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Everything posted by Sjustus548

  1. Maybe the Trader saw your post and changed his price for fear of getting his business shut down for price gouging.
  2. I don't find the inventory management to be that bad. I have a few storage crates that I have stuff stored in. After a loot run I'll open a crate, hit the button that stores all the same stuff from my inventory to that one, and continue for each crate. Then I'll throw all the sell stuff in my sell box and call it good. Only takes 30sec or so.
  3. Note: We're playing on an A20.0 map still so that may be causing this issue. I was told that zombie respawns were connected to loot respawn now but since the update to 20.1 we've been having zombies respawning in buildings again. I didn't read anything that said it had been changed back but I might have also missed it so I figured I might ask here just in case. Anyone else with loot respawn turned off noticing zombies starting to respawn or could this be an issue from keeping with the new map after the patch? We're perfectly fine with it no matter what but thought it was weird to see them again.
  4. settime 86 08 00 is the command to set it to day 86 at 0800 Sorry it took me so long to get back with you.
  5. You could do two tests and see if it is faster to get a stack of 6000 iron with both a maxed out auger and a maxed out steel pick. With maxed out mining books it will probably come down to RNG as to which gives you the one shot mining more often, which since the auger hits so much faster it will probably come out on top.
  6. As far as I know swinging direction doesn't mean anything. There isn't any settings to alter which direction you swing from but even swinging from right to left will still knock the zombies backward.
  7. Setting the day back to day 86 won't cause any issues. My question is what are you trying to fix with changing the time? Just trying to put off the horde night until you have your base set back up again? If so you can set the time back to day 86 and use the command to set the next horde night to be whatever day you want it to be on. So if you want the next horde day to be on day 100 it is easily accomplished and won't cause you any problems. The traders are on their own schedule so if they are supposed to restock on day 88 they still will.
  8. My understanding of the trader quest system is that you do enough tier 1 quests to unlock tier 2, do enough tier 2 to unlock tier 3, and so on. When completing a tier you get a reward. We've done 2 tier 5 quests since the quests offered are 4km away on average and a lot of tier 4 quests. Last night we turned in our tier 4 quests and I completed tier 5 for the trader and got a reward for it. Was this a bug or do you just need to complete a certain number of quests to complete the current tier regardless of the quest tiers that are taken? Like does each tier give a different point value towards completing the current tier and you just need to reach that many cumulative points to finish the tier? I'm starting to question my understanding of the system now lol.
  9. I think my problem is that I'm looking at it from my current game state and that's why I'm having a problem seeing how it is worth it. I'm currently on day 40 and have had a mixture of Q5/6 Steel armor for 15+ days now so there really hasn't been a reason to have to craft any. I don't really notice a speed reduction, though it is most likely due to being used to the speed reduction now. The stamina reduction isn't really noticeable due to using clubs and having all the Baseball books so every power attack kill fully restores my stamina. So I can't remember the last time I was out of stamina lol. Early game I can see it as being worth it but late game I think it really falls by the wayside. The bonuses don't feel worth the points.
  10. You logout to cheat death because you are afraid to lose you items and your xp so I would say you are scared of dying. Also I did give you positive and useful feedback. If you have a big problem with being able to log out to escape a dire situation just stop doing it or take the death you rightfully deserved. You ask for help with a solution to your problem and we give you our advice to solve it that doesn't put any extra work on the devs and you then get upset with us and refuse to stop using the exploit that you were just complaining about being able to use. It's like an alcoholic saying they have a problem and demands a solution that doesn't require them to quit drinking. You are a very confusing individual.
  11. That is a crazy amount of production you have going on there. No wonder we don't see the level of screamers that you do lol. I can think of two different methods to deal with this. One would be to have a separate room slightly away from your base and underground to do all this production in. On the ground floor dig a 3 block deep hole with a concrete floor. On the sides put smg turrets facing into the hole so when the screamers spawn and go towards the source of the heat they will jump in the hole and be quickly killed. That will only work if they don't see you running around before jumping in the hole. Another option, I'm not sure if you would consider this cheating or not, would be to find the "chunk" borders, or whatever this game calls them. Basically wherever the corner of 4 chunks meet and then split your setup between the four different chunks. That way the heat buildup is spread between those four different areas and will build up slower. Not sure if any of those will work for you but hopefully you can find a solution to your screamer problem.
  12. I'm always surprised at the difference players see in the number of screamer spawns. You are seeing them spawn like crazy but we hardly ever see them, and when we do it is only like 3 at a time. I think the most we saw at once was 6 and we thought it was Christmas lol. We aren't playing on insane so maybe that has something to do with it but we do have spawns increased by a ton so I'm not sure. I'm wondering how hard it would be to get a mod that just removes them from the game for you. I found this mod on Nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1493?tab=description Hopefully it will help you enjoy your playthrough more.
