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Everything posted by Sjustus548

  1. Are you saying that you only killed 9 zombies during the horde night? If so I would say that is your problem lol. We get plenty of loot bags during horde night but we are killing a few hundred zombies during the night and end up with 20-30 loot bags.
  2. My wife and I were doing 2 Tier 5 quests in the Wasteland and during the second one the air drop appeared and landed in the Wasteland with us. On the way out we decided to risk it to go and grab it to see if there was anything good. There were 3 Corn on the Cob and 500 blocks, which at first I thought was kind of bad but at least I wouldn't need to craft wooden blocks for a while. It wasn't until I got home and was unloading that I realized that they were actually Steel Blocks instead of the wood I thought it was. I'm definitely going to be upgrading my horde base setup now and I feel more secure than ever lol. I love the changes to loot stage for different biomes so much. The Wasteland is a horrible hellscape that has completely fallen to the undead legions but man do I love spending time there now. Such a huge improvement and I can't say enough nice things about the recent changes.
  3. The Wasteland at night is insane now and I love it. I couldn't imagine having a horde base out there lol. We did 2 Tier 5 quests out there last night that spanned multiple days in game and it was so intense. I love the changes they made to that biome.
  4. I'm wondering if there are settings that control what kind of weather you have or how severe it gets. I'm hosting a local server for me and my wife. There are a lot of times where on her screen it will be nice and clear with a little bit of rain. Mine on the other hand with be pouring rain with thunder and lightning with fog so thick I can barely see. So I'm wondering what setting controls how bad the weather gets in the game. Would be nice if we had the same weather going on lol.
  5. The Trader quests do make it very difficult to want to do regular loot runs. Instead of clearing out every building in my city I want to just do quests over and over to get the loot from the POI as well as the quest reward. I have 5/5 in Daring Adventurer so that makes it even harder lol. I would really like to see the devs make it so the same quest doesn't show up over and over. Like make it have a cooldown before it would show up again. I'm not sure how they would program that but I think it would make the quests more enjoyable. Another option would be to make it where we only have a certain number of quests available per 3 days. The quests would replenish the same day their inventory changes. As for removing all the traders I think you would have to turn on loot respawn. Maybe set it to a very high day count just to make sure you aren't just looting the same buildings over and over. Without loot respawn you would eventually loot all the items and be stuck relying on zombie drops and the drops from the sky. Well that's if you plan to stay on the map for an extended time. If you don't plan on clearing the map it's definitely not needed though. I might have to try that challenge sometime. It sounds like it would be a nice change to how I usually play.
  6. Last night I had to use console commands to bust thru a building to get my Junk Turret back. We were in the basement of a skyscraper and I put it down to help with this massive horde that came out of nowhere. When I went back to get it I noticed it was in the floor. For me it was in the floor but for my wife it was still on the floor where I put it. It was very strange.
  7. We were doing a Tier 5 Fetch/Clear Quest in one of the giant skyscrapers in the Wasteland and had made it to the very top fight, the last fight in the Clear part of the quest. One of the zombies fell off the edge and was running down there somewhere but we couldn't find it anywhere. We went further down to see if it made it in the elevator shaft or something and it must have despawned. Now we are stuck at the Clear section but it's not showing anything we have left to clear. Is there a way to finish the quest with commands, like using the kill command to kill all the zombies? We really don't want to have to log off and back on in case that would restart the quest that look us hours to finish. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Okay we went down to the very bottom of the skyscraper and worked our way all the way back up to the top. At one point like orange dots popped up and zombies started spawning in rooms we had already cleared previously. I'm guessing something didn't trigger the sleeper zombies to spawn in or something but we were able to finally clear the quest. Man was that quest crazy.
  8. So I had a question regarding game stage with multiplayers. I'm hosting the game and my wife joins my game and we group up together. I've noticed we have different game stages listed and I didn't know which one was the correct one. I would guess mine is since I'm hosting the world but that doesn't make sense if it is. So mine shows I have a game stage of 88 and my wife is 94. Hers shows mine is 96 and hers is 94. I have around 450 more zombie kills than her, 3 less deaths, and am currently 2 levels higher than her. So it wouldn't make sense that my game stage would be lower than hers. It's not a big deal or anything I was just curious about it.
  9. Something I hadn't thought about before now is that what happens on maps where the people aren't working together and sharing everything. I've only played on servers with my wife and close friends so I can see how it would make things even more difficult to find. Sounds like you are playing with at least one other person, but I'm guessing there are probably more so depending on if you have loot respawn turned on or off then it could be harder to find rare items that you need. Plus if the other players visit the traders before you have a chance to and buy all the stuff you need. Could make things more challenging.
  10. I really like the new feature. It makes digging buried treasure to be more than just "kill the zombies in an area and then commence digging". Now I'm constantly having to look around and make sure I can easily escape my hole if needed. It's a great change in my opinion.
  11. We've had some strange issues with zombie pathfinding in this build. While we are finding a good place to build our base we are staying on the roof of this building close to the trader. The zombies love to go inside and beat on the walls. This makes sense when we are on the roof because they can't get to us up there. The weird part is when we are on the street outside of the building fighting zombies and one will look at use, walk into the building, and start beating on the wall. I don't know if they can now sense we have stuff up there now or maybe there is some residual heat from the two campfires and one forge we have up there, they are off unless we are up there. This is a constant thing and we aren't sure why they keep doing it. It's gotten so bad that I'm about to put shotgun turrets in there just to kill the zombies that keep going in there. There have been times where we will be on the side of the building where we keep the motorcycles, a zombie will walk around the front corner of the building, see us, then turn around to go inside of the building to start beating on the walls. I feel like they are vindictive toddlers sometimes where they want me to know they are doing something that I specifically told them not to lol.
