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Everything posted by Cernwn

  1. Thanks for the explanation Meganoth. My apologies for assuming.
  2. Yes, you will need to be an admin on the server, or ask an admin to send you a copy of the world files. Highly recommend this post from Genosis at Not-A-Gamer-Gaming - lil dated but should still be applicable with latest build:
  3. Could it be that these flickering lights are at the edge of your draw distance? Next time it happens, face the suspect lights and walk backwards (away from lights). If they go dark immediately, this is probably the case. ESC->Options ->Video has a few settings that might affect this, most notably View Distance. Could also be a Dynamic Mesh/phantom block TnL issue - hit F1 to open command prompt, then type "pois" (without quotes) and hit enter to toggle on/off. Haven't experienced this one since last major alpha and a major hardware upgrade, so might've already been fixed.
  4. 🤣 Same could be said for all of us that have thousands of hours of our lives burnt playing or modding this game, and aren't financially linked to it beyond the initial purchase (i.e. not devs/streamers/server owners)... @Diragor: Sounds like you are asking for a MP server toggle for buffsPersistThroughDeath? Personally, I would a hardcore permadeath toggle for SP, or an automaticPermadeathToggleOnPvp (only enables when you kill another player) option for MP servers. In the meantime, suggest you just consider "death" in game, to instead be a temporary state of incapacitation or torpor. Watch the Highlander movies if you need inspiration.
  5. Anyone is welcome to play around with the quick xml mod below. Let us know if you find values that actually work well (mine did not), without totally disabling the new feature. worldglobal.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configs> <!-- first digit controls interior brightness, default value = .2, .4 --> <set xpath="/worldglobal/environment/property[@name='ambientInsideSkyScale']/@value">.5, .4</set> <!-- controls transition speed of interior brightness, lower=slower, higher=faster, default value = .3 --> <set xpath="/worldglobal/environment/property[@name='ambientInsideSpeed']/@value">.6</set> </configs>
  6. @meilodasreh: Thank you for posting this quality work by SphereII and Xyth. Haven't played the latest release, but I recall Undead Legacy by Subquake also including some fantastic immersive lockpicking. TFP, please hire them in salaried positions. @minigamesAreBoring: Spamming lockpicks at a lock, without any form of jamming/clearing mechanics, damage to container contents from being smashed/exploded, availability of superior tools (snap guns), or sealed away pre-apocalypse loot, is highly immersion breaking and shows a distinct lack of imagination. I know TFP can do better than what's out there currently, because multiple modders already have... TLDR; Less shovel simulator, moar varied lockpicking/traps/loot.
  7. Agreed, if any devs happen across this thread: YES to bandit/mutant/zombie hordes and insect/vermin swarms, NO to bullet sponges (Bosses are fine, but should be rare). In the meantime, I've found that this mod more than helps with zombie population in towns: Dangerous Cities by KhaineGB https://7daystodiemods.com/dangerous-cities/
  8. Cloudflare DNS and the 7daystodie.com website appear to be cursed atm. Any idea where I might locate the latest updated version of Stallionsden/Valmar A20 Ammo Dismantling mod, besides the broken link below? https://www.moddb.com/games/7-days-to-die/downloads/valmars-ammo-dismantling
  9. Cernwn

