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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. Placing a wood frame does work on one side only .. Walls you can do both, but that a pain and when doing building, well the funny thing is I did 1 bldg once and it fell down shouldn't have, but did. Haven't had a chance to SEE what going from 60 to 61 will do yet .. but I will sometime today I hope.
  2. Good day KingslayerGM A couple of question .. How would I go about connecting all the cities with at least 1 roadway in and out .. in simple terms for this 74yr old gamer. Because it seems that every map I make at least 50% are not connect .. other than overland express. (or maybe a option to do so) Also .. you've done a great job with increased Traders .. but could you add "cities and towns" as an option .. OK, I admit it .. I like traders in a game, maybe more Jen's would be nice, Lol. .. Also I was thinking maybe a option for "unprotected traders" if that is even possible in the future. Thank you for adding a simple height adjustment, because some of cities are having issues with roads being lower than the buildings and you get that float effect as in the picture .. So I was thinking if I raise the height map by 1 .. it would help, so in my latest map I set it to 61 and hope that will work. Anyway .. I do enjoy your mod system. Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 This is the wall of the Nuclear powerplant from CP47 for your mod .. but I get it with vanilla poi's also.
  3. GOOD DAY killerbunny264 Sure hope you are doing better, but health and family comes FIRST. But I am looking forward to it. Take Care and Be Well ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  4. Good day Riles Just wondering if there is any info on the time frame of next update you are working on? So that I can keep an eye out for it .. Take Care and Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  5. Good Day Riles I know you are working on an Update, So I thought I should share: A19.5 b60 Stable I never noticed this warning under A19.4 .. But have started getting lately .. it's minor .. but you might want to check it out. Have a good one and as Always .. Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  6. Good Day . KingSlayerGM Would love to see this feature in KingGen ... I personally do like 1 traders per city and town (as long as they next to each other) Thank you for the update, just downloaded it now ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  7. Good Day . KingSlayerGM One question .......... IS there anything that can be done about multi POI's in the same area ?? No Biggy _ Just wondering as in photo of New 10k Map. Other than That, So Far everything looks good.
  8. Good Day . KingSlayerGM I have a Problem Now .. I totally uninstalled and Reinstalled 7D2D game to make sure I had a Clean Game and Now using KingGen with Your Combo-pack I CAN NOT get any of the custom building to show on map .. they are all Vanilla building ... I tried _ 2 - 8k and 1 - 10k .. the maps look good, but no custom buildings ........ and using a Large Grid " Look a bit empty ", Lol ........... Here is a copy of the work page. DO I also need to add the CP47 to the Vanilla prefab folder in the game folder ?? for it to generate properly. I did not at this time, because of the way your system works .. didn't think I had to. Thank You again ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 EDIT: .. Ok .. After reading again .. I do need to put the CP47 .. Prefab list folder into game folder and replace the existing one and I will save the Vanilla one untouched ........ if I read it correctly .. I give it a try and hope.
  9. OK .. there could been some Old Files within game folder .. SO I JUST uninstalled 7d2d and reinstalled ALL New game files from Steam .. delete everything that was related to TFP even in the App files .. SO we we will be starting with a 100% fresh game and a new CP47 file. ( Might have been some old files from Nitrogen or War3zuk in the old stuff. ) WE Shall Build AGAIN ... Stable A19.4 b7 Thank You again ... The Old Gamer .. 😌
  10. The list was created on 4/28/21 .. so there is a newer one .. correct.
  11. HI Guys And I Just got done building my Base last night .. I can a New Map if I must .. So Be it. If I must .. then I will .. Thank You I will run the map before building and see if it has the same issue or not and let you know Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😔
  12. No .. That List is as copied from webpage link as noted on print out .. un-touched by me and those were just few that would have to be fixed.
  13. Good Day . KingSlayerGM I have it on my F drive and this is all I get after making a map and yes, I'm using the Custom Map CP47 for KingGen . I have building on mound of dirt and Found way down in the ground .. including photo's attached of a couple .. they are Randomly place on the map . I did a Vanilla game map .. But there wasn't that many of buildings for me to play with on a 10k map, even when using increased setting .. I do not play with wastelands and that is why I like to build my own maps .. I use small for burnt and snow and large on forest ... Here is my currant map 8k with custom CP47. Hope this helps and Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 ....................... why do I call me that .. I'll be 75 this year and a Gamer at Heart I just added the work sheet in case you might want to check it also
  14. Good Day . KingSlayerGM I've been trying out your map maker .. it is nice .. BUT _ where are all the files kept? The only thing that downloads is the exe. to a folder which then I add to Desktop ( this has me puzzled in that Nitrogen has it's own Folder per say with everything in it and I can not find yours. Also will you be adding more features to your program that can be used for better adjustment of POI elevation .. I used your to make a map, map looks good .. BUT I have alot of POI sitting on mounds of dirt and a few with nothing under them. Thank you ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 I have the same Issue and that 1 feature is a pain. I don't need it full screen.
  15. Just wondering what the status is on the Update, you missed it by a bit .. is it still coming Soon. Thank you and Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 PS: Have a Good weekend
  16. Good Day ALL DO we Know if anyone is planning to Take over this Great Software to keep it going .. Such a great piece of work that needs to be maintained by someone of knowledge that can keep it great. Just Wondering and Thank You
  17. Good day .. TFP Any thoughts on when A19.5 will go live or is this just an update on how things are going. Thank you and Take Care
  18. Good Day Riles: Might be a problem with the DEAD .. Lol and the timer. About 10 hours game time and about 1 1/2 hours real time and we still have bodies and it's not just in this one location .. some did vanish, but most are still here _ but in the upright position. Let me know if this correct or needs adjustment still. THANK YOU ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  19. I'm a Bit Late getting by .. but yes I will take a look at it this weekend, hopefully if all goes well. Thank you Take Care and Be Safe as always ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  20. GOOD DAY killerbunny264 Are WE there yet .. as the old saying goes ... LOL ... with the update 😊 Take Care and Be Safe .. the Old Gamer ... 😌
  21. Good day Riles I tried to modify that file as per discussion with magejosh .. But I kept getting a "RED Error message, mod failed to load" and everything I did would not get rid of it .. So to Make Life easy on me .. Sorry to say .. I just delete the "entityclasses xml" and everything is working just Fine again and I have other mod in game to keep loot bags around for a while. Just wanted to let you know and Thank you a great mod Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌 PS: I did take a screen shot if you would like to see it. ( not one of my better ones, but readable )
  22. Good day magejosh So What you are saying _ is add this Line after Corpse .......... CorpseBlockChance/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">300</set> ............ Should look like this and for each One in the list. Using the way Riles did the file quote. I will wait and see if this is correct before commenting .. Lol. Thank You and Have a good one as always Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  23. Good day magejosh Can you point me to the timer file .. I looked, but I must have missed it. I would like to change mine also. Thank you ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
  24. Good Day to .. TFP I sure hope everyone is Well and and in good health. But it seem strange that the Main page of ( 7 Days to Die The Survival Horde Crafting Game ) hasn't been updated yet with the new Stable version. Just a thought 😉 Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌
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