While the spear and the stun baton (no surprise with the baton as it is tier1 and INT isn't supposed to be a fighter class) are still somewhat left behind, the rest of the weapons do not trail behind the club in the higher tiers. So it looks much better than I had feared after seeing the primitive weapon numbers
  7. Is your PC windows or linux? If linux as well you can just copy the files from same place to same place on the server. Practically the directories GeneratedWorlds and Saves in .local/share/7DaystoDie/ If you used a pregenerated world like PREGEN01 or navezgane you can skip GeneratedWorlds. If something isn't running, read the logfile on the server and check where it tries to find its world data and saves, it is written clearly in the logfile. Don't forget to adjust the serverconfig.xml so it has the right names to find the world and save data. If your PC is windows it is practically the same, just that save and world data is somewhere else on the PC and you need to put that stuff to .local/.... on the server. In the General Support section you'll find a thread that has all the important locations listed for all OS
  8. Isn't "no" addressing your question? If you want a longer answer: When developers program new features, old unused code gets removed (for the simple reason that the old code won't work with the other changes anymore unless the developer invests time to make it work). There was a lot of old code removed that made some of the features of A16 work. Some of it can be simulated quite well (zombies dropping loot is easy for example), but other things can not. For example RWG will not be able to create a world exactly like A16. Some of the LBD/action skill stuff can't be made to work exactly like A16 as well, so I heard.
  9. Ok, I'll take back some of what I said yesterday, forgot all about these concepts. If nothing changes (after all those are just first concepts), they definitely will determine what a lot of players will wear. Some of the set bonuses can be ignored (farmer, I look at you) but some are very good to must have (nerd set bonus for most INT players, 20% more damage with robotic weapons).
  10. This was the truth of two years ago. The present truth is that Valve extended a windows emulator greatly and called it Proton. In the last months I have tried a lot of pure windows games and with the small exception that playing pure video sequences often failed ALL the games without a single exception worked flawlessly out of the box on Ubuntu Now, I don't expect this to be true for every game out there, surely there must be cases that still don't run or don't run well. I know that my older PC with an old R7 350 from 2015 as GPU has some more problems. And I suspect you will fare better with a widely used distribution, especially ubuntu.
  11. Simple answer, no. Complicated answer: Play one of the big mods that includes features similar to those of older versions. If you don't mind the higher difficulty level, darkness falls has some stuff from older alphas reimagined. There are also smaller modlets with indivuidual features you could mix together, but it isn't guaranteed that they play nice with each other.
  12. Yes, the pastebin thing. What do you mean by "Frame is for Mushrooms"? vanilla does not discriminate between mushrooms and plants. Are you using some big farming mod? Then maybe talk to the author of that mod
  13. Very interesting. What I find troublesome is that the weapons of the strength tree with access to the stamina decreasing perk offer the best stamina efficiency at standard attacks. I would have expected it the other way round. It would be interesting to know if this keeps up with higher tier melee weapons. At a time when you use primitive weapons the relevant perks generally don't factor in much as you usually have at most 1 or 2 points invested and 1 point in sexrex is available to all classes. But with higher tier melee weapons the strength player can boost his stamina with sexrex while other weapons like the speer might have a stamina problem without an inexpensive solution.
  14. Did you read the whole thread? On page 2 there is discussion that there was a change and something like DepotDownloader should be used.
  15. Context is missing, is this about the forge you were talking about in another thread ? If yes, it would be better to continue the old thread because it provides that context or at least put a link here so people find it immediately. Next thing to do is to tell us what you actually did to solve the issue, especially with the forge and the forge mod you had installed and to the area in which the forge is. And lastly: Please post the logfile
  16. I didn't say EA claims CoD to be a rail shooter with videos. It is obvious EA would not claim that, especially the part about the "rail". But that is exactly my point: For me CoD is a full shooter, even though there are some video sequences in it where you can't shoot. And I would similarily say that 7D2D has a fully destructible world. And so, you have your definition, I have mine. The trader limitation is for game play reasons, not because of some inherent limitation of the program. And it is a marginal part of the world and the game.
