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Everything posted by jeromeN7

  1. Vehicle tier system confirmed...! Final tier, Viper attack chopper!
  2. I'm not welcoming you for anything, you didn't explain anything to me.
  3. They need to add a parachute... IMO they are making this game too unrealistic. It's time to start thinking of the gyrocopter as more of a slow plane then a helicopter. Let's hope they add an actual helicopter one day.
  4. I wish the Gyro-copter had Battlefield style flying controls. Those being A/D to rotate yaw, W/S to move Up/Down, mouse left/right to roll, and mouse up/down to control pitch. That would be the ideal controls, with that I could be a stunt pilot. Ah, now I understand why it just wouldn't be realistic for it to control like helicopter.
  5. That grass looks good! With the way grass generates so sparsely it makes sense for it to clumped up like that.
  6. @faatalCould you, or could you get someone, to post some more screenshots of something interesting in A20, please. New textures and models, cool random gen terrain, anything... Also, is the pump action shotgun even going to be updated?
  7. Maybe my most memorable moment was back in Alpha 10. I was playing with no running zombies. I set up base in the forest. I had built two pillbox style 7x7 cobblestone towers connected by a bridge. Surrounding my towers I had trenches filled with log spikes. I was ready, with my crossbow and hundreds of iron bolts. That night was crazy, First I would hear a rumble of foot steps, getting closer and louder. Then in the distance, I'd see 20-30 zombies slowly approaching. It was wave after wave of zombies, dogs, cops, and bees. But it was a blast, because I was landing many long range headshots with my crossbow and most of them were dead before getting to me. But eventually they got to my towers and started dying in the spike trenches. Until all the spikes broke, and they started beating on the tower I was in. The tower didn't last long, it collapsed but I escaped across my bridge just in time. I continued shooting at them until dawn. When they stopped spawning, I came down from my tower and finished them off with the spiked club. It was probably the first time I had gotten far enough into the game to encounter such a large 7 day hoard.
  8. Will the pump action shotgun ever be improved? It's been the same since bees were in the game. The pump shotgun needs some love! I also really wish the animation showed the correct number of shells being loaded into it. It could be as simple as changing the animation to loading 1 shell. Then repeating that animation for how many shells are missing. And once that's done, you get a full mag. It doesn't have to be perfect, just better then what it is, please.
  9. What if the ambient sounds got more creepy as the gamestage progressed. Such as crows instead of normal birds singing. And howling wind instead of leaves blowing in the wind.
  10. You can type 'help' into the console, and it will tell you all the commands. It should say the FOV command, and I do believe it was 'sg fov'. But the console will tell you what it is exactly if you type 'help' and scroll through it.
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