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Everything posted by Phoenixshade35

  1. I have a very dumb question, was it ever considered with the new zombie types to possibly enable an option to have both old and new zombie types in the world at the same time? I ask this as far as variety goes, the updated textures are awesome not gonna lie, this was just an odd question that popped into my head.
  2. With the armour sets, are you guys thinking about tools or weapons that could go with each set for an added bonus? Like for the farmer it could be the iron shovel as a special one to find and depending on how many pieces of the outfit you have could determine how many boosts the tool gives? So for the miner as an example we could have a legendary Iron Pickax then say you only have the helmet it gives like a 10% extra block damage, gloves gives an extra 5% swing speed and stuff like that Oh and not going to lie I would love to have a policeman outfit in the game, simply because it would be awesome haha
  3. There was something from a19 that im curious if a20 will have it, there was going to be a grease monkey book that would allow you to craft the vehicles in the enviroment, so the cars, busses and such could be driven, is that still a thing or was that removed completely?
  4. I haven't gotten to watch the stream yet, lol, but that looks amazing, and seeing how different pieces give different bonuses as well as a full set bonus, im loving that detail, thank you for the screenshot, i so cannot wait to see what else is in store, even if its early stage sketches
  5. Someone mentioned radiation mods for resistance, does that mean the rad suit is coming back? Its one outfit i miss cause it was such a milestone to complete the set lol, if its still in the game its damn rare, but with that will we have rad zones or would it simply help with defence against glowing zombies or cop bile?
  6. In regards to the power restore quests, does this mean there could be a chance to repair generator banks and battery banks in pois that are existing for say someone wanting to live there and kinda do a repair to live type playthrough? im just curious
  7. when my question got moved over here, i figured it was meant to be asked over here, i was getting confused on the diaries to be honest lol
  8. So simply move it back over? i can do that And moved
  9. @madmole i was curious about possible corner blocks rounded like what im using on the top of my horde base, and @MechanicalLensis curious about rounded bars, im interested in those as well, for corners to kinda look better, what do u think? I have looked but can only find the point ones and they don't look good at all on it
  10. Hey @Roland who would i ask about a possible block being added to the game? its a corner block that i can't seem to make anything else work with
  11. plus using bulletproof glass for my floor will help me see which zombies wanna play as im crafting haha
  12. I was bored with my base haha 7_days_fb.mp4
  13. Fair enough, sometimes i read into comments from way beyond left field haha, im kinda waiting for something in game kinda like can trip wires as a signal something is coming, or an alarm that sounds when you enter a room that triggers zombies in the house, making kinda like a mini horde, the paper and glass on the ground is too easy to ignore now, a setting to make them more or less sensitive could be neat though
  14. To expand on that, we could call it a special screamer, maybe use the same model but have her colored different, say a black dress instead, and when she wakes up in a poi she screams, not summoning a new horde, but waking up the others and possibly even changing some into a higher tier zombie for added difficulty, we could call her Siren as a placeholder name, maybe even have her spawn on horde night and when she screams some zombies "glow" like have a red mist around them meaning they have a boost to health and damage, kinda like a bard in dnd
  15. You know what I would love to see, when you attack a zombie with a shovel instead of the digging animation, you get a sideways slam with a nice dong noise, id so do a shovelman run in the game hahaha
  16. well with enough perks the workbench is faster so i figure we all got used to that nice crafting speed boost
  17. ive always crafted it in my inventory, just type wheels
  18. I hope that we can get seasonal clothing again, i remember the xmas hats and they were amazing for stats and boosted warmth in the snow biome, i kinda want costumes, maybe to look like certain zombies or simplu costumes in general with varying stats
  19. I play on medium graphics and the game still looks amazballs, i lowered my field of view and it improved my fps amazingly, and them fixing the little things do actually help the fps when those little things clash, do you got anything to actually add? like something you know could help the fps or did you expload?
  20. I hope the pimps are able to do this simple one, making it so we can tether multiple generators together onto one relay so we can have increased power, or maybe even simply a bigger generator so we can have tons of power without making everything so separate.
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