  17. Guide: How-To download almost every past Steam version of 7 Days To Die from Steam - General Discussion - 7 Days to Die
  18. See the first page of the dev diary, only features that they have a high degree of confidence of them being in A20 are listed there. And you also can see some of them are pushed back to A21 because the degree ultimately wasn't high enough 😉 ). But many of those features are probably still in development, at least I would guess the random gen update isn't completely finished yet and might be the part that is keeping A20 from being dropped on us. All you can say is that when features are locked and engineering is finished, THEN they are only debugging. But you usually can't deduce from debugging activity that they are finished with all else. Not in reality, not in the gaming industry. There is no such strict adherence to ideal development philosophies.
  19. Yes, read the sticky thread in this section that tells you to read it and then follow its advice how to post a logfile. And, if you are using a mod, ask the mod author.
  20. No problem, everyone can post his opinion, even on a bad day. I was just pointing out that you will have a hard time convincing the current players of such a massive redesign of the game since they follow this game because of what it is. And that it is virtually impossible that TFP will follow your advice as it would practically mean extending the development of the game by a few years when they actually want to finish this one as soon as possible. AND they would get all the people who backed them on kickstarter up on barricades because at least fully destroyable terrain was promised as early as that. The story is just one part of what makes a game great. If TFP copies Resident Evil's story it doesn't mean there will be a game just as good as RE. Look at movies where the story is even more important. A movie like "Die Hard" immediately generated a whole genre of copycat movies who tried to have the same success by simply following the same story with a few changes. But with a few exceptions the copies are just uninspired and largely boring action movies. It is the whole package of a movie or game that makes it good or bad, not just the story or some other part that seems important for THAT game.
  21. As soon as Call of Duty tags its game as "Almost rail shooter" or "You can shoot except when we show you a cut scene". And while we are at it TFP should not call 7D2D a "zombie horror crafting tower defense game" but a "zombie horror except when you see bandits or are in the options menue crafting except if you find the stuff while scrounging tower defense except for 6 out of 7 days game".
  22. Because there is a kernel of truth in it? If TFP makes the set bonus so strong that everyone wants to have it, then yes, everyone will be switching sets like crazy. And because TFP likes to simply turn the balance dial to an extreme and then turn it back until the uproar and drama has died down this is even a likely scenario for the first few experimentals. But in that case it is very probably that TFP will watch telemetry for signs of players constantly switching or using only one set and when 80% of players do this they have shown to do ANY measure however drastic to correct that (see the famous axe crafting grind of a15/a16). Toning down the set bonus until players generally don't switch anymore is not rocket science, a chimp can do that if he gets the data. And there is the possibility they immediately find a setting for the armor that does not induce everyone to switch sets. Similar to the book bonuses. The books provided bonuses that did not seem OP, their balance was good (not perfect, but good) from the get-go. So while it is perfectly fine to look at THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN, one should keep the whole range of possibilites in view and not simply assume the worst WILL happen.
  23. I'm not sure the repulsor is really helping, it is just fun throwing the zombies around. But effectively it makes you loose time to run after zombies that you want to pummel into the ground. Secondly, I haven't seen TFP themselves talk in detail about stun baton balance, so where did they specify charge rate and repulsor as included? Possibly I have forgotten it, please provide a link if you have one.
  24. It is fully destructible, except for someone who is trying very very hard to win an unwinnable argument. Just like CoD is a shooter even if you sometimes have to watch a video sequence without any shooting. Why should 7D2D change into some uninspired clone of Forest Ark L4D Cod ? If you want to play a basic shooter or a pure survival game then just play Forest Ark L4D or Cod or some of their dozens of clones and be done with it. The game is different for a reason. I wouldn't play it anymore if it threw out destructible world and random game for really useless stuff like only one map with better graphics. In fact your suggestion is the single most effective way to throw away everything that makes 7D2D special and a success for 8 years on-going. Maybe you should be going to the forums of "Civilization" and "Fifa" and convince the developers of those games they should change their games to be a shooter like CoD. Help those poor misdirected developers so they see the light and produce another rail shooter. 😁
  25. Easy, since they can bite through steel. Until you find some Unobtainium you will never be safe. EDIT: Oops, didn't see theFlu already mentioned this. But at least I posted a solution.
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