    True Survival

    True Survival is a go-to overhaul mod for those who appreciate immersion. Undead Legacy and ComSenMod were also great for this same reason, in the past. @Spider Thank you for all your time investment! Perhaps it's not an issue for you, but only one problem to date: ridiculous base Health ranges on some of the new "bullet sponge" zeds. If "base_set" for "HealthMax" was somehow limited by/tied to Gamestage, or simply comparative to vanilla HealthMax values, IMHO True Survival would be much more balanced. Bearing in mind, a value of "80,120" or "100" represents a fully healed NPC or average adult human body. Zeds should NOT have several hundreds, or even thousands, of Health at early gamestages. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and players just need to to learn to run. However, I cannot count how many times one of these new bullet sponges spawned on day 1 or 2. Almost always have to burn through an entire belt full of improvised weapons and tools (headshot only), just to get one to stop chasing...
  10. Had me at biomes by elevation. 🤤 Awaiting release with bated breath...
  11. @KhaineGB FYI, link appears to be broken.
  12. Welcome to Early Access @Jimmy C! If you have a problem with "early access" program time frames or refunds, feel free to drop the distributor your feedback here: https://help.steampowered.com/
  13. Fantastic addition to the A19 modding community - good on ya mate! Always despised immersion-breaking tree farms. Won't miss lag spikes from all that unnecessary ticking either...
  14. @KhaineGB If you've ever played the games System Shock, Bioshock, or any of their many sequels, would to see more sci-fi assets along similar lines. Not replicas ofc (for IP reasons), but "fair use/dealing" inspired satire. Very impressed after recently watching your collaboration with Genosis from Not-A-Gamer Gaming. Please consider doing more collabs, if and when you have time. Just curious, but how difficult would it be to give suppressors to all NPC mercs defending trader outposts (or allow purchase of earplugs to muffle their constant gunfire)? Would be a fantastic QoL addition.
  15. TLDR but agreed, stealth and player detection is pretty broken in the current A19.4 b7 implementation. You should be able to sneak up to melee range directly behind an awake zombie, if avoiding LoS (line of sight) and not making noise, even in broad daylight. Lighting, perks and gear should just make modifiers to avoid LoS and noise. i.e. Light armor gives a small noise penalty (without mods), heavy armor gives a large noise penalty, and multiple zeds will make it more difficult to avoid LoS depending on their facing and any cover. Would love to see a stealth system more along the lines of the old Eidos Thief series...
  16. TLDR past the 3rd paragraph - keep it summarized and concise if you expect others to listen. Think your wall of text may have triggered the forum mods, or they are bored with nothing to do, considering number of replies on the first page...
  17. or botulism bacteria, although it is apparently great for cosmetic surgery (Botox). Stay away from improperly stored fish or honey, and those dented or swollen canned goods folks! https://www.healthline.com/health/botulism-honey#whats-botulism Always was of the opinion that Vitamins "should" cure deficiency diseases only, and perhaps give a tiny 24 hour disease resist. Shame none of these deficiency diseases actually exist within 7 Days. Any modders out there? Apologies to anyone afflicted with any of the following IRL:
  18. @Reckis Download from github via gitzip is fracking off with that directory - red undefined error. Try Nexusmods link instead.
  19. Shame beds and mattresses do not have a "sleep on" animated interaction (any movement key to stand). This could cure Fatigue debuff and grant a Bedrest (MaxHealth + MaxStamina trickle-regen) buff and a Prone (all attacks on you auto-crit) debuff while you use them. Would provide another option for early game night activity and people might actually start using them for more than just decor... Edit: Looks like someone already modded furniture animations in for A18, so the tough part of this is figured out - but needs to be updated: Sittable Furnitures A18 by Moong Oignonchaud
  20. Cernwn

    True Survival

    @Spider You are probably aware of it already, but the block "torchWallHolder" you have commented out in the TrueSurvival\Config\blocks.xml is causing some custom POIs to error out and fail to load. I borrowed your work-around from the block just above it and the POIs load just fine, because it converts the torches to air: <block name="torchWallHolder"> <property name="Extends" value="air"/> </block> Good fix for people using 3rd party POIs such as CompoPack. Was there another new block I should have replaced these with instead?
  21. Cernwn

    True Survival

    You forgot the alien/mutant/pirate/ninja/dinosaur in your hybrid there...
  22. @DonmegawattBelieve you want to remove all lines referencing "zombieGuppyCreepyCrawly" and "zombieGuppyInfernalDog" in \Mods\0-CreaturePackZombies\config\entitygroups.xml (as Xyth mentioned earlier). Make certain you are inside the Mods folder first, before you drill down into the subfolders. You may also need to re-verify your original files, as you've probably accidentally deleted the regular undead dobermans from vanilla spawn groups. Cheers! @xythPersonally, would love it if the CreaturePack split off all the medieval/magic/elemental/demonic mobs into a Fantasy pack, and the mutated stuff (including Guppy's dogs and several from Bdub's Wastelands) into a Mutant pack. Not holding my breath though, as I imagine you have your hands full atm, and possible authors clenching sphincters at the thought of their IP being re-utilized for a community mod...
  23. Thanks for making such an awesome modpack/overhaul Subquake! Yes to retractable spikes (mechanical or powered), as they've been a staple in action-adventure films and Fortnite for quite a while now. Better hope the zeds don't get a mutation and start shooting poisonous quills at us players. Would be sick to see a modified version of the spider zombie with these...
  24. Thanks for the quick response Dough. The "original" A16 version by StompyNZ + the forum community is actually here. Swear I had a perfectly working version, with only slight changes to zombie skin tone, but maybe it was the A18 version by Khelldon. Will take a gander through Khzmusik's A18 version here, as well. He seems to have the most documentation and recent edits. Cheers!
  25. Just saw this and was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Snukfin's zombies, while creatively original, are far too OP and quite honestly immersion breaking for my tastes. Is there any chance you still have your old files laying around for the A19 version of this (working or not)? Swore I had a copy on my HDD, but unable to locate, so far...
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