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Everything posted by HungryZombie

  1. Ack, that's no good. This fix was before that quest existed.
  2. Glad that worked. I think static means the other option besides temp. Been a long time since I looked at the menu.
  3. Hi there, I have not had to do this in a few years but it was caused by the Trader NPS being "lost" and falling down into the ground. He just was not there anymore so the post was closed. Spawning in a new trader used to work for me. hit f1, type dm, hit esc, hit f6 spawn a temporary trader just inside the compound, hit f1, type dm off you should be able to enter the trader if the trader is gone just do it again and spawn a static trader inside the compound.
  4. Do you think with these changes there would even be a desire to use pipe weapons? Would you still use it?
  5. Ok fair enough I just misunderstood this bit "Hard when you almost get infected every time you get hit."
  6. I think they are. I got chased by a few boars so far while playing. 3 shots with a pipe pistol and it's bacon in my belly though.
  7. I'm sure you're great at it but... if you're constantly getting infected then it's time to re-think your strategy. My crappy lvl 1 bow knocks the zeds down more often than not. Then I run in and whack'em.
  8. If this was true, what does lowering the block HP do? You're saying the zombies did not attack the blocks at all right?
  9. I believe there are companies that are producing crops that grow without seeds so you can't replant and have to buy more seeds. Perhaps those are the only seeds available.
  10. I must have gotten lucky in A19 cause I never found one past 3. My 1st in A20 was 4 down so I wasn't sure if it was a change or what.
  11. How far down can buried treasure be? Is it 3 blocks max?
  12. If stealth is based on light levels then they really need to plan the POI's better so you have some logical path around it or else add something like a Stealth Boy from Fallout into the game. Maybe crafted at max perk level or something.
  13. My 1st horde night ended like 0100. You sure you killed enough zombies?
  14. You need a "don't care" category. Meaning I don't like or dislike it. It is what it is to me.
  15. Try turning up the feral sense option. I think it makes zombies sense you from much further away so you'll have more zombies drawn to where you are.
  16. I play on default settings with nighttime speed set to jogging. I like more a walking dead type simulator than a first person shooter type game. I might try the feral sense after I explore the new changes.
  17. People have made mods that let you scrap schematics into pages or something and you can use them to research and craft those schematics you just can't find. Might be something to explore. I don't really care about the XP, it's true. But I really, really hate dying and become very disappointed in myself for it. Having a harsh consequence seems just nasty.
  18. I have noticed I have been finding more seeds so that's a fair point. I'm not really worried so much about having seeds available to plant, I was more noticing that it's not really worth it at all to turn 5 food into a seed. Yeah with the perk it makes it a little more appealing but I'm still not sure that 5 potatoes for 2 potatoes plus a 50/50 chance for a seed is worth it. Does the number of crops you need to make a seed go down with more perks? I don't really farm much as all so my mind is just thinking of it academically as I don't really have skin in the game regarding the change. I just farm whatever seeds I find and that's been enough for me. Honestly if I was going to go that route I'd just creative mode myself food. That's not really fun though. I don't really struggle with food though and never get a farm going. I have to be mindful of getting food but between looting, hunting what I run across and buying from vending machines I've never had a food problem except for the really rare random bad start.
  19. I'm not sure if I'm understanding the farming update. It takes 5 food to craft a seed that will give you 1 food plus a 50/50 chance of a seed. I'm not great at math but does those odds even make crafting seeds worth it? Those are worse odds than Vegas it seems.
  20. I think you are overlooking some possibilities. Like M60 + 2 Turrets. Rocket Launcher + Turrets, etc. You also are not considering things like blade traps and electric trip wires and fences. This is where an intellect build thrives in a nicely built kill corridor with turrets and blade traps with electric wires that stun the horde. This takes care of any horde, any size just about. Int is totally sustainable as a build.
  21. You can but that's no fun. I like building a defense and daring the zombies to 'come get me'
  22. This video shows a good example of a kill box. Basically dig a trench around 3 sides of your base so all the zombies attack the front side. Use whatever traps you desiere. The video shows a really good setup.
  23. I hope all is ok with Magoli. Thanks for taking this on, I love the Compo pack.
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