  13. My wife decided to get Infiltrator maxed out in order to be able to pick up any landmines we came across to be reused in our horde night setup. We went out questing and were sent to the Red Mesa Facility by Trader Jen and hit the motherload for landmines. She picked up the ones that were left before resetting the quest and ended up with 129. After the reset she picked them up again and came away with another 200. We now have an additional 329 hubcap landmines to spread out around our horde night base. There is no way we can use that many so we'll have some available for the next few horde nights. Makes Infiltrator feel a lot more worth it now lol.
  14. Does anyone get the Light or Heavy Armor skills these days? I used to but I believe they used to increase armor as well as movement and stamina but that aspect seems to have been removed sometime. I'm not sure if just increasing movement and stamina, well not increasing but reducing the penalty the armor you are wearing gives you, is worth the points. It also increases the durability of armor but that isn't very important to me as I can easy repair all my stuff. What do you fine folks think about the skills? Worth getting or should be ignored?
  15. We have the same problem when walking around. Our heads are on a swivel so we can keep an eye out for zombies but somehow they keep getting the jump on us. We'll be walking down an open street, not a zombie in sight. We'll look behind us to see if we are being followed, and see nothing, and when we turn back we are being attacked by zombies out of nowhere. While fighting those we'll be getting attacked by zombies from the back that weren't there. We really feel like the zombies are just spawning on us. I know they do it in POIs but this is out in the wilderness or on city streets.
  16. I've enjoyed turning the inside of the oil silo, the one with COC on the outside, into a base. It is very nice and cozy when you put down a floor, a fire place, some torches.
  17. Some of the Trader bases seem to be easier for zombies to get in to than others. I haven't noticed any getting inside Jen's, Bob's or Rekt's places but Joel and Hugh are notorious for having zombies inside. I'm not sure how they keep getting in but they manage it somehow. Can be annoying to be looking thru their inventory when a zombie starts punching me in back of the head lol.
  18. Only the player that puts them down can get experience from the kills but it is only 50% of the xp if they fully perk into Advanced Engineering. This XP can't be shared with other players.
  19. Lockpicking becomes pointless after going looting for a little bit because we have found so many lockpicks plus the 100% lockpicking candy seems very plentiful in the vending machines. I think we are up to like 200 lockpicks currently so even if each lock takes a few we still have plenty. Maybe require the first point of lockpicking to be obtained before the player is able to lockpick. Infiltrator is pretty bad until the last point that allows you to pick up landmines. Some of the POIs, namely the military ones, have a ton of landmines that are great additions during horde nights. Animal Tracker I find useless because the only ones on the list that are difficult to find at times are the rabbit and chickens. All the predators will find you easy enough that the extra points are wasted. The only time I've ever put points into this perk is when I'm doing a test world give myself all the perks lol. The Penetrator can be very nice on horde nights but I don't use Rifles or Archery so I can't really say how effective it really is. Treasure Hunter can be nice to find treasure faster, size is reduced ever 3 blocks instead of 10 with 3/3, but we haven't really found anything in the treasure chests that having 30% more of would make a difference. Mostly it's just some ammo and ammo crafting supplies. Maybe if they reduce the looted ammo more it might be a good perk but currently it's pretty pointless. Pack Mule can be completely negated by the pocket mods for armor and clothes. There are very few mods that can be put on armor so I don't feel the need to decide between the pocket mods or some other great mod. Master Chef can be helpful at first but becomes pointless after you've found a few of the recipes. I haven't put any points into this and have most of the cooking recipes now. Cooking 50% faster is nice but I always get stuff started cooking before leaving out to go looting so it'll be done by the time I get back. I wouldn't even notice the faster cooking. The Brawler I'm not sure why this one is on the list. Knuckle weapons are one of the most powerful weapons in the game. The Huntsman doesn't feel needed in this alpha build because animals are a lot more plentiful in our experience. Every other alpha build someone on our team has always had this to get the extra meat but this one we have more meat then we know what to do with now. Not much point in getting more if it's just going in a chest. Well Insulated I haven't found the weather to be punishing enough that I would want to put points into this. We've been living in a desert for half of this playthrough and haven't needed anything extra for the heat. Just our clothes were good enough and we weren't that bothered if we had to drink a little bit more water. We're moving to the snow here soon so I'll see how annoying it gets there but I'm going to assume I won't even notice. Iron Gut used to be good when it increased the buff time by double but only 50% doesn't feel as worth it. Plus reducing food/drink consumption by 25% isn't that big of a deal. Might be good early game but mid/late game you have food and drinks figured out already so it isn't important anymore. Rule 1: Cardio is another one I've not bothered putting points in. Early game stamina can be a little more annoying to manage so these points can be nice but later on when you have better ways to manage