  12. Yeah we attempted a night time Restore Power quest in the Wasteland and it was insane the amount of zombies we had streaming in. We never actually made it to starting the quest though lol. We made it to the POI, which was a farmhouse, during the last few hours of day and decided to hang out on the roof of a nearby barn to hang out until night. We ended up having to flee on our bikes due to the sheer number of zombies that were spawning and charging us. The Wasteland is a brutal place but man is it exciting now. We have a love/hate relationship with going there now. I'm so glad they made the changes to increase the zombie spawns there and make it truly a wasteland now.
  13. Hey quick question for you fine folks. Has anyone attempted to build a base out in the ocean? I know it wouldn't work at all for a horde night base but as a regular base to store stuff I'm wondering how well it would work. Also, is there still radiation out there or eventually will you just drown or something because there isn't any other land? I'm thinking about building my base out there will a bridge running out there for my bike but not sure how feasible the idea is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also the water looks amazing.
  14. Hey just a heads up in case you weren't aware, which it seems like you might not be, you can get seeds from looting. Looting the farms has a great chance to give you seeds or most buildings for that matter. We've gotten quite a few random seeds here and there that work great in a beginner farm. Of course we aren't getting the maximum yield as if we put points into it but it's more than we would have gotten if we didn't plant them at all. Also while looting you can pick up the recipes that teach you how to craft the seeds. Another bonus of getting out there and trying things. Give it a try and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
  15. We had this issue on our old server as well when we tried to restore it back in Alpha 19, the world was a 19.3 map and when I tried to restore it for 19.4 it started causing this issue. My guess is that the data from two different maps were colliding. The game was trying to load the dynamic mesh from one map but when we got closer it was showing the actual map that we restored. We ended up having to scrap that map completely due to a giant mountain being in the middle of the city we were living in lol. Hopefully you can find a way to fix the issue on your map.
  16. So you expect farming to be worthwhile and amazing without having to put any points into it? Maybe you should take a second look at who is really licking said windows. Of course farming would be subpar without putting any points into it. In my opinion farming without points basically just amounts to planting whatever seeds you happen to loot and being happy with the yield you get. If you want to start planting specific crops you want then you need to invest some points into LotL. Until that time just be happy with what you get.
  17. We completed the Opening Trade Routes quest our first trader gives us but when we go back to her she still has an Opening Trade Routes quest available but it just leads back to the same trader again. Maybe it's just bugged and doesn't trigger the completion even though we have completed it multiple times already.
  18. I used to solely use the Baseball Bat, I would wait as long as I could to switch to the Steel Club because the Baseball Bat was so much fun to use. I've never given sledges that big of a chance now that I think about it. I've started using them but always switch out to clubs with my strength builds. Next time I go strength I'm going to have to strictly use them and see how it feels.
  19. I had to stop looking at food for anything else besides it's Food stat. I was looking at the health too much and not eating my good food even though I needed to eat for fear of wasting the health it gave. I just see the everything else besides the Food stat as a bonus that isn't worth looking at anymore. I believe they are planning some kind of overhaul to the hunger/thirst system, at least that's what I remember hearing. My main issue is just how much food we are required to eat in a given day. Seems like a bit much in my opinion but we'll have to see what they decide to do.
  20. How do trade routes work these days? We've been doing quests for our local trader and are currently on Tier 4 quests. The Opening Trade Routes Tier 2 quest has been unlocked for a little while but we recently just got motorcycles to complete it, not going to walk the 2km that it required lol. We did that quest and thought we could just go back to our original trader to unlock the next one but she just sends us right back to the second one again. Do we need to do quests for the second trader to unlock the quest for the next one or is there something that we are missing?
  21. I've been trying to use more melee weapons with A20 and I'm trying to decide which is my favorite. I would say that listing the melee weapons from best to worst would be Knuckles, Clubs, Sledgehammers, Stun Batons, Spears, and Knives. We all know why Knuckles, Clubs and Sledges are great. I really like the idea of the Stun Baton but compared to the Strength and Fortitude weapons it is very lack luster. To make it really good you need to have the magazines, craft the mod for it, and eat the candy that increases the area that the stun effects. If all that lines up the Stun Baton becomes fun to use but still feels weak. I've tried to use the spears but even with max points they still just didn't feel worth it. The throwing was just a way for me to constantly lose my spears. The Knives should only really be used to harvest meat. Just feel way too weak. I'm currently using the Knuckles and absolutely love them. Just feels great downing a beer and smacking the zombies around on horde night lol. How do you feel about the melee weapons and which is your favorite to use?
  22. Just had this issue as well. Was doing a Restore Power quest with my wife and as soon as I restored power to the first of the two generators I couldn't melee anymore. I'm the host and she still had full use of everything. I think I'll stay away from these quests until this issue gets fixed.
  23. Not yet but I'm sure we will soon. We like to do quests and go on looting runs so we are rolling in dukes. Day 13 and we have almost 50k so far.
  24. I was wondering what the range of Feral Sense was and if it was in a cylinder or a sphere around the player? I was curious if the range is say 20m for example, would making a base 30m high cause the zombies to no longer sense us there.
  25. We've found some in loot and Trader Jen has had 1-2 for sale every time as well. Sucks that you haven't been able to find any yet. Hopefully RNGesus will bless you with Beakers soon.
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