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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. ........ Okey DoKey ... You are the Master .. Obe One .. IT is working as it should and ALL is Good .. Thank You so very Much and now you can go snuggle Me Happy and I just might stay up late and play alittle tonight til am. Thank you again
  2. Hello again Sphereii Your wife is going to get jealous .. we keep meeting like this .. lol. Anyway .. what do you mean by restart .. I'm not following for sure ....... restart game or reload launcher .. sorry PS: I see a lot of new stuff added to his game folder that wasn't there before .. so I guessing you wanted me to start game again and see what happens. Sounds good to me .. and this time I will get back to you later or tomorrow. have Fun and Enjoy
  3. https://pastebin.com/6LK06Sjm https://pastebin.com/wRrK3PX8 I hope this works .... Sorry about all the trouble Sphereii .. Chat later
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]23881[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]23880[/ATTACH] Well Sphereii .. I hope you get both .. they where sent I think .. I loaded up the new game and still a 32 slot bag and the vanilla heath bar .. no ref to SMX anywhere to be found ... Now the Game version is 16.4 ... but the smx version for big back pack is (16.3b12r2)
  5. Two things went wrong when I went to Pastebin .. 1 asked me for a new account and won't give me one and there was no send button pop-up .. maybe I'm just being Stupid tonight .. I got 7d2dlauncher.txt in it .. but could send it ........ also where is the drop down for output_log.txt ...... I click on all the button on the launcher and it didn't show ... I know what a output log is but couldn't find it for the launcher or game. I'm going to try something on my end and delete all files to both saved "dying Lands" games and start A fresh New Game .. thinking there might be a glitch. Because 4) just could find it .... Chat with you later and I will wait til morning before being a pest
  6. Sphereii .... Thank you BUT .. I started a New Game " Dying Lands " with SMX Big Back Pack and it's Not working ... it's still all his standard set up _ Vanilla Any clues why it is not working .. Maybe Just SMX. But I did start in a much better place this time .. not the burnt biome like last game .. I'll check back later and Thank you PS: Almost forgot .. I did notice in the upload info .. it said 16.3b in the Big back pack .. would that have caused the issue.??
  7. God I didn't expect that Sphereii .. I figured you have given me a link somewhere. Thank you so much and you have a great week .. I should set. Thank you again
  8. Good day Sphereii Can you help me please I want to add .. SMX Big Back Pack or just the SMX ui to " Dying Lands " I really like the mod .. But it needs a better ui .. And I'm not sure how to use the Launcher to make that work and I couldn't find anything on the merge using the launcher. It also could be the Old gamer mind set isn't working again. Anyway .. can you help me ... Thank you and Enjoy PS: .. I know it is most likely something Simple and I'm just not seeing it.
  9. Also if you are away from your base for long period of time .. The game looks at as Abandon and that can cause z's to spawn inside.
  10. Good Day Dwallorde Just want to let you know there are still issues .. getting the Null Ref I started a new Games yesterday .. and the map I was on had 2 traders " one on each side of a Hill " one I could go to with no problems .. but when I tried to go the other .. maybe 3 NPC showed up around it fighting z's and I got stuck in the " Null Ref pop-up " and it took about 3-5 minutes it get far enough away to get out of the loop. ( IT seemed forever). Anyway .. just wanted to let you know .. But I started another New game after clearing out that save. Have a good day .. and I still enjoy the Mod .. Thank you EDIT: 1-28-18 ... After dying 3 more times Because of the " NULL REF " issue in the NEW GAME .. I decided to uninstall Mod ... and hope this issue can be fixed .......... Because when it is working .. I love this mod. NPC fighting Z's and Trading Post do not mix well for some reason.
  11. OH Boy .. I have a headache ...... Good day Sphereii Sound like a lot of work ... but a Great ideal .. if you could make it work Click on simple tab called "Combining Mods" .. shows up Green if they should work together with no issue ... Yellow for a maybe minimum issue .. AND .. RED for "Don't even Try" But we already know modding a game in any form can cause issues and not taken lightly. OH mi .. my head hurts and it is Brain storming time .. Hoping you can do it .. But Enjoy the weekend now and Have Fun.
  12. That's what I thought .. thank you .. just wanted to confirm it.
  13. Good day Sphereii Have a question .. Will you or can you put WOW 5.2 and Tin "Dying Lands" together in the launcher OR is there a way that I can combine the 2 of them as One using the launcher. Or would you not recommend doing that because of updates and fixes. Just wondering and it is no big deal if you feel it should not be done. Have a great weekend and hope you are doing well .. Thank you
  14. Good Morning Sphereii Has anyone else report a very slow start for WOW 5.2. with latest update. From the time I hit "Play mod" it took about 5 min just to get into the 7d2d launch window and another 3 minutes to get into game. Slower than it was by a lot. Just wondering and Have a Great weekend .. give a thanks now .. in-case I miss you
  15. Good day Dwallorde Hoping you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  16. Good day Sphereii Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday.
  17. They everyone who can not read anything before this page ... YOU " SCRAP " Wood for sticks Now .. 1 log = 3.5 sticks roughly
  18. JaxTeller718 Well until 3.0 ......... Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and a Great New Year ... until then ... Have Fun and Enjoy
  19. Update 2.09 .. Scrap wood for stick now ... same count 1 log = 3 sticks
  20. FINALLY this make since_ this is something that has bothered me ever since I have played 7d2d "quote" - Burning Barrels give off warmth and can burn you if you walk over it. Thank you PS: I liked the baby Song ... damn YouTube
  21. JaxTeller718 V2.08 SP 7day Horde ... Question ... WAS the SMG kill power reduced and doing less damage ... in yesterdays game 2.07 I was able to kill an Alien with about 20 homemade bullets to the head [ less than a full clip ] and I just got done playing for a bit today with v2.08 and IT TOOK 90/3+ clips and thank Goodness I had it .. I will agree that some may not have been good shots .. but that is a big deference. Just wondering and Thank you Another issue that I have had is with the crossbow .. after using it .. I always have an bolt in my hand when putting items down and Not using crossbow at that time .. has that been fixed yet, haven't seen any notes on it or is it just my game. Thanks again PS: EDIT .. I just saw this and is this part of what I'm talking about .. copied from 2.08 update .... [ -Lowered stats a bit on the starting guns ]
  22. To ... JaxTeller718 Just want to thank you for all the hard work you and the group have put into this Mod. It is a pleasure to play the game .. except for the lag in the building menu .. but that is a know fact for most mod that offer so much. Thank You
  23. Good Morning Sphereii Question; With the New Launcher is there a way for the " For big mods, be sure to press Pre-Sync Mod before Playing! " to go away after doing it and I would think _ ( Ravenhearst - 7 Day Horde Edition ) would fall into that big mod group. Because I did Pre-Sync and it is saying I need to in Red. Just wondering and Thank You .. I like the new look. ....... Enjoy the day
  24. Good day Darkon316: Just an update to your question .. YES .. you can run many different version of mods as long as you have HD space .. I have 4 different mods running and the launcher keeps them sorted. "Hoping you more than 1 HD .. like 1 for gaming .. everything will work better" if not do what sphereii said to do.
  25. Silly question and maybe not ... Do You mean the .. " 7 day Horde Edition " and " 21 Day Horde Edition " are SP version ...... Also will my existing " SDX SP game " Launch with those heading OR Do I have to start New Fresh GAME. AND may I ask .. What is the " Dedi Edition " if I need to start a one game I might something new. As Always .. Thank you for all your hard work and I still really Enjoy the Launcher .. Have a Great Weekend and Enjoy
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