your stamina plus have much more the stamina from sprinting is pretty easy to deal with. Also the addition of vehicles means I'm not sprinting that much anymore anyway. Deep Cuts I'm not a big fan of the knives in the game so this one is pretty pointless in my eyes. I've found the dots in this game to be pretty bad. Why would I want to put dots on a zombie and then leave it alone to die on it's own? Just attack it more and kill it faster. The slowing effect could be nice on always run playthroughs or on horde night but knives feel pretty bad in those situations anyway. Hidden Strikes and From The Shadows I'm not a sneaky type of player, I would rather just go in with my shotgun singing and take the zombies out much faster than having to take the time to sneak thru a POI. Sneaking doesn't feel like it adds any benefit over just running and gunning so not much of a reason to bother with it. The only thing I bother trying to sneak attack from a distance are deer currently lol. Daring Adventurer is one of my favorite perks. With how OP traders are getting the extra dukes will allow me to buy more nice things and getting to choose 2 rewards is a bonus as well. Usually I can just pick 2 items to sell right back to them but it's still a bonus since I like to quest a lot. Charismatic Nature If you have two players get a 7 in Int and then put 4 points into Charismatic Nature then they both have a 2 in each stat to begin with, plus have +20 health and stamina, do 20% more damage to zombies and blocks, and take 10% damage from all sources plus bleeding becomes less of a problem. This is a great way to start a map and can give your team a big advantage. Then say you want to go into Str next. With the Charismatic Nature buff and the cigar you only need to get 8 points in the stat, saving you 5 points. You only get these buffs if you are close to your team member but you will probably be pretty close anyway.
  20. That makes perfect sense to me. I've always thought that to get a Q6 version you should have to go out and find enough parts to be able to craft the best version as well as have enough skill to make it. That's an interesting change to make.
  21. I find clubs to be the strongest weapon. If you get all the books then you are refilling your stamina with every power attack kill. Being able to constantly power attack is so nice. My wife uses the Machete all the time and she loves it though. I might have to give it a better try sometime. As for the stun baton it is great with the Stun Repulsor and the candies to make the stun an AoE but the low damage of it makes it less desirable in my eyes. Yeah I've always preferred the Baseball Bat over the Steel Club. Just feels better to use and more aesthetically pleasing. Plus there is something nice about putting on the baseball cap, sport jacket, jeans, and running shoes to go out and slaughter zombies. Just go and swing for the fences lol.
  22. We've enabled Q6 crafting on our server because we would always find them before we could even craft Q5 so the parts were only good for selling at that point. With Q6 crafting enabled it gives us the opportunity to craft them in hopes of getting better stats than the ones we already have. It's been a nice change that we will be sticking with from now on.
  23. Usually we would play the game on the hardest settings, Insane difficulty, always run, and all the settings like that. This time we decided to change it up and went on the second lowest difficulty setting, normal zombies always walk and ferals always jog but cranked that zombie spawns up high. The regular spawn rate in the forest is like 1 zombie every 2-3 days but we increased it to 10 zombies every 0.5 days. So usually we have massive amounts of zombies spawning in the morning and then again at night. With Feral Sense on we are forced to go out and deal with all these zombies or they would overrun us quickly. Then we installed a mod that increased wandering hordes from once a day with a few zombies to every 3 hours with 50 zombies. We are on day 39 now but have killed almost 20k zombies between the two of us. I've found that fighting against large amounts of easier to kill zombies is far more enjoyable than killing small amounts of bullet sponge zombies that take forever to kill. Also we've installed a mod where the traders are open 24/7 so we can go out and do questing and stuff at night. Having the zombies walk at night, besides ferals who jog, and the trader being open means we can continue on with our regularly scheduled activities and don't feel the need to just sit around the base until the sun comes back up. It's been very nice and has been so enjoyable. I know this playstyle isn't for everyone but I think people should give it a try and see how it feels to fight against hordes all the time.
  24. Having free look while driving has been very nice but I've never thought about needing it while on foot. I've been doing the dance or strafing around in order to see what I need to see while running. While driving it is just holding down right click on the mouse to get free look but I'm not sure what it would be for while on foot since that is also the power attack button. They would just have to assign the action to another button that isn't currently being used. I wouldn't see why they couldn't do it though. Seems simple enough.
  25. So since you basically got scared a lot and kept logging out so you want the devs to implement a way for you not to be able to as easily? That's an easy fix, just don't do it. That's like saying you always play in God Mode and are upset because the game is too easy and want the devs to develop mechanics to make it more challenging for you. The best option is just to stop logging out and take your deaths like every other player. Trust me. After a little while you'll get used to dying and it won't even bother you anymore.
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